Chapter 34:


Enquiring Minds


AJ reached out and encircled his hand around Claire’s arm, effectively stopping her from moving down the hall. "Hey," he said, "how did it go?"


Claire smiled inwardly at AJ, her arms folded across her as if annoyed. "AJ, haven’t you ever heard the phrase 'don’t kiss and tell?'"


"Not when a thousand dollars is involved, sweetheart!" snorted AJ. "Spill."


Claire sighed and leaned back against the wall, AJ leaning forward eagerly, excited as a small boy on Christmas Day. Her mouth twisted in a wry smile. He really is adorable.


"Well?" he questioned, impatient.


Her thoughts turned back to Brian and suddenly she found herself uncomfortable. "Uh, mission accomplished."


AJ spun around in delight. "I knew it!" he crowed, grabbing Claire by the shoulders and giving her a quick kiss. "Thanks, babe." AJ looked at her thougthfully. "So, how was he?"


Claire gave him an exasperated look. "AJ!"


AJ shook his head, making a face. "No, no, not that! How did he seem? He’s been acting kinda weird lately, like I told you. Notice anything?"


Claire thought for a moment. "No," she said slowly, "he seemed alright." She remembered the bruises. "Oh, the bruises!"


AJ looked at her with a frown.


"Bruises," she explained. "Brian had a lot of bruises, especially around his chest and stomach."


AJ waved a hand, dismissing Claire’s observation. "I already know about that. He was injured a while ago." Claire eyed AJ skeptically. The bruises seemed more recent. She shrugged, dropping the subject. If AJ didn’t seemed concern, she wouldn’t be.


"Anything else?"


Claire paused for a moment. She shook her head. "Not really. He seemed nervous, but he got over that. Real quick." She gave AJ a grin, deciding to tease him. "Wish I could tell you more, but you’ll just have to ask him for tips."


AJ looked astounded, but quickly regained his composure. "Tips? What tips could Brian possibly give me?"


Claire patted his face, giving him a contented smile. "Oh, you’d be surprised," she said lightly. AJ reached with his finger to slide his glasses down the bridge of his nose, giving her clear view of the skepticism revealed in his brown eyes. Highly amused at AJ’s expression, she laughed, not noticing a large man glare at them as he passed by. She did noticed AJ flipping the finger and surprised, turned to see why.


"Good God," she breathed, amazed by just the size of his retreating back. "Who is that?"


"A true asshole," muttered AJ. "Brian’s bodyguard, Xavier."


"Xavier?" Claire looked at the young singer standing before her, frowning in thought.


"What? Don’t tell me you know him!"


Claire shook her head. "No." She chewed on a fingernail, trying to sort something out. "You know, Brian was rather nervous after I told him there was no charge. He just about jumped out of his skin. Wanted to know if Xavier was behind it. I said no and he relaxed a little bit." She glanced down the empty hallway. "Do you think Xavier has anything to do with the way Brian’s been acting?"


AJ rubbed the back of his neck tiredly and closed his eyes for a few seconds. "Possibly. I’m not sure. Hell, I can’t even talk to Brian about it without him jumping all over my ass. One thing’s for sure, I’m gonna find out."


Claire listened uneasily to the raw strength in his voice. Worried, she gripped his hand, giving him a quick kiss on his cheek. "Be careful," she whispered. AJ nodded, his eyes burning with determination.





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