Chapter 76:


North of the Border

AJ expected any moment to hear the wail of his activated alarm system, sure that Nick was going to leave the security of the house and take off. Scared, AJ called out Nick's name several times, hearing no reply. Noticing no alarm being triggered, AJ began to search hurriedly for his whereabouts, checking the kitchen first, then the lower level bathrooms. No sign. Crossing the hallway AJ paused, hearing clinks of glass coming from his den. AJ entered, trying to adjust his eyes to the dimness of the room and then sighed in relief. There, behind the bar was Nick, bent over and searching irritability for something to drink.

AJ walked up and sat on a stool, leaning over the bar counter to watch Nick. "Here, let me," he ordered, getting up off his seat and coming around the corner. "I hide the good stuff." He shooed Nick away and crouched down, reaching in to pull out a dusty bottle. "Cuervo. Anejo." AJ licked his lips approvingly and poured Nick a double shot. "Sip. Don't gulp," he advised.

Nick ignored him and tossed it back in one swallow. "Gimme another."

AJ began to argue, then thought the better of it. He had seeing the grimace Nick had made when he had knocked it down. He poured another shot and handed it to him, smiling inwardly as Nick took his advice and slowly began to sip the tequila.

"Wanna talk about it?"

Nick stared at AJ in amazement. "That's the second time tonight! What are you, my shrink?"

AJ smiled but said nothing, capping the bottle tightly and quietly put it away. Nick looked at him sourly. "All right. Jeez. So I came unglued a little. Big deal." He glanced down at his drink, swirling it absentmindedly, then looked up, noticing AJ's lack of comment.


"Well, what?" AJ replied.

"Aren't you gonna say something….uh, Kevin-like?"

AJ gave Nick a look of mock hurt. "Man, what a cut. Thanks a lot."

Nick sighed in exasperation. "You know what I mean, Bone."

AJ smiled tiredly at his friend and nodded at the drink. "Finish it up, Nick. It's your last for the night." He glanced at his watch. "Or, should I say, morning."

Nick shook his head and handed his drink back to AJ. "No thanks. I think that first one was more than enough." Leaning over the bar top Nick crossed his arms then rested his head wearily on top.

"What do you think about what Brian said?" Nick posed the question so softly that AJ was barely able to catch it.

"Um, which part are you talking about?"

Nick raised his head to see AJ fiddling nervously with an ice tong. "You know which part."

AJ threw the tongs back into the ice bucket, distressed. He really didn't want to talk about it, much less think about it. "Nick, I don't want to go there, okay? What Brian said about Xavier and him and what actually is true could be two worlds apart."

Nick wasn't about to give up so easily. "Yeah, I know, but haven't you ever wondered exactly what sort of hold Xavier has over Brian?"

AJ rubbed his brow. "It could be a lot of things, Nick. Physical abuse, obviously. Blackmailing? Absolutely."

Nick frowned at AJ. "Yeah, but Brian is incredibly strong-willed. X would have to be doing something pretty awful to keep Bri so afraid."

"Don't you think I know that?" shot back AJ, exasperated. "I know Xavier. I know whatever he did or is doing to Brian has to be terrible."

"So, what about sexual abuse?"

AJ looked away. Nick had finally said it, damn him, the one thing he didn't want to talk about.

"Bone? Answer me." AJ could hear the harshness in Nick's voice. "Do you think Xavier is sexually abusing Brian?"

AJ slowly turned back to face Nick and Nick caught the despair, the torment in his face.

"I don't know Nick. I really don't. Yeah, I remember what Sarah said about Bri being X's lover. I'm just praying he said that to get Xavier into a fight, to escape. I'll be honest with you Nick. I’m not sure I can handle this right now. It's too much and I … we need to focus on getting Brian back and not on what might have happened to him."

Nick nodded, hanging his head, letting the information sink in. He sighed and glanced up, giving AJ an encouraging look. "Okay. You're right, as usual." Nick smiled faintly at AJ. "I guess we'll be able to find out a lot more tomorrow, huh?"

