Chapter 79:


Aggie and Lizzie

Howie gave AJ an irritable look as they both stood before the front door, poking his friend in the ribs when AJ leaned forward to ring the doorbell. "Take those stupid sunglasses off," he ordered. "No one likes talking to someone they can't see!"

AJ heaved a sigh, reluctantly pushing his shades up to rest on his head. Howie was right, of course, but it still annoyed him that his friend never stopped ragging him about it. The glasses were now such a habit that he felt naked, insecure without them. He pushed the bell again and turned to see Howie giving him an approving nod. AJ tossed him a peevish look, quietly mouthing, screw you. Intent on returning the compliment, Howie opened his mouth but stopped when the door suddenly opened.

A young, obviously exhausted young woman stared at them harshly, her eyes shifting questioningly at the two men before her. She swayed back and forth, the natural motion of a new mother who held her baby in her arms. A curious head popped around the mother's waist, two brown eyes filling with excitement.

"I know who you are!" she announced importantly, jumping out from behind her mother.

"You're AJ and you're Howie!" She turned to her mother, her voice filling with pride. "I told you Uncle X said I could meet them. I told you, but you didn't believe me!" Her bright smile was contagious and AJ and Howie grinned back, charmed by her childish confidence.

"Where's Brian?" she asked suddenly, her eyebrows knitting together in concern. "He's my favorite. Didn't he come?"

Howie could hear the disappointment, the hurt in her voice and bent down to come eye level with her. "Uh, no sweetheart, Brian couldn't. He's sorry. He's with your uncle right now." Howie looked up from his squatting position to catch the mother's uneasy expression. AJ caught it too and gave Howie a knowing look, one eyebrow raised high.

Howie stood up, offering the apprehensive woman an easygoing smile. "Aggie, right?" She nodded, switching the sleeping baby to a more comfortable position. "Would it be possible to talk for a moment? We won't take much of your time, I promise. I can see you have your hands full." Howie smiled again, looking politely at her and the baby.

Aggie stared at Howie, her excited daughter, and then at her sleeping baby. The instant she had opened the door her heart had sunk, understanding why they were here. She had hoped to be long gone by this time, out of state, away from the whole mess, but the couple whom she decided to sell the baby to had refused to pay her exorbitant fee. Not liking the way she had smoked, the way she had taken care of herself during her pregnancy, they went searching elsewhere, looking for a more "suitable" mother, as they had so scornfully informed her before leaving. Now she was stuck with another mouth to feed, no money, and no prospect of leaving Florida anytime soon.

Aggie eyed the two Backstreet men before her, a tiny smile creasing at the corner of her mouth as an idea began to take shape. She ushered them both in with a wave of her hand and led them to the family room, shoving the toys off the couch. "Lizzy!" Aggie shouted to her daughter, "go get them something to drink!" She glanced at AJ, then Howie, who both shook their heads as they sat down. "No? Okay. Liz, go get me a Sprite."

Declining to take a seat, Aggie stood, cautiously checking to see that her daughter was out of earshot. "Okay," she whispered hurriedly, " I'm not going to beat around the bush. I know exactly why you're here. You want information - I've got it. But it's gonna cost you. A lot." She stared directly into AJ and Howie's eyes, her no-nonsense attitude almost as intimidating as her brother's.

AJ was more than glad to stop the petty small talk before it even began. "Done. How much do you want?" he asked bluntly, pulling out his checkbook. Aggie thought for a moment then named a number, mentally scolding herself for not asking more when AJ calmly wrote the check out and handed it to her.

Lizzy came back with the drink, careful not to spill. Aggie frowned, wondering how to get rid of her daughter so that they could talk. Howie sensed her hesitation and smiled at Lizzy, grabbing her small hand and pulling her over to him.

"Hey, Lizzy. Your mom, AJ and I need to talk privately for a moment, okay? Nothing about you, just some grownup talk. Would you mind drawing, coloring something for Brian? He's not feeling too good right now and I think a picture from his number one fan would really cheer him up!"

Lizzy's eyes lighted up, nodding her okay. She ran towards her room, stopping to pause at the doorway. "What should I say?"

All three smiled at her eagerness. "Anything sweetie," replied AJ. "Anything you want." Lizzy nodded, skipping away. AJ turned his face away from the departing child, his smile turning into a frown. "Xavier has a niece that sweet? He's doesn't deserve her."

