Chapter 4

"She was snooping around in my room!"

Caroline crossed her arms.  "That did not mean you had to frighten the poor thing!"

Nick began to pace impatiently.  "She knows!  If she tells anyone--"

"That is the least of your problems," she interrupted, "you must go out there and find her."

"What?!" Nick exclaimed.  "I'm not going out there!  It's raining!"

"You should've thought of that before."


Caroline stomped her foot on the floor.  "Nickolas Carter, get you nice fanny out there now!"

Nick scowled.

She refused to budge.

"Fine," he mumbled after a few moments, "I'll go."

She grinned.  "Thank you."

Sighing angrily, Nick disappeared into the foyer and after a few moments, she heard the door open and close.  He still has a heart, she thought in relief, it's not as hard as he makes it out to be.  It just needs a little light...and I have a feeling Rina just might be that light...


Nick moved his soaked hair out of his eyes, his mood very sour.  He knew this was all his fault, but he couldn't help but feel a giant resentment toward Katarina Clark.  She'd only been here for a day and already she'd turned his life upside down.  I'll probably catch pneumonia thanks to her...  His eyes darkened.  Then again, maybe she's doing me a favor.  If I catch it I can finally leave this place...  He wandered further into the woods.  He had no idea where he was going, but his gut was telling him that he was on the right track.  A sudden loud crash of thunder startled him and he jumped.  Damn!  That sounded pretty cl--  His eyes widened.  Oh shit!  He knelt down to her still form.  Oh man...this wasn't supposed to happen...  "Katarina?"


"Katarina?  Come on...say something..." Nick was beginning to panic.  What if she's dead?  He checked her wrist and gave a sigh of relief.  There was a pulse.  Carefully, he lifted her sprawled body into his arms and ignoring the odd feeling in his chest, he marched quickly back to the house.  "Caroline!!!"  He called out, "we've got trouble!!"

She burst into the living room and covered her mouth in shock.  "Oh dear!!  Take her upstairs immediately. I'll be right up."

Nick did as he was told and brought her to the first room on the second floor.  Gently, he lowered her onto the bed.  She hadn't stirred once and he began to wonder if maybe she really was dead.  After checking her wrist again, he pushed the thought away.  No...she was still here...still breathing...  His eyes raked over her body.  Her clothes were plastered to her soft feminine curves...  Nick shook his head.  Now is not the time to be thinking those kind of thoughts Carter.  His eyes stopped at her forehead and he stared at the massive bump in concern.  That doesn't look very good...

Caroline came in and ushered Nick out of the room so she could tend to her.  He waited impatiently right outside the door, his mind flooded with thoughts of guilt.  He just wanted her out of this house...he didn't want her to get hurt...  He ran his fingers through his wet hair and sighed.  He always did stupid things.  This wasn't supposed to happen...


"I knew you'd find me."

She stared at his tall figure, not at all frightened, but intrigued.  His soft blue eyes gazed at her and he smiled.

She returned it, but she was confused by his words.  "You were looking for me?"

"I'd been looking for you my whole life...and I know you've been looking for me."

Now she was really bewildered.  "I don't understand..."

"You will soon enough."  He reached for her hand, his face much more solemn, "I need you Rina..."

She was amazed at the sensations her body felt when his skin touched hers.  She'd never felt anything like that before...but she liked it...

She liked it a lot.

"I need you to save me."

"Save you...?" she looked at his worried eyes, not at all comprehending what was going on.

"I know you're the only one who can."

She lifted her hand to his face.  It was smooth, warm...  He was handsome...but it was his eyes that held her attention.  His beautiful eyes that were the exact colour of the ocean in her hometown. 

"Save me Katarina..."

"From what?" she looked at him in concern, noticing how uneasy he was.  He squeezed her hand.

"From myself..."


An hour passed before Caroline finally emerged from the room.

"How is she?" he asked immediately.

"She's fine for now and she'll be asleep for the rest of the night, so we won't know anything until morning."  She yawned.  "I'll stay with her.  You go on to bed, dear."

Nick shook his head vehemently.  "No way.  You go to rest Caroline.  I'm staying with her."

She patted his arm and a light smile curved her lips.  "Don't fret now Nickolas.  She'll be all right."

"I'm not freakin' out or anything...I'm's my fault she's hurt," he crossed his arms, "it's my responsibility."

Caroline simply nodded and yawned again.  Very well dear.  Good night."

"Good night."  He watched her until she disappeared into her room and he stepped hesitantly into Katarina's.  Quietly, he took the chair from the desk and settled down next to her bedside.  She did look much better than before.  The bump seemed smaller...  He watched the tiny stream of moonlight dance across her face and slowly his eyes softened.  What was it about her that just made him want to touch her...hold her...?  Something kept telling him that she was different...not at all like most girls.  She looked so innocent, he was almost afraid that by just simply touching her, he would corrupt her.  Still, his hand hovered over her face.  He just wanted to feel what her pale cheeks felt like.  His fingers lightly grazed her skin and he almost gasped from the electric sensations that traveled up his arm.  He'd never had a reaction quite like that before...he liked it...

He liked it a lot.

Soft to the touch her face was... smooth as silk.  He traced her cheekbones lightly and traveled to her lips.  What would it be like, he wondered, to be the one to be able to kiss those lips?  To be able to say that those lips belonged to him and nobody else but him.  That she was his...

His thoughts suddenly began to frighten him.  He could see a future with her and he didn't even know her?  How was that possible?  He shook his head. 

The fact of that matter was that it was impossible.

He removed his hand from her serene face.   I can't do this to myself...  I can't feel...I can't.  He closed his eyes, as though in pain.  She was an angel...

He was nothing but a monster.




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