"More like today," AJ replied, reminding him again how early in the morning it was. "Come on, let's see if we can get a few hours of sleep. I have a feeling we're gonna need it."

* * * * * *

Hurriedly stumbling into the bathroom, Brian was barely able to make it to the toilet before miserably vomiting the side effects of the painkiller/sleeping pill Xavier had shoved down his throat. Upon awaking, it had taken him several minutes to figure out where he was, the pain in his head and stomach excruciating. He had heard Xavier rustling about, getting dressed, and had turned painfully on his side to watch the bodyguard getting ready for the day, humming quietly as he inspected his belongings.

Xavier had glanced at Brian. "Get up. Time to get moving." Brian had struggled to comply, hearing the firmness in Xavier's order.

Now, as the spasms from his stomach quieted, he listened to the sarcasm in Xavier's voice as the bodyguard peered into the bathroom, noticing Brian slumped exhaustedly on the tile floor.

"Guess the big breakfast at Denny's doesn't sound too good right now, does it?"

"Sure it does," snapped Brian. "Then I'll make sure to puke all over you after I'm done eating it."

Xavier snorted, giving his head a shake. "Testy, testy." He leaned over to yank hard on the showerhead. The hot water sprayed out, a fine mist of steam curling upwards. "Come on," he ordered," time to take a shower. You're a mess." Xavier eyed Brian thoughtfully when the singer made no move to stand. "Hmm. Perhaps you need some help undressing?"

Brian quickly struggled to stand upright, a panicked look crossing the young singer's face. Xavier laughed as Brian closed the bathroom door with a solid slam.

"I guess not."

* * * * * *

Kevin rubbed his face as he trudged wearily into AJ's kitchen, hoping to God there was fresh coffee brewing. He needed about a gallon of it. He glanced disappointedly at the unlit coffee machine and sighed, wondering where AJ kept the coffee filters. Noticing a slip of paper lying on the countertop, Kevin picked it up, recognizing AJ's scribble.

Guys, took Howie, went to Mickey D's. Back soon with breakfast.

Ugh. Kevin hated McDonalds. "Just remember to bring back some coffee, please?" he pleaded.

"Remember to bring back what?" questioned Nick as he straggled in, his hair defying the laws of gravity as it poked up in various directions.

Kevin sat on a kitchen stool. "Coffee. I hope AJ brings back coffee. He and Howie went to McDonalds." Kevin eyed Nick curiously as the youngest singer hopped easily onto the granite countertop. "How ya doing? You okay?"

"Yeah, fine." Nick yawned expansively. "Not much sleep, though. How about you?"

"I'll manage." Kevin strummed his fingers, impatient. "Come on, guys. I need my coffee."

Nick shook his head, amused. "You really need that stuff to wake you up? I don't."

Kevin stared at Nick in disbelief. "Whaddya talking about? How about all that sugar cereal shit you eat in the morning? Don't talk to me about not needing a buzz."

"It's not as bad as coffee."

"Are you kidding? It's worse," scoffed Kevin.

"You're full of it, Kevin."

"Me? Who's grumpy if he doesn't have his bowl of Twinkies in the morning?"

"Fruit Loops. Not Twinkies."

"Whatever. It's still crap. You need to stop…" Kevin trailed off, his lecture forgotten as he heard, then saw AJ's dogs dance excitedly around Howie and AJ as the two entered the kitchen, their arms loaded with take-out bags.

"About time," grumbled Kevin, searching the various McDonalds bags for his treasured caffeine.

"Aw, damn it AJ, you forgot the…" Kevin's eyes widened in surprise as a Starbuck's insulated cup was shoved in front of his face. AJ smirked as he also waved a tantalizing onion bagel loaded with crčam cheese, eliciting a groan of pleasure from Kevin.

"Thanks, AJ. I'd kiss you if you weren't so butt-ugly in the morning."

"This is the appreciation I get for driving five miles out of my way?" AJ moaned theatrically, turning to Howie, who was diving, along with Nick, into the McDonalds bags.

