Chapter 32


“Hello?…Yes…It’s done?…Good…Thanks a lot Dad.  Okay…Bye.”  Howie hung up his cell and took the two sobbing women in his arms again and wished to God that there was more he could do for them.


“Wh…what did your dad say?”  Billie stuttered as she wiped her eyes.


Howie ran his fingers through her soft blonde locks.  “My Dad pulled a few strings at the police station and one of the officers just served Kris with the restraining order.”


“God Howie…I…thank you so much…” she gazed up at him, her eyes red from bawling for so long.


He lowered his head and kissed her forehead.  “You know I’ll do anything you ask, Billie.  Anything.”


She gave a light smile and nestled her head back on his shoulder.


Howie turned his head and peered at the top of Katarina’s head.  She hadn’t spoken in a while.  “Rina?  Are you okay?”




His heart broke for her.  He’d never heard a more vulnerable voice.  The poor girl had been through so much.  She didn't deserve that kind of pain.


Nobody deserves that.


“Is there anything more I can do?”


Katarina finally raised her head.  “…I don’t think so…but thank you so much.  You’re such a wonderful person…just like he said you were.”

Howie raised an eyebrow.  “Who?”


Her face grew even more pallid.  “Um…no one you know.”  Her eyes suddenly grew misty again and her body stiffened.  “Kris can’t get near us…ever?”


“Ever.”  His eyes narrowed and he tightened his embrace on both of them. 


I’ll make sure of that.




“Are you all packed?”  Caroline looked at Nick as he gave her a tentative smile.


“Yeah…”  He sat down on his bed.  “I’m going home Caroline.  Can you believe it?  I’m actually going home.”


She cupped his face and grinned.  “Yes darling.  Home.”  She sighed.  “I’m going to miss you though.”


He put his hands over hers.  “Caroline, you’ve been like a…second mother to me.  Even during those moments when I treated you so...horribly, you've always been there for me.  Guiding me."  His eyes softened.  "I…I love you very much.”


Her eyes glistened with tears and she grinned.  It was the first time he’d ever said that to her and that made her heart swell with pride for the man who’d become so special to her.  “I love you too Nickolas.  Promise me you'll take care of yourself.”


“I’ll try.”


“And darling…try to find Katarina once you settle in again.  Make things right between you two again.”


His faint smile disappeared.  “No.”




He looked away.  “I can’t Caroline.”


"Don't you love her anymore?"


"...I love her," he replied hesitantly, "I...I never stopped loving her Caroline, but..."


"But what?"


"She broke my heart."


Sighing, she sat next to him, but kept a hold of his hand.  “If there’s anything I want you to leave this house with Nickolas, it’s with the lesson that forgiveness is the greatest virtue.  Yes, she left you and I know it was wrong of her, but can you really see yourself spending the rest of your life without her?”


Nick kept his gaze on the floor.  “I don’t know…”


“Just think about it darling.”


He nodded.


“Good, now let’s get a move on.  I don’t want you and Brian to miss the flight.”


Hand in hand, they descended the stairs.  Caroline thought that when this day came she would be sad.  That she would be so utterly depressed at the prospect of being left alone again.  Instead she found herself feeling nothing but happiness for her Nickolas.


Her son.


Brian turned around from gazing out the door and gave them a grin that could light up an entire room.  “Ready?”


Nick gave Caroline a nervous gaze.


She squeezed his hand and then let it go.


He leaned down and gave her a peck on the cheek.  ‘Love you,' he mouthed.


Her eyes pooled with more joyful tears.  ‘Love you too,’ she returned.


Nick graced her with a smile and then faced Brian.  “Ready.”




Rina, I’m so sorry.”


Katarina looked at her sister through tear filled eyes.  She hadn’t stopped weeping since she’d spilt her darkest secret.  “It’s not your fault Billie.  You didn’t know.”


Billie wrapped her arms around herself.  “I should’ve though.  I saw the way he looked at you…but I didn’t care.  I was just so blind…”  She bit her lip.  “I didn’t mean to put you through so much pain.”


“Please don’t blame yourself,” Katarina shifted on the bed to face her, “if anything, you should be angry with me…I should’ve told you about him sooner.”


“Yes…you should have…but I…I can’t be angry with you Rina.  I just…I just wish I could take away those terrible memories from you.  I can’t believe Kris…”


Katarina looked away, those memories replaying over and over.  Her throat constricted with panic.  No…don’t Rina…It’s over…He can’t hurt you anymore…But…




The next thing she knew, her sister was beside her, holding her while her body shook violently from uncontrollable sobs of despair.  It happened so long ago, she should be over it by now.




It didn't matter if it happened 2 years ago or 2 minutes ago.  You never get over something like that.  Not easily.


"Rina?  You still haven't told me why Kris had such a hold on you."


"I can't tell you Billie."


"Why honey?"


She squeezed her eyes shut.


"He RAPED you?!"


"  He came close, but some people came to my rescue."


"I'll kill him!  I swear if I ever see that son of a bitch, I'll kill him!"


"Nick, don't talk like that please..."


"What do you want me to say?!  That I'm happy the asshole nearly...He hurt you Rina!"


"Yes, he did.  But it's over now."


"Nick...can't you just hold me?"


"I'm so sorry Rina, I wish there was something I could do..."


"Just hold me Nick...and don't ever let me go...ever..."


"I won't, I'll protect you with my life Rina...I promise."


"Because," Katarina lifted her head to meet her sister's worried gaze, "I have to protect those I love."  I have to protect Nick.


Just like he would protect me.




“Kevin?  It’s Brian.”


“Hey Cuz.  What’s up?”  Kevin glanced at his watch.  Kristin would be here at any minute.  He grinned.


Rachel was going down tonight.


“I need you to call A.J and Howie for me.”




“You guys have to meet me at Nick's old house in Ruskin.  Nick's family will be there too.”


Kevin raised an eyebrow.  “Again I ask why?”


“I…I can’t explain over the phone.  But y’all have to be there.  It’s important.”


He heard a stewardess in the background and his curiosity mounted.  “Are you on a plane?”


“Yeah, I’m on my way back from Canada.”


Canada?  What were you doin’ all the way over there?”


“Bringing home something special.”


Kevin didn’t know what to make of that.  “Okay…”


“Look Kev, I know this is soundin’ pretty weird to you, but just trust me on this okay?”


The doorbell rang and Kevin rushed to the door.  “All right Cuz.  When do you want us there?”  He mouthed a loving greeting to his wife before returning to the kitchen.


“…How about the day after tomorrow.”




“Thanks…oh, before I go, how are things with…you know.”


Kevin grinned and rubbed his hands together in excitement.  “Oh that’s under control now.”




Kristin winked at him and he laughed.


“Trust me Bri.  It is.”





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