Chapter 21:


Three Down, One to Go


Brian jerked awake, disoriented. He discovered two blue eyes peering into his and a hand waving in front of his face. "Hi, Nick," he mumbled, struggling to clear free of the chair he had been slumped in. "Guess I fell asleep. What time is it?"

"About one hour before show time. You okay?" Nick came nose to nose with his friend, smiling comically and crossing his eyes. Brian gave a small laugh and shoved Nick away from him, waving the air.

"I will be after you take some mints. What, did Howie order Oriental again?" His stomach rumbled at the thought.

"Mexican. Come on, I saved some for you. Got any gum?"

Brian shook his head no and they headed down the corridor, weaving past the various backstage help. He could hear the band for the opening act vibrate through the walls and Brian stopped for a second, then motioned for Nick to follow him.

"What?" said Nick, interested. Brian waved him off, heading near the end of the stage, seeing the multi-colored lights blinking erratically. Nick grabbed Brian’s arm, yelling to be heard over the music. "Are you nuts? If the fans see us, they’ll go crazy!"

Brian cupped his hand to Nick’s ear. "Just a peek. They won’t see us, I promise." The two snuck up near the edge, far enough to blend into the dark background, close enough to view the arena. Several stagehands gave the two startled looks but said nothing. Brian and Nick watched silently, observing the concert in progress. Nick felt Brian tug at his arm and turned to follow the retreating singer.

They continued down the aisle. "What was all that about?" questioned Nick.

Brian shrugged at Nick. "I don’t know. Curious, I guess." He sighed and Nick caught the melancholy in it. He stopped and looked at Brian, waiting for an explanation. "Nick, you ever wish you could go back to the beginning, start all over? That we were just us, not the Backstreet Boys?"

Nick thought Brian was joking and started to laugh. "Sure, all the time Bri. Wealth, fame and all the cute girls you could want isn’t what it’s cracked up to be!" Brian smiled back at his friend, immediately grateful that Nick thought he was teasing and nothing more. He couldn’t afford to let his guard slip like he just did, and it made him realize that he would have to be more careful in the future.

The two Backstreet Boys entered a smallish room to see the rest of the gang finishing up their meal. Brian and AJ's eyes met briefly then AJ broke contact, getting up from his chair and going over to the trash can to dump the rest of his meal. He said a quick "later" and left the room and Brian tried to act indifferent as he glanced at what was left of the take-out order.

Nick sat in the now vacant seat, spreading his long legs before him and clasping his hands behind his neck, watching as Brian scooped some food onto a plate. "I wonder where Aaron is?" he said to no one in particular.

Brian tried casually to place the last spoonful onto his plate and sat down next to Howie. He knew he needed to eat, so he struggled with a few bites before giving up, his appetite gone.

Kevin, reading a magazine, glanced over the top at Nick. "Last time I saw him, he was on the phone, talking to your mom, I think."

Nick snorted. "Big baby. He stood up and stretched. "Guess I’ll go try to find him."

Brian kept his head down as Nick left, not hearing Howie’s question.


Brian looked up, startled. "What?"

"I asked how are things going."

"Oh, not bad. Thanks."

Howie glanced over to Kevin and Brian caught the tension between them, especially from Kevin. Brian pushed his food away and looked at his cousin, sensing trouble.

"Okay, what’s up?" he said directly to him.

"Oh, I just was wondering when you were going to tell me Harold was in the hospital or that Sam was missing," Kevin drawled sarcastically.

Brian groaned inwardly; so much for Aunt Ann keeping her mouth shut.

"Listen, I swear I was gonna to tell you...,"Brian began but was quickly cut off by Kevin, unwilling to listen to his explanation.

"Shit, you’re not my only cousin, ya know. And my mom is sick about Sam disappearing." Kevin threw down his magazine disgustedly and jumped up, coming over to jab at Brian’s chest with his finger. "I think you need to wear a T-shirt that says, "Me first, second, and last" cause that’s only who you care about!"

Brian jumped up too. "You’ve got it all wrong. I..."

Kevin again cut him off. "There’s that "I" again. Listen, don’t talk to me until you learn how to say ‘I’m sorry’." He shoved roughly at a chair that was in his way, then stormed out of the room.

