Chapter 30:


Heart to Heart Talk


As soon as the door closed Xavier shot out of his seat, grabbing Brian viciously by the arm. With one swift blow, he smashed his fist into the blond singer’s midsection, knocking the wind out of him. Brian fell immediately to his knees, gasping, unable to draw air. Xavier crouched down next to Brian, his face just inches away.


"Where are they?" he hissed, enraged. Brian wheezed heavily, his hands crossed across his stomach and he shook his head, confused. Xavier clamped cruelly down onto the singer’s hand, crushing it. "The pills."


Through a haze of pain Brian’s mind screamed with fury. How the hell did he know? He looked into the bodyguard’s eyes, refusing to answer, matching his will with that of the much larger man. "Where are they?" Xavier repeated, applying more pressure and Brian struggled, determined to fight.


Impatient, Xavier shoved him to the ground, punching him once more, efficiently canceling Brian’s resistance. Brian curled onto his side, the pain overwhelming. He felt, rather than saw, Xavier frisk his body, hands patting down his pockets. With a grunt of satisfaction Xavier pulled away, the small container of pills firmly in his grasp. Ignoring the muffled cries of pain from Brian, he held the prescription up to the light, reading the label.


"Sleeping pills," he stated flatly. "Never thought you’d be that spineless to commit suicide."


A choked cry of laughter escaped from Brian as he leaned on one elbow, struggling to sit upright. He finally managed to sit cross-legged on the floor, hands wrapped around his stomach for support. "It wasn’t for me," he spat, glaring up at Xavier, "It was for you."


Xavier tossed the bottle absentmindedly up and down in his hand, contemplating Brian’s scheme. His eyes narrowed into slits, a small smile forming against his darkly-tanned skin. He bent down on one knee to examine the young singer more closely, then patted the young singer’s shoulder, almost affectionately. "You wanted to kill me," he said softly. "I’m impressed."


"Well, don’t be," Brian snarled, rising unsteadily to his feet. "I’ll try again."


A genuine shout of laughter rang out and Xavier clapped his hands in enjoyment. "That’s the spirit! I knew I could count on you! What a game this is going to be."


Brian walked over to the nearest chair, wincing as he sat down. "How did you know?" he asked dully. Xavier, high on the moment, raised his eyebrows in question.


"How did you know I had sleeping pills?"


Xavier cocked his head to one side, a sly smile appearing. "Now what kind of game would we be playing if I told you all my secrets, huh?" He leaned against the side of the conference table, arms crossed, studying the ashen-faced singer. "You know, I didn’t hit you that hard. You need to toughen up."


"And I guess you’re the one to show me how," sneered Brian. He immediately regretted saying that when he noticed the bodyguard’s face light up.


"As a matter of fact, yes. If you were in the right kind of shape, you wouldn’t have been in so much pain when AJ grabbed you."


The circumstances of that night flashed back to Brian and he felt himself filled with resentment. "Why did you do that to AJ? I thought this whole "game" was between you and me."


Xavier looked at Brian, his face changed into one of loathing. "He’s an asshole. He deserved it. Besides, you don’t need him. In fact, you don’t need any of them."


Brian sat up a little straighter in his chair, alarmed by Xavier’s matter-of-fact tone. He tried to compose himself, troubled by this unexpected turn. "I don’t need any of them," he repeated blandly, hoping for an explanation, praying he kept any emotion from showing.

The large man nodded, warming up to the subject. "Yes. You’re so much better. You could go solo, have your own career."


Brian shook his head. "Xavier, where I am today is because of the Backstreet Boys. I need them as much as they need me. Our success is because we are a team."


Xavier’s face went blank, his enthusiasm gone. "I don’t give a shit about the others. You’re the one I picked, remember? The game has changed. I think it’s time you got ready to launch a solo career, with me as your trainer."


Brian rose out of his chair, anger and defiance etched in his face. "And if I don’t?" Xavier quickly stood, his posture imposing. Brian held his ground firmly, not wavering. Xavier suddenly relaxed, giving him a calculating smile.


"Had a pretty busy time in Florida, the last three days. Lots of things to do, people to see…" Xavier left the last sentence hanging, waiting, watching for the sign of comprehension to spread across the singer’s face. It didn’t take but a moment and Xavier slapped Brian’s shoulder approvingly "Good. I’m glad you understand." He grabbed the door and swung it open with a flourish, sweeping his hand to usher Brian out.

"Well, no time to waste," he stated cheerily. "Let’s get going with your training, okay?"


Brian paused at the edge of the door, his voice low, his blue eyes filled with bitterness. "I’m gonna fight you every step," he promised.

Xavier’s grinned. "I wouldn’t have it any other way."





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