Author’s Note


Thanks so much for reading Curtain Call!  Based on the good reaction this story has gotten so far, I’m not sure this author’s note is even needed, but I’m writing it anyway.  If you’ve read a certain other story of mine called Broken, your reaction after reading Chapter 9 might be something like this:  “Really?  Again??”


So I just feel the need to explain a couple things.


1) The idea for this story came 100% from the movie Funny People.  Great movie, but if I hadn’t watched it, I wouldn’t be writing another story like this.  I blame you, Adam Sander and Seth Rogen!


2) The basic idea just needed me to give a Backstreet Boy a serious illness that would require treatment on the road (not to spoil anything, but I think most of you have already guessed where this is heading).  I had to go with Nick because I didn’t want it to be one of the married ones, and it just didn’t feel like an AJ story to me.  I really tried to avoid the Nick + cancer combo again, but there are surprisingly few other conditions that exactly fit what I was going for and would work for the idea I had.  Ask Rose; she helped me search!


I know this story is going to be compared to Broken, so I’m trying to make it different and better.  I always imagined it being written in first person, even though that’s not my usual style, so that has hopefully given it a different feel.  And even though there are obvious similarities, the storylines will go in two different directions.  As far as being better, even though it doesn’t SEEM that long ago, I started Broken in 2003, when I was 17 – over seven years ago from the time I’m writing this note.  I love Broken, but I’ve grown a lot as a writer since the beginning of that story, and I hope that it will show in this one.  I’m trying to make it more mature, less cheesy.


I so appreciate you reading, especially if you’re one of the awesome people who have given me feedback or left a review.  I am, as always, surprised by the amount of positive feedback I’ve gotten for this one; I tend to forget how much people like angsty Nick stories like this!  LOL  I like them too, as you well know.  I just wanted to explain that I’m not writing this story just to get feedback or to keep the Broken love going.  I’m writing it because I couldn’t get the idea out of my head, and once I started playing with it, my muse wouldn’t let it go.  Ironically, Broken started out much the same way, after I read Swollen Issues.  Hopefully that’s a good sign for the rest of the story!

Thanks again for reading!









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