Howie shrugged, licking his fingers. "Well, you are butt-ugly in the morning," he admitted, dodging a biscuit thrown his way. Jack and Vegas eagerly scooped it up, trotting out the doggie door before their master had a chance to stop them.

AJ frowned at his departing dogs for a moment before turning his attention to Howie. "Hey D, I hear the grease in your sausage biscuit can do wonders for your hair."

Nick snickered, grinning at Howie's look of pretend hurt and threw a piece of his own sausage patty at him. "Here, try it."

Howie tore off a piece of his food, ignoring AJ's cries of "no food fight!" as he sailed one at Nick. Nick moved quickly and the piece of biscuit landed squarely into Kevin's open cup of coffee.

Dark, emerald green eyes rose to match Howie and Nick's scared ones, promising dire payback. "Uh, I'm gonna go get ready," announced Howie and Nick agreed, snatching his food and running out of the kitchen with Howie.

Long fingers picked the offending floating particle out of his cup, and with a sigh Kevin flung it away, hearing the muffled laughter of Nick and Howie heading down the hall. AJ smiled at Kevin's long-suffering look and shook his head sympathetically.

* * * * * *

"Oh, come on," pleaded Nick in an intentionally whiny voice, "let me drive your Mercedes, pretty please?"

AJ held the keys away from Nick's wiggling fingers, shocked. "What? And let you dent my baby? No way, sorry," he said, not in the least. He motioned for Howie and Kevin to follow him into the garage, tossing another set of keys to Howie. After the near breakfast food fight, all four had quickly showered and shaved, eager to head downtown. They decided to pair off, taking two of AJ's vehicles for safety. AJ began to regret his pairing up with Nick, as the youngest Backstreet Boy continued begging, unfazed by AJ's refusal to hand over the car keys.

"I swear I'm a good driver, right?" he asked Kevin, waiting for a reply. Kevin rolled his eyes, not wanting to answer and hopped into AJ's Landrover with Howie.

Nick, sensing defeat, turned back to AJ. "Okay, so I dinged my SUV a little."

"A little?" AJ's voice rose a notch.

"Um, okay, maybe a lot. But it happened in the parking lot, I swear. It wasn't my fault."

"Yeah, sure."

Nick ran in front of AJ, his hands clasped in prayer. "Come on, AJ! Just this once. Pleeaase." He threw a quick glance at the black gleaming Mercedes. "I promise, if a bird so much as craps on it, I'll have it repainted."

"Wow," drawled AJ sarcastically. "What a deal." He heaved a sigh as he looked into Nick's beseeching eyes. "Oh all right, you big whiner," he conceded, tossing a delighted Nick his keys. AJ signaled to Howie his intentions, ignoring Howie's warning look of disapproval.

Nick hopped happily into the sleek car and started it, admiring its many gadgets as he waited for AJ to enter the passenger side. "Sweet!" he commented, giving AJ a look of admiration.

"It should be," admitted AJ grudgingly. "It cost me a fortune."

Nick leaned over and punched the CD player, his face wide-open in shock as the beginning verse of the song began to play. He started hooting with laughter as AJ hurriedly hit the eject button.

"Oh my God, you've got to be shitting me!" howled Nick, pounding his hand on the dashboard in delight. "Britney Spears? You're listening to a Britney Spears CD?"

"It's not mine," denied AJ heatedly, knowing his face was turning red. "Uh, … it belonged to the last chick I was dating."

"Oh sure," drawled Nick, not believing a word. "I remember her! She was like, uh, 13 right? Yeah! That's it! The 21-year olds were getting just a little too old."

"Fuck you," growled AJ, irritated. "Do you want to drive this thing or not? Cause right now, I'm having second thoughts."

"Okay, okay," said Nick, trying hard not to laugh. He put the car in gear, glancing at AJ.

"Ready?" he questioned as AJ struggled with his buckle. Nick took off without warning, the tires smoking in protest as he floored the Mercedes, wanting to see if AJ's boasts about the awesome power of his car were really true.

