Chapter 21

Tonight is the night.

Kris stared at the seemingly decrepit house through the looming evergreens with a wicked grin on his face.  Tonight, he was going to get exactly what he wanted.  Tonight, he was going to take back his lil' Kitten.

Tonight, he was going to ruin her life.

All he needed was right in the palm of his hand.  He stared at the items and nearly burst out laughing.  He knew his plan wasn't going to fail.  He knew Kat way too well.  Once she realized what kind of hold he had on her and her Prince Charming, she would drop everything and go home with him.  He stuffed his ammunition back in his pocket and rubbed his hands together in anticipation...and also to warm them up.  It was freezing!  The things I do for my Kitty Kat.  He smiled again.  But it'll all be worth it after tonight.  He let out a quiet chuckle.

It's gonna be a happy new year for me!!


"There's so many people here!" Billie gripped Howie's arm tightly while she stared in obvious disbelief at the extravagance of A.J and Sarah's Malibu Home and the people in it.  There had to be at least 200 guests!

Howie patted her hand in reassurance, although what he really wanted to do was wrap his arms around her, embrace her, and whisper in her ear that she would be fine...that she was the most beautiful girl here.  But he couldn't.  Since that wonderful Christmas night, things between him and Billie hadn't been really uncomfortable, but he sensed that she was plagued with guilt over their not so platonic kiss.  He wished he could feel just as guilty as she did.  Unfortunately, guilt was the last thing on his mind.

"Hey guys!" Sarah greeted suddenly with a bright smile.  "I'm glad you could make it Billie."

She returned her smile and Howie felt her body immediately relax.

"Thank you for inviting me.  I know we don't know each other that well still..."

"It was no trouble, trust me.  Besides, I have a feeling that somebody would've been very moody tonight if you hadn't come."  She grinned knowingly at Howie.

He shifted uncomfortably and shot Sarah a pointed glance while Billie turned a light shade of red.  "A.J really found his perfect match didn't he?"

Sarah laughed and took Billie's hand.  "Come on.  Leigh and I were about to get into some girl talk."  She turned to Howie again, but this time her face was much more solemn.  "A.J, Bri, and Kevin are out on the patio..."

Howie nodded in understanding.  "Thanks Sar."

Billie looked at him in worry.  "Are you going to be all right?"

Her concern warmed his heart and he smiled.  "Yeah.  Me and the guys just have to take care of something that's all."  He put his hand on her shoulder and squeezed gently.  "I'll see you later?"

She gave him a dazzling grin.  "Okay."


“Hey,” Howie greeted quietly a few minutes later as he stepped into the quieter patio of the McLean house.


Brian, Kevin, and A.J nodded in return.  “Billie here with you?” Brian asked with a dim smile.


“Yeah, she’s talking with Sarah and Leighanne.”  Howie moved next to them and they all stood next to each other silently after that, staring up at the starry sky, each lost in their own thoughts.


“Do you think he’s watching us right now?” A.J asked moments later, his tone somber and thoughtful.


“I think so,” Kevin ran his finger through his hair and sighed.  “or maybe he’s playin’ some practical jokes on the angels up there…”


“Yeah,” Brian continued, “just like the fish flavored bubble gum incident.”


They all laughed at that, recalling that memory so vividly.


“I remember when we had that Millennium TV thing and I thought he was pretending to be Nick Washten…” Howie chuckled.


Brian grinned.  “You totally ruined that for him man!”


“I know!”


Their laughter mingled with the night air like a cheerful melody as they recalled more memories of Nick and his mischievous personality…until Brian suddenly broke into a quiet sob.


“He had so much going for him…  I don’t understand why he was taken from us so soon…”


Kevin put his arm over Brian’s sagging shoulders while A.J and Howie struggled with their own tears.  They could pretend all they wanted that things were okay, but the truth was that they still missed their best friend...they were still grieving.  There had to be a reason why they couldn’t let go of his memory…but what could it be?


“I’ll be back,” A.J whispered and disappeared back into the party.


When he returned moments later, the mood hadn’t changed, but at least Brian wasn’t crying anymore.  “Here,” he passed around some glasses and poured each of them some apple cider.  “Let’s make a toast.  To Nick…that wherever he is, he’s safe…and happy.”


They raised their glasses and as they each took a sip the same thought passed through all their minds.


Happy New Year Nick.




He stared at his reflection, hoping he looked okay.  He sighed and sat back on the bed.  It was New Years Eve and Nick knew he should be feeling festive, but for some reason, he didn’t feel much like celebrating.  Tonight was the last night of his first full year without seeing any of his family and friends...everyone he ever cared about.  He wished he knew what they were doing this year.  He wondered if they were having a big bash or if they were just spending a quiet evening with close friends.


