Episode Eleven:  “Mr. Body Beautiful”


Summary:  A tiny bomb is in K's body. 00Carter, Red, and Grasshopper must shrink down so that they may go inside K's body and deactivate it. 



Open with a dark figure sneaking into Kevin’s room, bypassing the security. We know it’s Styx but you can’t show that to the reader so avoid anything revealing. A creepy scene at midnight where he murmurs a few remarks about Kevin. Kevin stirs for a moment but doesn’t wake, mumbling his dead son’s name. He injects Kevin a microscopic bomb inside him with a syringe, musing on how brilliant Dr. Rough’s new plan is before sneaking out, laughing silently at how blind HimTak is to his deceptions. – Lore



Our FANS intro begins with Dr. Rough getting ready for bed, and as he starts changing his clothes, he looks in his bathroom and finds Donnie standing there in his underwear, streaked with blood and other... fluids... (The Sixth Sense again), and he's like, "Damn it, Donnie, tighty whities again?  Haven't I told you I never want to see you less than fully clothed after the LA bus... incident?"  Then Donnie starts bluthering nonsense and leads Howie to a room with Ariel's dead body and the gooey alien baby – already written by Julie.



Meeting down in Pearl’s lab with Jay at the computers. Nick immediately asks where Pearl is and K catches each of them up, where Emerald and Diamond are (Mission in Iraq), Pearl being up in DC with Opal, and he rubs what he thought was a “bug bite”. Kevin discusses the lull from FANS and talks about possible coming up with something to go on the offensive. Before he could finish his thought Dr. Rough appears on all the monitors. This surprises them all as the system was up until the impenetrable. You can hear a minion in the background yell to Dr. Rough that he can’t access any of the files, Dr. Rough curses under his breath and then informs them of the bomb inside Kevin, and that it can’t just be removed by Red Jewel because it’ll blow unless defused first. Kevin challenges him and Dr. Rough races his heart up (or does something to it) to show that he’s serious. His demand? Agent Jay. Jay gets pissed and says how they can find it and deactivate it themselves. Dr. Rough laughs and just goes “Oh? Even without Dr. Pierson? How is Mr. Carter’s Pearl doing up in DC by the way? You have 10 hours Jay…and then, you’ll be running the HimTak yourself.”  He gives Jay a place in Vegas (a hotel or something) to be at ten hours from then and signs off before any of them can reply. – Mel



Pearl and Opal in the beautiful Washington DC, working in Brian’s house. Brian just brought them lunch. They’re working on the code breaking of the alien language together, comparing notes between Pearl’s reverse engineering on both the Cone of Silence, and the Dream device, and Opal’s natural Cryptography skills. Between work there’s lots of girl bonding between them, given their similar interests. Opal also talks about her grievances with the FBI, saying she doesn’t like how they operate, they get on her nerves and such, and that she’ll be glad when this is over so that she can get her next assignment with the CIA again – keep this short cause this is interrupted by K who gets Pearl up to date and asks for her advice and a big conference chat so that they can plan. She can’t just rush back, so the best she can do is walk someone through using her technology to get the bomb out of there. She’s also PISSED that Dr. Rough was able to crack into her system enough to get on the monitors and demands to know how that happened. (Doesn’t say it, but she knows it would require a link to her main computer, so that it had to be an inside job).

Plan:  to shrink down her car (the only one that has water capabilities) that happens to be a bright yellow 2012 Beatle with blue flowers on it. (“We all live in a yellow submarine…) and those going in it, to go inside Kevin and defuse the bomb. (Make sure they bring scuba gear to deactivate the bomb in, and that she does in fact have the tools needed in the car. She does, given her job handling stuff like bombs and technology lol).  Leo is going to do what he can to help, but afterwards, he is to go to the rendezvous point in Vegas to meet whatever minion was going to show up to take Jay.  This will give him an excuse to be out of the room, making it possible that he could have stolen the dream device, and will make him look suspicious when he doesn’t capture any minions in Vegas.  – Rose



Nick tests the machine according to plan. He tests it on an orange and it blows up cause he did it wrong. Basically, as Pearl explains what to do, he’s spacing out. He tries again on the couch, this time focusing, and gets it right. The couch shrinks. He’s excited because it’s tiny and he goes to pick it up. Instead, he steps on it, crushing it instead. Pearl immediately bitches him out for destroying her couch. (“You owe me another couch blondie!”) Leo, having watched with Nick and actually paid attention ends up shrinking them. Nick protests. (AJ – “If he wanted to kill you, he would’ve already”. Leo just smirks).  While they’re doing this, Red is prepping K for surgery. Jay is just praying he doesn’t end up exploding and that Leo listens better than Nick.  – Rose