"Nickkkkkk…." Kevin and Howie heard AJ scream, as the Mercedes screeched out of the driveway and turned the corner. Howie hurriedly put the Landrover in gear, sighing, hoping he could keep up with "Mario Andretti" Nick.

* * * * * *

Whether it was atop a hamburger or a breakfast sandwich, Brian noticed with disgust that Xavier still had a craving for jalepeno relish. The drive-through McDonald's cashier handed the bodyguard several packets of them and Xavier whooped, delighted in the amount.

He pulled into the restaurant's parking lot and turned off the ignition, nudging at Brian to eat something. Brian slowly peeled back the paper to his bacon-egg and cheese biscuit, hoping he could force it down without gagging as the greasy smell of it cramped his still upset stomach.

Xavier watched Brian carefully, noting his reluctance. "Believe me, this food is gourmet next to what you'll find in Nogie. That is, if you're brave enough to try it down there. Eat." He prodded an elbow at Brian, his look commanding.

Brian took a small bite, trying to ignore his roiling stomach as he gazed outside the car window. He was glad they were at least eating in the car, not wanting the stares and looks of amazement coming from the customers who would see their battered faces. Brian had gazed once and once only after he had finished his shower, not willing to believe the magnitude of the ugly gash and bruise crossing his brow. Xavier looked even worse, his injuries even more intimidating that the sheer size of the massive bodyguard himself.

Brian noticed Xavier getting out of the car, having already finished his food. He hastily crammed the rest of his sandwich in his mouth, praying that it stayed down. Exiting the car, Brian stared suspiciously at Xavier, wondering what they were going to do next. Xavier locked the car, motioning with a quick hand for Brian to hurry as he took off at a brisk walk. Brian caught up to him, wincing slightly in pain as he placed his sunglasses on to protect against the bright southwestern sun.

"Where are we going?" he asked curiously, trying to keep pace with the longer strides of the bodyguard. Xavier pointed a finger and Brian strained to look.

"The border is right over there. We're gonna walk across."

"We're not going to drive?"

Xavier gave the singer a snort of sarcasm. "Yeah, right. Cross the border with guns in our back trunk. You may be in a hurry to rot in a Mexican jail, but I'm not." Xavier jaywalked across the street and Brian raced across, ignoring the blare of horns as he tried to catch up with him. "Besides," Xavier added, "it's not that far to the border. Maybe a half-mile or so." Xavier placed dark sunglasses on himself, throwing the Backstreet Boy a satisfied grin as he picked up the pace, eager. "Yep, soon I'm gonna be a rich man."

* * * * * *

"You are so fucking lucky you didn't damage my car," threatened AJ as all four piled out of the cars. He walked around, inspecting it closely as Nick smirked at Kevin and Howie. AJ sighed in relief, vowing never to let Nick even breathe on his Mercedes again.

"Lucky?" scoffed Nick, crossing his arms in protest. "Who was the one who managed to swerve just in time to avoid that idiot?" Nick nodded importantly, pleased at his quick reflexes. A blue truck had narrowly missed them, coming from a blind spot on the road. "If I remember correctly, and I do, you were screaming at the top of your lungs as I saved our asses."

AJ placed his shades on, staring up at the tall building towering over them. They had found the Backstreet Human Resource address easily, thanks to the Mercedes' Northstar navigation system. Ignoring Nick's gloating and not willing to acknowledge Nick's skill at preventing an accident, he turned to Kevin instead.

"HR knows we're coming?"

"Yeah, I called them this morning, talked to the secretary. She seemed kinda pissed; sounded like they were planning to leave early for the holiday weekend."

"Well boo-fucking-hoo," scoffed Nick, anxious to go in. "Like I care."

Howie grabbed Nick's arm, worried. "Jeez, Nick, remember what we're trying to do here. If you go in with that attitude, we'll never get the information we need on Xavier."

AJ nodded as the four entered the building. "D's right. I don't know what information we can pull from them, but I'd rather have them happy than pissed."

Crowding into the elevator, Nick punched the 11th floor button, then glanced at the other three. "Okay. Time to turn on the Backstreet charm." He threw a cheesy grin and Kevin groaned exaggeratedly.