Don’t think about it anymore Nick.  You’re only going to ruin the night if you keep dwellin’ on what you can do nothin’  about.  Resolved to put his solemn emotions on the backburner he stood and moved toward the door.  Suddenly, an awkward feeling washed over him and he stopped, his face contorting to a frown.  What was that?  And then he realized, with sudden hope, that they were thinking of him…they hadn’t forgotten him…  He closed his eyes and smiled.  Happy New Year Fellas...


With that same smile still on his face, he walked out of his room and down the hallway toward the stairs. 


"Nickolas dear!  Dinner's ready!!"


"I'm coming Caroline!" He called back to her as he descended down the stairs, the smell of her cooking making his stomach growl.  Feeling at peace, he made his way into the kitchen and saw that Katarina wasn't with her.  "Where's Rina?"


"She went outside to grab some more firewood.  We could use it.  This house isn't getting any warmer."  She smiled at him and winked.  "I know you'd like to go out there and help her dear, but I need you to set the table."


Nick feigned his annoyance.  "Ugh.  I guess if I have to..."


Caroline laughed.  "Get working you lazy bum!"




Just one more and that should be enough, Katarina thought to herself, grabbing one more piece of firewood and adding it to the pile she would take back into the house.  As she collected the heavy pieces into her arms, she wondered how her sister was doing.  She knew something wasn't right even though Billie told her otherwise...and she had the feeling that Howie was involved.  More than anything, she hoped he was.  That way, Kris would be out of her life forever.


She wouldn't have to live in fear for the rest of her life.


She shook her head, forcing herself to push those thoughts out of her head.  It was New Years Eve for crying out loud!  It's time to celebrate the coming of a New Year.  2003!  It was bound to be a hell of a lot better that this year was.  She grinned.  At least this year, she'd have Nick.  Joyful, she began to hum as she made her way back to the house.


"Leaving so soon Kitten?"


No.  She stiffened.  No. No. No.  She did not just hear his voice.  She DID NOT hear his voice.


"What?  Aren't you going to give your brother-in-law a proper greeting?"


Shocked, she dropped all the firewood and with her heart slamming against her chest, she slowly turned...little by little...until she came face to face with her worst nightmare.  NOOOOO!!!!  She wanted to scream so loudly, but nothing was coming from her gaping mouth.


He grinned.  "Why so shocked Kitten?  You knew I'd find you sooner or later..."


Her stomach turned and she knew that any second she would throw up.  She tightly closed her eyes.  Please let this be a dream...please don't let this be real...please God...I'm begging you...  She opened her eyes to find that he had moved...and was mere inches away from her. 


Just as she was about to let out an earsplitting scream, he clamped his hand over her mouth.


" wouldn't want your precious Nick to know I'm here would you?  Besides, we have things to discuss.  In private."  Kris's free arm snaked around her waist and pulled her up firmly against him.


Katarina began to trembling uncontrollably and let out a few muffled screams but with the wind blowing so forcefully, no one would be able to hear. 


His head leaned toward her ear.  "It's been too long Kitten...much too long.  And even though I'm barely touching you, I'm reacting to you so deliciously...can't you feel me Kat...?”


Oh she felt him all right.  She could feel everything...especially the sour liquid that was racing up her throat.  Please not again...please not again...


"But I suppose there'll be plenty of time for that later."  He grinned maliciously.  "Now, I'm going to remove my hand from your beautiful mouth okay?  But if you scream, I'll take you right here and now and I know you don't want that, do you Kitten?"


She shook her head vigorously, knowing that she had no choice but to do exactly what he said.


"All right."


He slowly stepped back and Katarina immediately put plenty of distance between them, not wanting to risk the chance that he would trick her.  He laughed at her then, not loudly, but quietly...making it seem much more menacing.  Oh Lord, how was she going to get out of this mess?  "Wh...what are you doing here?  How did you...find me?"


Kris rolled his eyes.  "Does that really matter Kat?  What you should be worrying about is how your Prince Charming's going to take it once he finds out that you've left him."


"Left him?!"  Gathering the last amount of courage she had, she raised her chin and crossed her arms.  "I WILL NOT leave Nick.  And certainly NOT for you Kris."


He laughed again.  "Oh you will Kitty Kat.  I can guarantee that you will."  He slipped his hands into his pockets and fished out what looked to be an envelope of some sort.  "Hmm...I wonder what this is..."


Katarina watched with sudden trepidation as he opened the envelope...


And then her heart stopped dead.


His smile was so ridiculously wide it made her cringe.  This can't did he...!


"Ah yes!  Now I remember!  There're the photos I took of Nick  a few days ago while he was chopping up some firewood for you and the old hag!"


He knows!  She realized in alarm and covered her mouth.  He knows everything!!!


"TskTsk.  I wonder what would happen if I took these photos to the media.  I'm sure the whole world would love to know that Nick Carter is not dead," his smile grew unbelievably wider, taunting Katarina torturously, "that he's very much alive...and looks like sideshow freak!"





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