Chapter 27

Kris left his co-worker's hotel room sated and grinning gleefully while strolling down the hall to his own room.  Nothing like a great romp in the sack to put you in a good mood!  He stopped in front of his door, unlocked it, and walked in.  Immediately, he made his way to the top drawer and pulled out a photo of his lil' Kitten.  His diabolical eyes roamed over her smiling face as she looked up at her precious Nick.  His eyes narrowed.  I win.  You lose Nick Carter.  No wimpy Backstreet Boy's gonna beat me.  He smirked.  Especially if he looks like you! 

Kris shook his head in disgust.  To this day he didn't understand what Kat sees in him.  Nick was so  He, on the other hand, had the looks, the confidence, and the personality.  Everything a girl could ever want.  He closed his eyes and licked his lips, recalling Kat's glorious mouth against his and every muscle in his body tightened.  Oh yeah...he wanted her.


Patience buddy.  Don't let your urges get in the way of your plan.  Make her relax...let down her guard...wonder...

And then go in for the kill.


Billie awoke to very tender kisses being placed on her shoulder by his warm lips.  Smiling, she rolled over to gaze into his handsome face.  "Good morning."

Howie's face broke into a sleepy, but beaming grin.  "Good morning."

"Did you sleep well?"


She snuggled closer to him.  "Good."  She giggled as he nestled his head into her neck, his goatee tickling her.  But his breath against her skin wiped out her laughter and was replaced with longing.

"Billie...I want you here...every morning when I wake up."

"Oh Howie..."

He lifted his head and peered at her with those warm brown eyes that always caused her insides to melt.  "I'm crazy about you Billie. I have been since the moment we met."

A surge of happiness and flattery exploded from her heart.  She caressed his cheek.  "I didn't want to admit it before, but since the day I met were never far from my mind either."  Her smile dimmed.  "I felt so confused."

"But that doesn't matter now.  You're going to be a free woman soon, we'll get engaged...eventually marry...have at least three kids...start their college funds..."

Billie laughed.  "You sure think ahead!"

He joined in her laughter, but it soon died down and he pulled her so that she laid on top of him.  He cupped her face.  "I meant what I said before."

Her heart began to suddenly pound at a much quicker pace.  "What you said...?"

"I love you Billie."

Her eyes flooded with joyful tears and she sighed.  "I love you too Howie."

Their bodies took over after that.


Katarina stepped out of the airport and hailed a cab.  She handed the driver the piece of paper with Brian's address on it and leaned back against the seat, tired as usual.  Her dreams were getting worse with each passing day and sleep was getting harder and harder to attain.  She pushed her sunglasses back up her nose.  At least her make up mostly covered the dark smudges under her brown eyes.  Hopefully, she could get through her confession to Brian without collapsing into unconsciousness.

She prayed that her plan would work...that Brian would believe her and do something to help Nick.  She was running out of time.  He was fading so quickly.  Her eyes glazed over with tears that she refused to shed.  It was all her fault.  If she hadn't left, he wouldn't be in so much pain...he wouldn't be so angry...

And they'd still be together.

If only there were some way of letting him know that she still loved him...

"We're here Miss."

"Thank you," she murmured shakily as she stepped out of the cab. She paid the driver and waited until he drove off before turning to glimpse at the Littrell household.  It was beautiful looking place...  It also looked like there was no way to get in.  Great.  Now how am I supposed to talk to him if I can't even get to the door?  As if someone had heard her, the door opened suddenly and she gasped and moved out of view.

"I'll call every day okay?  Promise."

"Aw Leigh...say you'll stay."



Katarina turned bright red.  Oh Geez...

"I love you B."

"I love you too."

Katarina heard the door close and a pair of high heels clicking down the steps.  She took a deep breath.  You can do this Rina.  You have to!  The gate opened and a beautiful and thankfully friendly looking blond woman stepped out onto the sidewalk.  Her eyes registered surprise when they fell on Katarina.

"Can I help you?"