"Sheesh, now I know we're in trouble."

* * * * * *

"Oh, shit, hurry, hurry!" yelled Terri frantically at her secretary who was struggling to make the office look presentable. Elaine threw Terri a resentful look, noticing that her boss had no time to help her but had plenty of time to put the last finishing touches of makeup on.

"There, best I can do," Elaine said dryly, hiding the garbage can under her desk before sitting down.

Terri frowned, meaning to chastise her when she noticed the office door open, Nick, Howie, AJ, and Kevin entering. Terri froze to the spot. Oh my God. Kevin. Terri threw Elaine a nasty look. The little bitch! She never said anything about Kevin coming! If I had known, I would have changed into something sexier!

Elaine smiled inwardly, maliciously enjoying the surprised look on her boss's face and coolly turned towards the guys.

"Hi, how can I help you?" she asked, using her usual standard greeting to everyday customers.

Terri snorted quietly in disgust, extending her hand professionally to Kevin. "Hello, I'm Terri Hamilton, VP of Human Resources." She about swooned as she felt Kevin's strong hand grasps hers in a warm handshake. She kept a firm grip on Kevin's hand, not letting go. "I'm honored to have you all here," she announced not giving the others a second glance. She smiled, her gaze fixed only on Kevin.

The look was not lost on the other three; they had seen that lustful look too many times before. Nick sneaked a peak at Elaine and grinned, and Elaine grinned back, rolling her eyes.

Kevin cleared his throat, embarrassed. "Uh, if you don't mind, Ms. Hamilton,…"

"Terri, please."

"Terri. Okay. We'd like to ask you a few questions…"

Once more Kevin was interrupted, only this time it was a male voice and coming from the open office door.

"Kevin? Howie? Is that you?"

All six turned to see an older gentleman standing by the door, a leather briefcase in hand. Kevin smiled gratefully at the interruption, recognizing Daniel as one of their accountants.

"Dan! How are you? You're located in this building now?"

Daniel walked in, grinning. "Yeah. Moved in a month ago. Management thought it would be easier to keep track of everything if we were all located in one place." He shook hands with all four Backstreet Boys, nodding politely.

"What brings you guys down here? Need a loan?" he joked.

Terri butted in. "They're here to see me, Dan." Her eyes were shooting little daggers of "get lost."

Daniel smiled good-naturedly at Terri, taking the not-so-subtle hint. "Oh, well. Guess I'll be going, let you guys get down to business." He turned towards the door, then stopped and turned to face them again. "Say, Brian wouldn't happen to be with you, would he?" Daniel didn't notice the tension that suddenly filled the room.

"Uh, no, Brian isn't here. Why?" questioned Howie.

"Well, I've been trying to get a hold of him lately. I wanted to talk to him about his bank account. I guess it can wait. When you see him, let him know I want to talk to him, okay?" Daniel waved a friendly goodbye and left.

AJ threw Kevin a concerned look and Kevin caught the look, giving AJ one back. He glanced at Terri, who was trying to mask her adoration, but failing miserably. He sighed inwardly. "AJ, Howie? Why don't you guys go talk to Daniel, all right? I think I'll be able to handle things here with Nick." He looked meaningfully at AJ who nodded, understanding completely. Whatever information they pried out of Terri, Kevin was obviously the man for the job.

AJ punched Howie lightly in the arm. "Let's go. I need to ask Daniel a few questions."

The two left and Terri turned towards Kevin, ecstatic. She stuck out a well-manicured hand, pointing the way. "Won't you come into my office?"

"Said the spider to the fly," whispered Nick wickedly, giving Kevin a grin.

Terri looked at Nick confused. "Um, did you say something?"

Nick shook his head innocently. "Nope. Say Kev, why don't you go on in? I think I'm gonna stay out here and get acquainted with my new number one fan." He gave Elaine a flirtatious wink.

"Thanks, Nick."