Brian watched as he cousin exited then turned to see Howie still sitting in his chair, his face perplexed as he took in the whole scene before him. Brian picked up his now cold food and threw it away, trying not to pay attention to Howie’s quizzical stare.

"Hey Brian, whassup, man?" he said so sympathetically that Brian ached from his caring tone. He shook his head, unable to face him, scared that somehow Howie would be able to read his mind if he looked at him. He mumbled something to the effect that he was tired, that the stress of the intruder made him forget. Brian wasn’t sure Howie believed him but he said nothing further and Brian sighed in relief, hoping the subject was closed.

The door opened again with a bang and both remaining Backstreet Boys turned, Brian half-expecting another round with Kevin. It wasn’t Brian’s cousin, but Nick, and if it was possible, he looked even madder than Kevin.

"He’s gone!" Nick yelled at Brian.

Howie glanced at Brian and was surprised to see almost relief on his face, as if he knew why Nick was so livid. "Who?" questioned Howie.

Nick ignored Howie and his question completely, marching over to Brian. "Aaron’s gone; what the fuck did you say to him?"

"He’s left? Are you sure? When did he leave?"

Irritated, Nick grabbed Brian by the shoulder. "Yes! One of the bodyguards told me that he took him to the airport about a half and hour ago. Said Aaron looked like he was crying and that you had something to do with it!"

Brian was alarmed. "Bodyguard? Nick, which bodyguard?"

"Damn! It was Eric! Who cares which bodyguard? I wanna know what the hell you said! Now!"

Trying not to show the elation he felt over one problem solved, Brian realized he had another one looming by not having foreseen the consequences with Nick. "I…I thought it would be better for Aaron to leave, considering the threats and all," he explained lamely.

Nick stared at him, not believing a word. "Threats? You’re the one who got them, not Aaron! And why would that make him cry? God dammit, Brian, what did you say to him?"

Drained mentally and physically, Brian felt his temper rise from the sheer frustration of trying to cover up everything. "I just told Aaron that he was a pain-in-the-ass! And he is! I told him to quit being such a cry-baby and not to bug us, to go home. And he did. So what the big deal? He shouldn’t be here anyway, when we’re on tour. He’s just a distraction." Brian tried not to wince as he saw Nick’s expression of disbelief change to one of anger.

"What the hell gives you the right? He’s my brother, and he can come any damn time he pleases! I can’t believe you did this to Aaron, to me! What kind of a fucking friend are you, anyway?" Nick towered over Brian as he shouted his resentment and Brian realized for the first time just how intimidating Nick could be. He took a step back out of reflex but kept firm mentally, knowing he’d probably lost Nick’s trust forever but willing to accept that for the sake of Aaron’s safety.

"Who cares? He’s a pest, I’m glad he’s gone," Brian heard himself jeer back. "And if you can’t accept that, then maybe I’m not your friend."

Nick looked at Brian, as if seeing a total stranger. He couldn’t believe what Brian was saying to him, yet here Brian was, talking to him as if this was no big deal. He backed slowly away from Brian, unsure, confused, and angry, his hands up as if he could ward off any other thing Brian might say.

"Anyone who would do that to my brother is not my friend. I don’t know why you did that and right now I don’t care. Just stay away from me, got it?" Nick turned around and left, slamming the door with a resounding crash.

Brian stared at the closed door for a moment, trying to regain some of his composure. He finally faced Howie, who had watched the whole scene explode before him. He half-smiled at him, embarrassed that Howie witnessed the whole thing. "Well," he sighed.

"AJ’s pissed, Kevin won’t talk to me, and I’ve just lost a friend. I guess you’re next."

Howie rose from his seat and walked over to where Brian was slumped in a chair. Brian looked exhausted and Howie felt bad about what had just happened, unsure of what to say or do. Brian’s behavior was definitely unusual, but he guessed he couldn’t really blame him, considering the past few days. He placed a sympathetic hand on Brian’s shoulder.

"Come on. It’s almost time for the show. You’ll be okay Brian," he said softly.

Brian struggled out of his chair, grateful beyond words at his show of support. He nodded and slowly followed Howie out.




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