Chapter 46:


The Battle

Brian hurriedly ripped off his sweat-soaked clothes, quickly eyeing the time before he jumped into the shower, hoping he might be able to shave, dress and pack before the bus was scheduled to leave. Knowing full well how irritated their bus driver could become if someone upset his tight schedule, he raced around like a madman, wishing he had time to eat something. His stomach cramped at the thought of food but he pushed the pain aside, promising himself he’d eat as soon as he could. He picked up his dirty clothing and eyed it for a moment, wondering if he should pack them along with his clean ones. With a disgusted look he discarded them, remembering how sweaty and smelly he had been at the bank today when he had withdrawn another "bonus" for Xavier. He leaned down to grab his packed clothing, wincing and feeling slightly nauseated as he straightened up. He waited until the feeling passed then hurried down the corridor to locate an open elevator and the waiting bus.

* * * * *

AJ grabbed Eric by the shoulders to emphasize his point, not willing to give his bodyguard any details but determined that Eric would be successful. "Man, I don’t care how you do it, just do it! Under no circumstances do I want Xavier on that bus tonight. Make up some excuse, make it good, so he won’t get suspicious, okay?"

Eric nodded his reply, unfazed by AJ's request; he had done stranger things than this for the Backstreet Boy. He didn’t particularly like Xavier, his aloofness and superior attitude had not earned him any respect among the other bodyguards and so Eric had basically left him alone. He knew that Xavier did his job, did it well, but Eric’s loyalty lay with the person who paid his check. He chewed on several ideas, finally selecting one. He smiled at the worried singer giving him a reassuring slap. "Consider it done." He paused for a moment, lost in thought. "Well now, let’s see…" he drawled slowly, giving AJ a wink, "blonde, brunette, or red-head?"

AJ grinned back, understanding the rules of payback. "Oh, definitely blonde. She was hot."

Eric eyed him curiously, tilting his head. "Really? Well send her my way!"

AJ laughed, shaking his head at the sexual appetite of his large bodyguard. Glancing at his watch, he gave Eric some last minute instructions and warned him to hurry. The bus was scheduled to leave soon and no way did AJ want Xavier anywhere near Brian when the guys confronted him.

* * * * *

All four members of the Backstreet Boys slouched casually in their seats, their face and body movements seemingly relaxed but Kevin knew better. AJ had positioned his hat low, his sunglasses on, pretending to doze, but the slight constant rubbing of his fingers gave away his anxiety. Howie kept his eyes on a book, apparently engrossed, only Kevin noticed he hadn’t turned a page in over five minutes. Nick played with a hand-held game, nothing new to Kevin, except that Nick never swore at it, something he always did. Kevin himself had his earphones on, pretending to listen to some music, only the machine’s red light wasn’t glowing. They did their best to act indifferent as Brian rushed onboard, managing to look annoyed at Brian’s hasty explanation of why he was late again.

The cumbersome bus pulled out of its station, heading carefully towards the freeway and it took several minutes before Brian noticed that Xavier was not aboard. He tried not to panic but his voice was barely steady as he walked up to Harry, their driver.

"Hey Harry, what about Xavier? Isn’t he coming?" Kevin, Nick, AJ, and Howie all glanced at each other, noticing the slight alarm in Brian’s voice.

Not taking his eyes off the road, Harry waved at the young singer in annoyance. "Beats me! Eric said something about them all flying ahead to check out the next arena. Security problem, or something. I don’t know." He spared a quick glance at the blond singer. "Go ask the guys. And sit down! You’re not suppose to be up here!"

Brian turned away, concerned. It didn’t feel right; somehow, something didn’t add up. He wanted to ask the guys if they knew anything, but under the circumstances, decided against it. He walked down the aisle hearing Nick snicker behind his back, "Poor Bri, lost without his X." Brian tensed a little, willing himself to stay calm about the situation and Nick’s comment. He picked the farthest seat in the back, turning his face away from the group, ignoring the four. Feeling the lurch of the bus as it increased speed to merge onto the highway, Brian shifted his weight around, trying to find a comfortable position for his aching body. His stomach rumbled with hunger and he sighed, angry at himself for not grabbing anything at the vending machine before he left. He knew his chance was little to none now that the bus was cruising smoothly on the freeway. It was going to be a long ride.