Aggie shrugged indifferently, staring down at her child who gave a sickly cough. "Whatever. So what do you want to know?"

AJ stared at her. Lizzy doesn't deserve you either, he thought contemptuously.

Howie took over, curious to ask a question that had been bugging him. "Aggie, Xavier is your brother. Why are you willing to make a deal with us, to betray him?"

Aggie looked up from examining her baby, her dark brown eyes glittering. "Because he's a monster," she answered, her voice filled with loathing. She looked at the distressed expression on the two singer's faces and nodding perceptively.

"But I'm guessing you already know that."

AJ sat on the edge of the couch, his hands rubbing together agitatedly. "Yeah. So, what's going on? I mean, what's this all about? Why is Xavier doing this?"

Aggie sighed and put her sleeping baby into a portable playpen then straightened up, her face drained. "Because he likes it. Because it amuses him! Because it's all just a game to him." She noticed the confused looks exchanged between the two Backstreet Boys and continued. "Lemme explain. You see, Xavier will pick out a victim, always someone rich. He'll study them, find their weakness, then use it to his advantage to carry out his sick little mind games, if you want to call it that, until the person breaks. Then he moves on to his next target and starts all over again."

Howie gulped. "Until they break?"

Aggie nodded, now sitting across from the two singers. "Yeah. Xavier says half the fun is seeing how long it takes before they crack." She gazed solemnly at them. "It's a contest. He likes the challenge, the game of power and control between him and his victim."

It took a moment before AJ found his voice. "What kind of things does Xavier usually do to his victim?"

Aggie pressed her lips together, wondering how far she should go. Well, he did pay me for it. She decided to be honest.

"First, he usually gets their confidence, their trust." She saw them both nodding their heads and carried on. "Then Xavier will do something, something to terrorize the person. Like beat 'em or intimidate 'em with promises to hurt their loved ones if they don't play along." Aggie noticed Howie's head bow and she sighed. "That's what happened to Brian, right?"

'Yes," said AJ roughly. "Go on."

"Well, it usually ends after a few weeks or until …." Aggie was roughly cut off by AJ.

"A few weeks?"

A sick look crossed over their faces and Aggie tilted her head curiously at them. "Yeah, why?"

AJ got up and turned away, the pain almost too hard for him to bear. Howie stood up too, his eyes closing for a moment in distress before opening them to see Aggie's inquiring stare.

"Because this has been going on for months."

Aggie sucked in her breath, shocked at Howie's announcement. "He, he never does that," she stammered, at a loss. "Xavier gets bored pretty quick, he's always careful not to stay too long, in case he slips up and gets caught. I can't believe my brother has been with your friend for that long. It doesn't make sense."

AJ tried to remain calm as he turned towards Aggie, the nagging suspicion he carried for so long finally becoming a reality. "It would make sense if Xavier is attracted to Brian." He watched the young mother carefully, seeing her face fall. Aggie lowered her eyes, unwilling to look at him. AJ walked over to her, bending down to grab her hand and forcing her to look up.

"That's it, isn't it?"

"No, no," stumbled Aggie, confused. "Xavier's not like that, he's not gay…" she trailed off, recalling the fascination, the look of excitement Xavier had displayed when he saw the young Backstreet Boy for the first time on TV. That predatory look had made her queasy and she knew now that it had nothing to do with her being pregnant.

"I know Xavier was pretty obsessed about the whole thing, more than I've ever seen him, but I thought it was just because it was a new victim; not someone he was attracted to…," she whispered, almost apologetically.

AJ stood up resignedly, rubbed his eyes then put his sunglasses on. "Just how dangerous is Xavier?" he asked quietly, trying to keep any emotion out of his voice.

Aggie glanced at Howie, seeing the pleading in his eyes for the truth. "He scares me," she whispered. "More than you'll ever know. He'll stop at nothing to get what he wants." She stood up, alarming both men with her last words. "And Xavier never loses."

* * * * * * * *

The shock of being shot at scared Kevin more than the crash itself. Not being able to see the collision due to yanking Nick and steering wheel towards him, Kevin instead felt the impact of the crash, his neck and back slammed hard by the side air bag of the Mercedes, which had instantaneously exploded on contact. Nick fared a little worse, not having the advantage of sitting upright when the front bags burst. His left shoulder and face were hit by the front passenger airbag, smashing him into Kevin's upper body.

