As we approach the ten-year anniversary of Dreamer’s Sanctuary at the end of this month, it is with some sadness that I announce that, as of May 1, Dreamer’s Sanctuary will no longer exist in this form.  To be clear – I am NOT announcing that I am shutting down the site completely, nor retiring from writing fanfic.  I WILL continue to write and post my stories.  But unfortunately, I’ve had to make some difficult financial decisions and have come to the conclusion that I can no longer afford to pay for this domain.  Additionally, it doesn’t seem practical to pay for a domain when there are so many places to publish my stories for free.


With that in mind, I’m excited to announce that I’m taking advantage of the newest, hottest technology, and Dreamer’s Sanctuary WILL be moving forward… on TWITTER!  Just a year ago, Twitter was the latest craze, and it’s still going strong today.  By following DS on Twitter, you’ll be able to read updates instantaneously, even have new chapters of your favorite stories tweeted to your phone, sentence by sentence!  You’ll also be able to go back and read the tweets of your favorite parts again and again.


I’m still getting everything up and running, so consider the new Twitter site a work in progress for now.  The old domain will be up and running for the remainder of the month, and I plan to have everything transferred to Twitter by then.  To get a feel for how it will work, you can read today’s update, Chapter 56 of “Song for the Undead,” on the new site.  I’ll be continuing to update it throughout the day.  So click below to follow Dreamer’s Sanctuary on Twitter and be sure to @reply to let me know what you think of the new technology!




Click below to proceed to the old site.







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