Chapter 56:



Brian nervously picked at his fingers, feeling the concentrated stare of AJ burn right through him, the soft hiss of the heating unit the only sound that came between them.

He hoped help would arrive soon; the idea of being cooped up with AJ right now didn't appeal to him in the least. He glanced up quickly at AJ who was leaning against the edge of the conference table with his arms crossed, studying him. Sighing inwardly, he dropped his gaze, renewing fake interest in his hand.

AJ coughed loudly. "So, are you going to sit there like an idiot ignoring me, or do you want to talk?"

"Talk?" mumbled Brian, keeping his head down. "What about?"

"Oh, how about the way you just acted in the photography studio? Remember that? Or why you were sleeping outside Nick's door? What about that little surprise you pulled on stage?"

AJ's frustration grew as he watched Brian sitting quietly, not saying a word. He got up and walked over to Brian, slamming his hands down on the table with enough force to make it shake. "Maybe you could tell me just what the hell is wrong with you!"

Brian jumped up from his seat and turned away, rubbing his forehead tiredly with his hand. "There's nothing wrong with me, Bone."

AJ snorted in reply. "Yeah, right! Come on, Brian! Why are you doing this to yourself... to us?" Brian heard the catch of desperation in AJ's voice, the pleading. AJ's hand snaked around the upper part of Brian's arm, pulling him around to so that they were face to face. The hurt, the confusion was so plain that Brian could not bear to look at him and he shook off AJ's grip. He went over to the window, glancing down at the traffic below.

"You can't hide forever, B-Rok," AJ whispered. "This is tearing you apart. Can't you see that?" AJ took a step closer, eyeing him closely. "Brian....Brian!"

The young singer jerked his head back from the view and AJ sucked in his breath. There it was, all the pain, all the suffering, reflecting clearly in the anguished blue eyes of his friend.

"Just tell me what's wrong… please." AJ's reached out, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder. Brian closed his eyes, forcing the tears back. If he spoke now, he knew there would be no stopping. He almost swayed with the longing, the wish to release all his fears and to be free of the constant agony he endured. AJ was close, so close to getting what he wanted that the enormity of it jolted Brian back to reality.

" I … I can't."

"You can't...or you won't?"


Brian opened his eyes and AJ knew he had lost. The pain that was so evident a moment ago had disappeared, replaced with bright blue eyes of determination. AJ's mouth turned into a harsh smile as he slowly placed his glasses back on.

"Well, I guess that's it, huh?" he said. Brian could not see the bitterness, but heard it AJ's voice.

"Yeah,...I guess so."

They looked at one another, neither willing to say more. A tentative knock on the door announced Evelyn's return. She glanced back and forth at AJ and Brian, uncomfortable about interrupting an obviously awkward moment. "Um, there's someone here to get you," she informed.

AJ broke contact first, nodding. He turned to see Xavier enter and compressed his mouth into a thin line, the only sign visible of his displeasure at seeing the unwanted bodyguard.

"Where's Eric?" he asked stiffly.

"He's handling things downstairs with the guys. It got pretty crazy." Xavier disregarded AJ, looking straight at Brian. "You okay?"

Brian ignored the question and asked one of his own. "Anyone get hurt?"


Xavier heard their sharp intake of alarm and motioned for them to hurry and follow him. "He's going be okay. We're checking him out right now. Nick was the only one injured; none of the fans were, thank goodness. Come on." He gave Brian a tight smile as they headed down the hall.

Brian felt his heart pound with fear, understanding all too well Xavier's look. Xavier had warned him that he wouldn't be able to keep Nick safe. And he hadn't. With a deepening dread he walked faster, not wanting know what Xavier had done to Nick. He knew he would find out soon enough.




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