Chapter 48:


Opposing Views

Kevin was glad he took Howie’s advice and kept the bus’ engine running. Tending to his jaw with an ice pack, he missed the expressions on Brian, Nick, and AJ as the three hopped on, but jumped quickly to attention as AJ and Nick screamed for him to "take off!" Hurriedly slamming the door, Kevin floored the gas pedal, narrowly missing a parked car. Wondering what the hell was happening, he checked the large side mirrors outside the bus but saw nothing, his view blocked by nightfall. As he urged the bus for more speed he spared a glance in the rearview mirror to see Howie catching a Burger King bag that was tossed by Brian. "What’s going on?" he yelled over his shoulder to Howie. Howie glanced inside the bag for a moment, before turning his attention to AJ.

"Yeah, what happened?" he quizzed, noticing AJ wincing slightly as he sat down.

"It was so cool D," explained Nick, jumping in. "AJ got clobbered by an jealous boyfriend, and Bri nailed the son-of-a bitch!"

Kevin craned his neck to hear. "AJ has a jealous boyfriend?"

"No!" yelled Nick and AJ simultaneously. AJ looked at Nick, exasperation on his face.

"Nick, let me explain." He turned to face Howie and Kevin. "A fan wanted her autograph signed by Nick, so she took her shirt off." Howie shook his head, still confused.

"She took her shirt off so you could sign the shirt?"

"No!" screamed Nick and AJ again. "Sign her!"

"Right on her chest!" explained Nick and Kevin and Howie suddenly understood. "They were awesome!" Nick added and now Kevin and Howie really understood.

"So what’s this about you nailing someone?" Howie asked, curious. He took a handful of fries and sat down next to Brian, giving him a nudge.

Brian mumbled, "It was nothing," and took another large bite of his sandwich. Slightly shocked at the way Brian was cramming his food down, Howie glanced at AJ, raising his eyebrows with a what gives? look. AJ shook his head, just as puzzled.

Nick decided to fill Howie in. "Nothing, my ass! Brian nearly punched his lights out! You shoulda been there, D. This guy almost smashed my face in but Brian saved me," he crowed, reaching over his seat to steal a large handful of AJ’s fries.

"Too bad he did," replied AJ sourly, trying unsuccessfully to smack Nick's hand away.

A small but genuine sound of laughter burst from Brian. Surprised, all four turned to stare at him. "He laughed!" shrieked Nick, pointing dramatically. "Frick is back from the land of the weird." There was a moment of awkward silence as Nick’s statement hit home. Embarrassed, Nick coughed, his face reddening slightly. "Sorry, Bri," he mumbled, wishing he could kick himself. "I didn’t mean it."

"Yes, you did," said Brian good-naturedly, a small blush of embarrassment growing. He felt self-conscious as they all looked at one another, waiting for him to break the ice. He knew his odd behavior demanded an explanation; somehow he had to convince everyone that he alone was the one to blame for his eccentric mood swings. It was now or never. He bowed his head, unable to keep eye contact. "I know I haven’t been acting normal lately," Brian spoke, almost in a whisper. "I’m sorry." Brian paused, gathering his thoughts. Nick, Kevin, AJ, and Howie held their breath, not daring to speak. "As you know, this tour has been kinda hard on me. I just want y’all to know that none of it is your fault. I’m to blame. Me and me only." Brian closed his eyes a second, praying that they would believe him.

"Explain the bruises," prodded AJ gently.

Brian looked up, his face weary. "It’s from exercise, like I told you," he lied. "I asked Xavier to teach me boxing, to learn some fighting skills. The bruises are from when we spar." He hoped his face was expressionless, because his thoughts were not. He tried to ignore the unpleasant flashbacks of when Xavier had hit, punched, or strangled him.

Kevin knew Brian was the most athletic of the five, but he had a hard time believing his cousin could put himself through this shit. "And you enjoy doing this?" he asked from the front, in total disbelief. Brian gave a small snort, looking at Nick and AJ.

"Hell no, I usually hate it, but it sure saved your ass, didn’t it?"

AJ gave Brian a small smile of acknowledgement. "Yeah... it did. Okay, what about your weight loss?"

Brian felt like AJ’s eyes were trying to pierce right through him. "Two things. One, I’m eating better." AJ frowned as he glanced at Brian’s Burger King bag. "Okay, okay, I’m trying to. Xavier has me on a better diet. Two, all this exercise has made me lose a lot."

Three, cause I’m starving to death because Xavier watches me like a hawk and I never seem to get a chance, Brian thought resentfully.

AJ crunched his bag up, tossing it one-handed into the trashcan. "Alright, one more question." Brian inwardly tensed up, a feeling of alarm sweeping over him. He sensed his false confession had pacified Nick, Howie and Kevin, but AJ was an entirely different matter.

"Shoot," Brian said calmly, anything but.

"Look at me straight and tell me Xavier isn’t causing any problems for you," asked AJ bluntly, his arms folded across his chest.

Brian knew it was coming, but the question still hit him like a sledgehammer. He noticed all four watching him with extreme interest and knew the way he responded could either spell success or disaster. Brian found himself biting the inside of his mouth hard, hoping the pain would quell the fear rising in him. Answer! his mind screamed, now before they begin to suspect! He didn’t come this far to fall short on one simple question. Sending up a small prayer, Brian showed his most sincere smile.

