Chapter 4


Brian’s point of view


"What can’t be real, Nick?" I demanded with concern. "For God’s sake, Nick, what’s wrong?"

Nick looked at me, "Nothing!" he laughed in happiness, "Nothing’s wrong!"

This just got me even more confused. Something had to be wrong if he was so happy when he had just discovered that he was blind.

"Nick, what are you goin’ on about?" AJ asked. I could see he was just as confused as I was.


AJ: Wait, I thought I was the one who noticed his eyes didn’t have that blank, sightless look anymore.


"I can see!" he exclaimed.


Kevin: Gee, who couldn’t see that coming?


"What?" I blurted out in surprise.

"I’m not blind! I can see again!" he told me.

I turned to AJ, who looked shocked, but didn’t believe Nick.

"If this is some premature April-fools, Nick, it’s not funny!" AJ stated, folding his arms.


Nick: Yeah, April Fools, I’m still blind.


"You mean you don’t believe me?" Nick asked, sounding a little hurt.

"Well, Nick, you have an irreversible condition. You’re not blind when I grow wings!" AJ declared, convinced it was a joke.


AJ: Except for the fact that I noticed he wasn’t all blank and sightless looking anymore…


Nick suddenly grabbed AJ’s collar and dragged him stumbling forward, "THIS ISN’T A JOKE, YOU IDIOT!!"

I stepped forward to break up the disagreement that was about to turn physical at any moment.


Howie: *starts to sing “Let’s Get Physical”*

Others: *stare at him in fright*


"Woah! Hold it guys!" I shouted pushing both of them apart. I had to make sure I supported both sides to avoid showing favouritism.


AJ: *bursts out laughing* Yeah, Bri, make sure you don’t push me back farther than you push Nick.  Then I might think you were showing favouritism.


"You do have a point, AJ, but even though this is impossible, I have to believe Nick on this one," I explained.


AJ: Favouritism!  Favouritism!  *crosses arms over chest and huffs*  No fair!  You always take Nick’s side!  You like him better than me!


AJ stood silent but his expression suggested he still wasn’t completely convinced.


Kevin: Yeah, Nick’s just going to play some elaborate joke on us all and pretend he can see when he’s really blind.


"Look, just get a doctor," I instructed.

He walked away, obviously feeling like logic had lost all of it’s meaning in the space of half a minute.

"I think you should tell the others," Nick stated.

"Yeah, definitely. Keep an eye out for AJ with that doctor," I told him.


AJ: You’re not exactly Mr. Sensitive either, Bri.  “Keep an eye out”?

Brian: No, it’s okay to say that now. Nick can see again, remember?

AJ: Nah, he’s just playing.  He’s still blind as a bat.


He nodded and I went to get the others.


AJ’s point of view


I had found the doctor and was trying to explain what was going on to him as we went back to the ward.

"Look, I’m tellin’ you! Nick says he can see again!" I stated throwing my arms wide.

"Mr. McLean, your friend has an IRREVERSIBLE condition. That’s not possible. It must just be a figment of his imagination. His mind might just be trying to make up for lost senses by showing him something that isn’t really there!" the doctor persisted.


AJ: Yeah, Nick’s seeing things that aren’t really there… even though he can’t see.  Is it just me, or does that not make sense?

Kevin: He means it’s just in Nick’s mind, not that he actually sees things.  It’s like when you dream.  You see things then, but you’re not actually seeing them.  It’s in your mind.

AJ: Thank you, Professor Richardson, for that analysis.  Like I care.


Man, this guy was arrogant!

"OK," I said folding my arms. "Don’t take my word for it. Ask him yourself!"

"OK, I will!" he replied firmly.


Brian: Dude, is this guy like seven years old?  “Okay, I will!”

AJ: Fine then!  Go ask him!

Brian: Okay, fine!

AJ: Fine!

Brian: Fine!

Kevin: SHUT UP!


When we had entered Nick’s ward, we saw Brian coming in the other direction with all the others. The doctor checked Nick over as we all gathered around Nick’s bed.


Brian’s point of view


After about 2 or 3 minutes, the doctor scratched his head and went to examine his results aside from us.

"Mr. Richardson, Mr. Littrell. A word, please," he asked, motioning for us to go over to him. I shrugged at Kevin and we both complied.

"Well, I’m… a little confused! Your friend has his vision back," he told us.

"And how is that possible?" Kevin queried.


AJ: That means ‘asked’, Nick.

Nick: I know, I know!


"I don’t know!" he claimed. "I must have made a mistake in my diagnosis. This case mustn’t be irreversible…


Brian: Well, obviously not, since it just went away.


… But I don’t know how this could have happened!"

"Well, as long as he’s OK, I don’t hold it against you," Kevin sighed in relief.

"How do you know it must have been a mistake?" I questioned.


AJ: Uh… because he recovered when I said he wouldn’t?


The doctor scratched him head again, "Well there were three possibilities; either your friend was telling the truth, lying or is very ill. He isn’t ill, since I checked him out and seems fine."


Brian: Maybe he’s mentally ill, and he was lying about the whole thing for attention.

Nick: Hey!

Howie: Why would the doctor think he was lying the first time?  He would have had to check his eyes to know that his retinas were damaged, wouldn’t he?  He would have had to see the damage to know how bad it was.


"And I know Nick would never lie about something as serious as this," Kevin added. "Even though he can be a prankster."


Nick: AJ didn’t think so.  He thought it was all a joke!


"So he must have been telling the truth!" I concluded.

"Exactly!" the doctor said.

"Well that’s a big relief!" Kevin stated looking to Nick, who was expressing his happiness to the others.

We went to join them at the foot of Nick’s bed.


Nick’s point of view


I saw Kevin, Brian and the doctor come back from talking.

"So, what exactly is goin’ on?" I asked.

"I must have made a mistake in my diagnosis," the doctor explained solemnly and apologetically.


Nick: Stupid doctor.


"Oh," I replied in understanding. "Does that mean I can leave?"

"Not yet. We have to keep you here for another day for observation," he informed me.

"Aw, man!" I moaned. "This place is drivin’ me nuts!"

"Just bear with it, Mr. Carter. It’s for your own good," he explained before leaving to see other patients.

"Relax, Nick. We’ll be here for you," Brian reassured. "You wanna coffee?"

"Yeah, thanks man," I thanked.

"No problem!" Brian stated before wandering off.

As the others left, I lay and thought about the whole event. But then it hit me; the previous night someone was in my room who claimed they could help! I was too tired to think for any length of time, so just shrugged it off as a doctor who had some new cure or treatment. What mattered now was getting better…and maybe getting Brian to get me some breakfast.


Nick: Mmm… food… Hey, you guys hungry?

Brian: Is food and Nintendo all you think about, Nick?

AJ: Pretty much, yeah.

Nick: Hey!