Nick heard the payback in Kevin's voice and gave the dark-haired singer a sickeningly sweet smile. "You're welcome." He chose to ignore the look Kevin gave him before Terri's door closed, turning his attention to Elaine. "Okay, number one fan, what do you want to talk about?" The secretary's eyes lit up and Nick had a feeling he was going to learn a lot.

* * * * *

Brian, along with several other tourists, waited patiently for their turn to walk through the metal revolving door, their entrance into Mexico. He was surprised that no one asked for a passport and Xavier explained sarcastically that no one ever wanted to live in Nogales, just visit. It was on the way back that border patrol looked for aliens trying to illegally cross into Arizona.

"But I'm sure border will check you, what with your dark complexion and all," mocked Xavier.

Brian ignored Xavier's taunt as they passed through the metal bars, trying his best to sightsee as he struggled to keep up with the bodyguard's fast pace. Having been exposed to many foreign lands he was sure he had seen it all, but what lay before him took him by surprise. Various vendors dotted their pathway, colorful blankets spread on the ground to display their wares. He stumbled for a moment, tripping over a large crack in the crumbling sidewalk and made a mental note to be more careful. The waft of an indescribable odor floated in the air as they saw a local street peddler cooking on a makeshift grill.

Xavier nodded knowingly at the grimace on the young singer's face. "Told you," he said as they paused to look at the chunks of questionable meat searing over an open flame. Xavier picked up the pace again, weaving skillfully through the tourists. They passed by several open-air shops, their hard-core owners standing just outside, eagerly looking for their next possible customer. A number of determined owners cut in front of Brian, each with a large smile, an open arm, greeting him in broken English to come inside and inspect their goods. Xavier cut them all off with a frown and a few harsh words spoken rapidly in Spanish. From the look in their eyes, Brian knew that whatever Xavier had said stop them dead in their tracks, wise enough to know when to quit.

The local beggar children were made of sterner stuff. Raised on the streets, quick to pick out what tourist looked like an easy patsy, they zeroed in on Brian, their soulful brown eyes, grubby clothing, and pleading cries as they held out dirty styrofoam cups enough to melt the most callous of hearts.

Brian stopped, fishing out his wallet, dropping a twenty dollar bill into the nearest cup. It was definitely the wrong thing to do. From out of nowhere he was suddenly swarmed by a horde of hopeful faces, each trying their best to joggle for best position as they tugged and pulled at Brian, their outreached hands waving wildly.

Brian had to laugh a little at the sight as he tried valiantly to accommodate them. A large hand reached in, clamping onto Brian's wrist and yanked the blonde singer away from the excited group of beggars, throwing a heated warning at them. They scattered, gone as quickly as they had come.

"Why did you do that?" asked Brian exasperatedly. "You know, I've got enough for you too."

Xavier frowned warningly at the sneer on Brian's face. "You just gave them more money than they earn in a week. Stuff like that doesn't go unnoticed by others. Others that wouldn't think twice about helping themselves to what you've got, dead or alive."

Brian tried to hide his uneasiness. "Well, I guess that's what I'm paying you for, isn't it? To protect me." He spoke the last three words sarcastically, both understanding the lie in it.

Instantly Xavier was all over him, grabbing Brian tightly around his upper arm. "You're pushing it," he hissed. "You're lucky I need your hand to sign at the bank, otherwise I'd snap it like a twig. Remember Benny?" he said lightly, waiting for Brian's reaction.

Brian nodded, the throb of Xavier crushing his arm enough to make him realize what horrible pain Benny must have experienced.


Xavier relaxed his grip, his face smoothing out. He turned away from Brian to scan the street, catching the eye of an observant taxi cab driver and waved him over. The battered station wagon rattled up and the over-exuberant driver jumped out, waving for his customers to enter. Reluctantly Brian stepped in, holding his breath as the cab driver took off, barely missing another car. Having hopped into the front passenger side, Xavier turned around to smile at Brian, his voice radiating enthusiasm.

"In about an hour I'm gonna be an ex-bodyguard. Think you can handle it?" He laughed uproariously as Brian looked back at him, expressionless.




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