Red has prepped Kevin for surgery, while her assistant Lancy admires his beautiful body.  Very carefully Leo lifts up the tiny submarine with pair of tweezers after they get inside. Pearl instructs them (there’s a speaker inside the car that connects to the HimTak line of course) that they have only a certain amount of time before the bomb goes off. Nick peers through the window at the giant Leo… (“ewww dude has a shit load of nose hair”). Very carefully they put them in through Kevin’s nose. Which is of course gross and disgusting and they almost get stuck in boogers as Nick navigates and follows the instructions to have the car shift into submarine mode once they’re past the nostrils.  – Julie



Cut to FANS. Dr. Rough can be seen turning away from his own monitors. The cameras aren’t great but you can see that they’re from inside some secret facility. Describe it, but let it be known we don’t know where it is. He wishes he had more camera angles, that it’s just another difficulty and how he has enough after what happened with Donnie’s “incident” (or somehow find a way to mention the alien baby as the catalyst for this mission he sent his minion on). Looks up when there’s a beeping on the monitor and a face appears. You don’t describe who. You just have the person go “You wished to see me?” And Dr. Rough tells him how he needs him for some petty theft, but how this small thievery can change everything… have him laugh and go, “yes…it will change everything…” – Lore



Back to HimTak, Red is guiding them on where to go. They go down the trachea, through the lungs and into the bloodstream to race towards the heart. Try to make it dramatic by having them get sucked into the lungs and having to fight against the current of blood cells, that sort of things. Cut between this and Red trying to guide them by watching them on the monitor (there’s a camera and light on the submarine that feeds to the monitors so she can track them). Once they get to the heart, they have to be extremely cautious as to not set off to the bomb. The heart reacts to their presence once inside so they have to find a way to latch themselves on without triggering anything so that they don’t get pumped back out. Grappling hook ends up working.  – Julie



Once they’re settled, Nick volunteers to put on the scuba gear and deactivate the bomb. (“I’m a licensed scuba diver!”) but it ends up being Jay. (“I swore to K I wouldn’t let you anywhere near the bomb man…”). With Pearl’s instructions coming in through the speaker in the gear, the bomb is successfully deactivated and detaches from the heart. They suddenly learn (thanks to Grasshopper reading instructions and Jay translating to English) that the car also has helicopter capabilities. (“Why didn’t we just fly IN?” “Because Pearl forgot to tell us this damn thing does everything but teleport!”) and fly back out up the trachea and out his mouth. Once they’re back to normal size there’s a cutesy touching scene with the agents and Jay.  – Mel



Back in DC, we show Pearl packing as K updates her and shows her that he’s okay.  He mentions that Leo didn’t encounter anyone from FANS in Vegas, and they haven’t heard from Dr. Rough about Jay.

Pearl gives Opal a gift – a  lovely Opal necklace (the “opal” being large on the necklace) that becomes a tiny video screen connecting directly to Opal so that they can keep in touch without having to deal with encoding emails. (joke between the two). He asks why she’s packing (She’s not due back for a couple more days). She says she’s coming back to update the system now that she knows it’s been even partially cracked. She says bye, goes to tell Opal and Brian (now that she’s helped as much as she feels she can on the project) and catches them in the middle of some cute/fluffy/romantic alone time. – Rose



Skip to Dr. Rough back in his lair, talking to Drums, who tells him, “Mission accomplished.” He’s talking about the theft at the FBI (which will be covered in the next episode), but this way people will think Drums found a way to be involved with the theft at HimTak, to be discovered in the next part.  – Lore



End with Pearl arriving at her lab in HimTak, happy to be home again. As she settles, she looks around to apply the knowledge her and Opal gained on her Dream machine, and do a final analysis with the new info. However, she realizes it was stolen, (along with Lancy’s journal that he left in there); she pages Nick yelling at him for taking it. He swears up and down it wasn’t him. She checks the feed and realizes there’s a complete 20 minute black out on the security feed. Sounds the alarm cause there’s been a breach in HimTak.  – Mel