* * * * *

Kevin sat in his seat for another half an hour, waiting patiently for a signal from AJ. Nick sat in his seat also, giving up all pretense of playing his game and occasionally glancing at Kevin with a "when" look. Kevin shrugged his shoulders slightly, indicating with a small head tilt towards AJ that this was AJ’s call. Howie, the boldest of the four, had gone twice to the back of the bus, once to use the bathroom, the other to grab a Coke. On the second trip back, he had glanced secretively at Brian, who was curled up in his seat, head turned sideways against the high headrest.

Howie flopped next to AJ and looked at him intently. "Now is as good a time as any, I guess," he whispered and AJ nodded. He signaled to Kevin and Nick with a quick wave of his hand. Like a shot, Nick sprang up from his seat, his nervousness apparent to the others. Kevin motioned him to go ahead and he followed the tall blond, giving AJ a quick glance of apprehension.

Howie eased cautiously down next Brian, AJ motioning for Nick and him to sit in the seats that faced Brian. AJ was suddenly glad for the seating design of the bus, which enabled them to face each other, rather than the traditional way in rows. Kevin stood to the side, watching his cousin, who was asleep. It struck him how young Brian looked with his eyes closed, how vulnerable he seemed. Kevin glanced at AJ, who had taken his glasses off and seemed to be studying Brian carefully.

"Well, what are we waiting for?" said Nick, anxiously. "Someone wake him up." Howie had to smile at Nick’s request of "someone"; obviously Nick didn’t want the job. Howie reached over to place a hand on Brian’s shoulder, shaking him slightly. Brian’s eyes immediately snapped open and this startled the other four.

Brian’s alert but red-rimmed eyes glanced carefully at each one, noting their positions and facial expressions. This was not good. He felt his heart began to race a little faster, the beginning of perspiration begin to form at his brow as he tried to figure what was up.

"Lemme guess, you need a fifth for basketball," he kidded lamely.

"No," replied Kevin, tense. Irritated by his cousin’s joking, Kevin threw his preplanned speech out the window and blurted out roughly, "Listen, we want to know what the fuck is going on with you and we want to know right now." Brian sat up a little straighter and Kevin watched as he caught a hint of fearfulness pass over Brian’s face before it was quickly replaced with one of nervousness. Kevin felt his stomach lurch, sick with the knowledge that something was not right.

"Nothing is going on, let me go back to sleep, okay?" grumbled Brian. He turned hurriedly away from them, peering through the window, noticing that there was only a short time of daylight left and wishing desperately that he was somewhere, anywhere but here.

"Brian!" Nick’s voice shot out, fuming with frustration. Brian jerked his head towards Nick in surprise, eyeing him warily. "Don’t give us this crap, especially me! Now, do you tell us, or do we have to physically pound the shit outta you to get it?"

Brian fought hard to keep his expression neutral. He noticed each of the guys staring intently at him, and he began to panic, a small wave of claustrophobia enveloping him, threatening to overwhelm him.

"I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about." Brian stood up, not sure what to do. AJ, who had been quiet all this time, jumped up and forcibly shoved Brian back into his seat, his eyes cold.

"Take off your shirt."

Brian’s mouth opened wide in surprise, not comprehending. "Do what?" he cried in disbelief.

Howie spoke up. "You heard him, Rok. Take off your shirt." His voice was soft, full of conviction.

Brian knew that they were dead serious. Distrust turned into anger as he shook his head. "No way. I don’t know what you guys are up to and I'm not doing anything until you explain."

Nick, never one for subtlety, impatiently cut to the chase. "Brian, take off your shirt so we can see. Katie quit today because she said that you were keeping a secret from all of us, that you have AIDS. And so help me, if she’s right, I’m gonna kill you before that disease does!"

Brian wasn’t sure he heard right, his mistrust turning into one of astonishment. "AIDS?" he barely managed to squeak out, his thoughts returning to when Katie had altered his clothes. He remembered her look, the fear he felt when he caught her staring at him. He thought she had believed his story about too much exercise, only to find out she had let her imagination run wild. Relief, mixed with the absurdity of the situation, caused Brian to laugh. The look of shock on his friend’s four faces only aggravated the matter and his hoots of laughter made him double up, holding his sides from the sheer pain of laughing so hard. "AIDS!" he roared, pointing to himself. "Me? Oh God, that’s a good one!" His deep howling reached up to the front and Harry turned to give him an exasperated look

Nick glanced at Kevin, his face incredulous. "I give up!" he shouted, flinging his hands wide. He pointed to AJ, his embarrassment mounting. "This is the last time I listen to you on anything!"