"Uh...yes," Katarina gulped, "you don't know me, but I'm Katarina Clark, B--"

"Oh!  Are you related to Billie?"

"Yes, I'm her sister."

The blond grinned.  "I thought you had a slight resemblance to her!  It's a pleasure to meet you!  I'm Leighanne Littrell."  She put down her suitcases and extended her hand.

Katarina took it and smiled.

"What can I do for you?"

"Well, actually I'm here to see Brian.  There's something I need to discuss with him."

Leighanne's eyes suddenly held a lot of questions, but there was no time to answer them.

"Is that okay?"

"Sure, I'm sure he'd be interested to meet you...or has he met you before?"

"No...but we have friend...and I need to talk to him about that."

Leighanne nodded.  "Okay."  She punched in a number into the security system and the gate re-opened.  "There you go."  She looked at her watch.  "Oh shoot!  I'm gonna be late for my flight!"  She looked up at Katarina and grinned again.  "I hope we'll meet again so we can get to know each other better.  I'm sure you're as sweet as your sister."

Katarina blushed.  "Thank you.  I hope so too."

They said their good-byes and Leighanne drove off, leaving Katarina with an open gate and a ton of doubts, but she shook them off.  Don't chicken out now Rina.  She stepped onto the Littrell property, closed the gate and proceeded up the walkway and stopped at the door.  She gulped again and then rang the doorbell.


Brian lifted his head from the book he was reading and raised an eyebrow.  Leighanne wouldn't ring her own doorbell...unless she forgot her keys.  No, that can't be it.  I saw her put them in her purse.  Visitors?  I'm not expecting any.  He sighed warily.  Did they need to change the security system again?  He moved toward the door, hoping that they didn't.  The last thing he wanted was his house to look like a prison.  He opened the door and sure enough, the person in front of him was a total stranger.

"Uh, hello."

"Hi," he replied cautiously, "may I help you?"

"I'm Katarina Clark, Billie's sister."

Instantly, he relaxed.  "Oh!  Billie's sister?  She's mentioned you before.  How are you?"

"I'm fine thank you...may I come in?"

Brian laughed.  "Of course.  By the way, you and your sister are cute!"  He laughed even more when she blushed.  "Although I don't think Billie blushes quite like that!"

Katarina chuckled.  "I can't help it...I don't handle compliments very well."

"That's all right," he ushered her into the living room.  "Would you like something to drink?  Coffee, juice, cola..."

"No, I'm okay thanks."  She sat on the couch and began to twiddle her thumbs.

Brian took the seat across from her and noted her nervousness.  He wondered why.  "So, do you like wearing sunglasses indoors like A.J?"

She smiled lightly and took them off, revealing warm, but fatigued looking brown eyes.  "That better?"

Brian grinned and nodded.  "Much better.  Well, what can I do for you?"

Her nervousness became much more evident.  "I need to talk to you Brian...about something very important."


"Um...I...well..." she stuttered.

Brian leaned in and patted her hand.  "It's okay Katarina.  Just take your time."

She looked at him gratefully and relaxed slightly.  "I...I heard that you were one of...Nick's closest friends."

His mood instantly plummeted, recalling his concern that Nick was not okay.  "Yeah...he was my best friend out of all the fellas."

She nodded.  "That's why it's important that you know..."

He looked at her in confusion.  "Know what?"

"There's a lot that I need to explain to you Brian.  I just don't know how to start."

He sighed.  "Look, if you don't mind, I really don't want to get into this with you...I've been having lots of bad feelings about Nick and..."

"So have I."

He nodded.  "And I don't want to dwell on it because he's dead and--"  He paused, finally registering Katarina's words.  He stared at her in bewilderment.  "So have I?"  She was now trembling.


"But I don't understand.  How can you...?"  He looked at her more closely.  "Did you know Nick before he passed away?"


He was getting more and more confused by the minute.

"I met him after he passed away."

She said it so quietly that he barely heard her, but he'd heard enough to suddenly feel ill.  "Wh...what?!"

Katarina held his gaze.  "Brian, Nick's not dead."




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