Author’s Note #1


Please Read Before Reading the Story for the First Time



Thanks for checking out “Broken”!  If you are stumbling onto the story for the first time, I have two things to say to you.



1)  Please don’t freak out at the number of chapters!  I KNOW it looks psychotically long, and if you’re reading this because you’re judging or reviewing, I’m sorry for putting you through that.  But it’s not as long as it might seem.  Don’t listen to me; take it from Maya, a fellow writer/reader/judge, who said the following: “At first I’m like ‘HOW MANY CHAPTERS???’ and I was literally afraid to start it, cuz I thought it’d just drone on endlessly.  Thankfully it didn’t LOL.  I think most of your chapters are fairly short… Your story is probably a whole lot LESS than 150 chapters (or so).”


2)  Don’t judge the story by the first 15 chapters or so.  I know when you start reading, some of you will be like, “Blah, romance, lame,” but I promise you, it is NOT what it seems.  There is a lot of introduction and working up to the main storyline, which is not revealed till about Chapter 17.  Feel free to skim until that point if you want to, but don’t immediately write it off as a lame romance, please.  Ask anyone who has read it – it is very, very different from what it seems in the first few chapters, and romance is not even close to being its main genre.  This story is a drama/angst, all the way.



That said, I hope you enjoy the story! :)  Feedback is always appreciated.




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