AJ ignored Nick altogether, his eyes never leaving the laughing form of Brian, who was wiping his eyes. AJ’s relief was immense - until this moment he hadn't realized how tense he had become. Brian’s reaction was too real to be fake, he had known him far too long to believe otherwise. He bit his lip in consternation, his arms folded across his chest, remembering Katie’s words: ‘if it’s not AIDS, it’s something.’ That was what was bothering him. He waited for the blond singer to quiet down, a grim smile forming when he finally caught Brian’s eye.

"I still want you to take off your shirt, Rok."

"You’re kidding." Brian’s teary blue eyes met AJ’s determined brown ones and knew instantly that he was not joking. Brian's smile faded slowly. Realizing that AJ was more than just curious, Brian cursed himself thoroughly. He should have been more alert to AJ’s sharp sixth-sense. Brian shifted uneasily in his seat, a rush of anger flowing through him. Why the hell couldn't AJ just leave him alone?

"Brian, do what AJ asks," pressed Kevin. "If Katie saw something that scared her enough to quit, then we want to see it too." He leaned his large frame forward to emphasize his point, and Brian tore his gaze away from his cousin to see Howie and Nick nodding their support, all of them standing now, effectively surrounding him.

Brian rose angrily from his seat, scared at what the four would see, not sure of his ability to manipulate a convincing tale. His alarm at being found out, the consequences of what would happen to them added fuel to his fear and he lashed out. With a furious shout Brian shoved hard, breaking free of the enclosed circle.

Kevin grabbed Brian’s shoulder, trying to pull him back, collapsing what little control Brian had left. He threw a hard punch, successfully connecting with his cousin's jaw. Kevin staggered back, amazed by the sheer strength of the blow, his hand coming away from his jaw, splattered with blood. "Get him!" he growled and Nick seized the collar of Brian’s shirt, wrenching him back. Brian immediately dropped to the ground, striking out with his right foot to sweep at Nick’s unsuspecting ankles. Nick landed with a solid crash to the ground, stunned by Brian’s maneuver. Howie gave AJ a quick look, and AJ nodded, a silent message passing between both of them. They tackled Brian simultaneously, their weight too heavy for him to support and he fell to his knees. Brian managed to shove them both off, his desperation giving him an extra surge of power. He jumped up staggering, his vision wavering for a moment, feeling faint. That second in time gave Kevin the ability to clamp onto Brian’s wrist, heaving with all his might as he jerked Brian off his feet.

Brian landed sideways, his fall broken by the oversized bus seat. Off-balance, he slid to the floor, only to feel himself being lifted upright, the strong arms of Kevin surrounding Brian’s upper torso, pinning his shoulders back. Brian relaxed into the grip, letting the full weight of his body be supported by Kevin. With a sudden twist of his shoulders, he managed to rip free from his cousin's tight grasp. A rush of panic enveloped him as he realized he was still surrounded. Panting from the exertion, he held his hand up warningly, watching as Howie moved in cautiously.

"So help me D, you come any closer and I’ll make you regret it!"

Howie took his threat seriously, eyeing Brian carefully. Brian’s skills in fighting were surprising; he definitely didn’t want spit out any busted teeth. He tried a different tactic. "Come on Bri," he said soothingly. "It’s just your shirt, man. Don’t make a big deal out of it." Brian shifted his stance, stumbling a little, his eyes wild. Concerned, Howie shot a quick look at AJ. Brian seized the opportunity to knock Howie hard, ramming him with his fist. Howie doubled over, gasping for breath, but managed to stay on his feet. Angered, AJ, Nick and Kevin tackled Brian, their concern for Howie overriding their worry for Brian.

AJ grabbed Brian by the wrist, wrapping his left arm around Brian’s throat. Brian struggled, twisting frantically. Kevin clutched his cousin’s other arm and shoulder, while Nick caught Brian’s wildly kicking legs. Brian cursed them all soundly, the yells and sounds of fighting floating up towards Harry.

"Goddammit, what they hell are you guys doing back there? Don’t make me stop this bus!" he warned.

AJ screamed back at Harry, applying pressure to keep his grip tight.

"Shut the fuck up, Harry! Just keep on driving!"

Brian fought harder than ever, his mind now fixed on the sole purpose of getting away. He knew if he didn’t, the outcome could be disastrous for them all. He felt the muscular arms of Howie joining the fight, felt himself being strong-armed into submission. His vision blurred again making it hard to concentrate. Brian swayed a little, feeling sick, fighting to stay upright. He blinked, shaking his head, his sight now spinning, the sting of sweat burning his eyes. Brian struggled once more, his effort costing him what little energy he had left. Drooping into the strong grip of the four who held him, Brian closed his eyes, succumbing to unconsciousness.




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