"Well, sure he causes problems Bone, everyone knows he’s a pain-in-the-ass bodyguard! But I want his help, I asked for it, and he’s trying his best to teach me."

"Teach you what, exactly?" asked AJ, "how to drive yourself into an early grave?"

"No. How to improve myself; to try new things."

Howie snorted in reply, got up and also tossed his garbage away. "You sure are going about this the hard way," he muttered.

Brian turned his attention away from Howie to AJ who was shaking his head. "You really haven’t answered my question, Rok. What I want to know is, is Xavier bullying you, threatening you in any way?"

A small bead of nervous sweat tricked down the side of his temple and Brian causally wiped it away, hoping no one noticed. He tried to read AJ’s expression but he had put on those damn sunglasses again, making it impossible for Brian to see.

Brian yawned, hoping it masked his nervousness. "AJ, do you really think I would allow a bodyguard do that?"

"I don’t know, why don’t you tell me."

A flush of anger swept through Brian. Damn him! Why couldn’t AJ just accept his explanation? He rose from his seat, his eyes narrowing into slits as he came nose to nose with AJ. "What is it with you, huh? What do you want me to say? That Xavier beats me senseless, that he threatens my life, that he’s holding me hostage in some bizarre way?" Brian’s voice raised to a higher pitch. "Well, you’re outta luck, pal!" He swung his hand around. "You know, I’m getting tired of all your crap!" Brian pointed his finger at AJ. "Especially yours! I gave you guys the truth, if you can’t accept it, well tough shit!"

Nick reached out to lay a concerned arm on his shoulder, only to have Brian move away. A sudden wave of exhaustion caused him to sway a little and he rubbed his forehead with his hand. "I’m going to lay down," he said curtly, turning on his heal and heading towards his bunk.

For a moment, no one said anything, then Nick rolled his eyes at AJ. "Went a little overboard, don’t you think?" he questioned as he headed up front to see Kevin.

AJ gazed at him sourly. "You mean me or Brian?" he groused, not wanting a reply.

Nick didn’t care to answer. He sat behind Kevin, watching the oldest Backstreet Boy drive. After a moment Nick heaved a heavy sigh and tapped Kevin on the shoulder. "Know where you’re going?"


Nick gave a small snort of disbelief. "You’re kidding, right?"

Kevin drove on. "Nope."

"Well, damn! Where are we?"

Kevin pursed his lips, thinking. "The same state, I think."

"Very funny, ha, ha."

Nick paused for a moment. "Kev, what do you think about Brian?"

Kevin shrugged. "I don’t know...maybe we should just lay low for awhile, give it a rest. Let Bri rest too. The only thing I know for sure is that he’s exhausted. And if Brian doesn’t get better, our tour is in trouble, that’s for sure."

Nick peered into the darkness, running a hand dejectedly through his blond hair. "Yeah."

He glanced back at AJ and Howie, who were deep in conversation, then chewed on his lip, upset by the turn of events.

"Shit, this is just great! One, our bus driver has abandoned us; two, Bri looks like he’s gonna have a nervous breakdown; and three, we have no idea where the hell we are."

Kevin turned to give Nick a quick look. "Four, you got to sign a great pair of tits."

Nick stared at Kevin, unsure he heard right until he saw Kevin give him a wicked grin, trying to ease the tension. Nick gave a sharp laugh, shaking his head. "Right! Sure. Well I guess that makes up for everything!"

"Good." Kevin pointed to the glove compartment. "Now go find the map. Let’s see if you’re smart enough to read it, or are you just another pretty face?"

Nick hopped into the passenger’s side, rummaging around the compartment. "I’m both," he smirked.

* * * * *

Howie handed AJ a Coke, the last one remaining in the small refrigerator. "Here," he said, shoving it in front of AJ, who was bent over in his chair, lost in thought.

AJ accepted it, popped the ring, and took a long swig. Howie patiently waited for AJ to finish his drink, sitting quietly.

"He's lying," AJ stated flatly, his voice holding no emotion. Howie glanced back at Brian's sleeping compartment, then gave his friend a quizzical look.

"How do you know?" he asked, lowering his voice to a whisper.

AJ gave Howie an irritated look. "How the hell could you not know? Shit Howie, we've been together how many years?"

"Well excuse me for not being the all-knowing AJ McLean!" hissed Howie, his brown eyes flashing in anger.

AJ sighed, his irritation fading. "Sorry, D.," he apologized, rubbing his forehead tiredly. "It's just that everything is so incredibly fucked up."

Howie nodded in reply, rubbing the palms of his hands absentmindedly on his jeans. "So, what is Brian lying about?"

AJ stood up, stretching. "Everything...something… I'm not sure. I just know he isn't telling us the truth."

"Well if Brian is so intent on keeping it a secret..." Howie paused, "...I guess there's nothing we can do then, right?"

"Wrong. We had goddamn better well do something."

Howie stood up, worried by the frustrated tone in his friend's voice. "AJ, what are you saying?"

AJ gave him a hardened look, grabbing Howie by the arm and pulling him close. "D," he said slowly, his voice dropping so low that Howie strained to hear it. "I've got a feeling Brian's secret is going to take us all down." Howie looked at AJ. The same distressing feeling had been nagging at him for some time now and he nodded slowly, his belief confirmed by AJ's sobering expression.

"What should we do?"

AJ shook his head, taking off his glasses to look clearly into Howie's worried face. "I'm not sure. But I'll be damned if I going to let him do it."




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