Hearing Nick moan, Kevin struggled frantically to sit upright, finding it impossible as he was pinned firmly by the air bags and Nick.

"Nick!" he yelled hoarsely, his throat raw from inhaling the gas and chemicals of the exploding bags. "Are you okay?" He winced in pain as he tried to move a little, not sure whether it was because he was wedged in so tightly or that he actually might be hurt. He felt Nick move a little, his moan louder. Trying desperately to shift around, Kevin began to thrash wildly about, determined to see if Nick was all right. He suddenly felt himself fall backwards, a pair of strong arms yanking him out as his door was wrenched open.

"Hold on, hold on, we gotcha," came a deep masculine voice, filled with concern. Lightheaded, Kevin shook his head to clear it as he was carried away from the crash, straining anxiously to locate Nick. Gentle arms laid him down on the ground, excited voices telling him to relax, that help was on the way. Kevin ignored the advice and sat up, frantically calling out Nick's name.

"I'm here, Kev."

Kevin heard Nick's reply and followed his voice to where Nick stood a few yards away, holding the side of his head with his hand as if trying to keep it upright. Concerned, helping construction workers led Nick over to where Kevin sat, gently lowering Nick to the ground. The faint wail of a siren vibrated in the background as Kevin reached out to grab Nick in a weak embrace.

"You okay, Kev?"

"Yeah, I think so," Kevin nodded, releasing Nick to inspect the blonde singer closely. Except for the bright red mark on the side of Nick's face, he looked pretty good. "How about you?" Kevin brushed some of the shattered glass gently off Nick's clothing.

"I think I'd better start looking for a new Benz for AJ," Nick stated soberly and Kevin laughed a little, giving Nick another thankful hug that he was feeling well enough to joke.

A creaking, groaning noise pulled their attention away from each other and they turned in astonishment as they watched several workers scramble away from the Benz. Like a whale's tail that rises up then sinks back under water, the Mercedes' rear bumper tilted upwards then slid quickly into a deep hole, a vibrating boom and dust filling the air. Nick helped Kevin up, both staggering slightly as they walked over and peered down into the black cavity. Blue eyes met green ones, both in obvious shock. The only thing that had kept them from crashing into the deep construction pit had been the quick rescue of their helpers and a small but very important mound of dirt that had acted as a barrier between them and certain death.

* * * * * *

Noticing that his Mercedes was not already parked, AJ was pissed but not surprised when Howie and he drove into the garage. Oh man, I knew it! Kevin let him drive! Hopping out, he slammed his SUV door hard in frustration, his eyes narrowing dangerously as he looked at Howie.

"He's not here," he announced in a warning tone.

Howie sympathetically threw his arm across AJ's shoulder and sighed dramatically. "What can you do? He's young, he's in love," he mocked jokingly, trying to account for Nick's absence.

"With my car," retorted AJ gruffly, smiling a little at his friend's humor. He eyed Howie curiously as they entered the house. "Hungry? I can make you a special AJ gourmet delight while we wait for the guys."

Howie frowned, his voice tinged with concern. "Is this anything like the last one you made?"

AJ nodded enthusiastically, pulling open his refrigerator. "Yeah. Even better!"

Howie groaned and slumped dejectedly into his seat, bravely preparing himself.

* * * * * * * *

AJ leaned over the counter, his hands clasped as if in prayer, as he watched Howie intently.

"Well?" he questioned impatiently, annoyed that Howie had curled his lip before taking a bite. Howie chewed slowly, his eyes closed, waiting for the gag reflex to kick in. His eyes popped open in surprise as he swallowed.

"Not bad!" he lied, hoping he could keep it down.

AJ grinned in delight, giving a whoop of satisfaction. "Told you!" he nodded, grabbing a plate for himself.

Howie sighed inwardly. The sacrifices I make! He picked a huge chunk off of his plate and secretly dropped it into the waiting mouths of Jack and Vegas, smiling politely and nodding his approval every time AJ looked his way.

"When do you suppose Nick and Kevin will get back?"

Hoping it landed somewhere near the dogs' eager mouths, Howie hurriedly dropped another piece to the floor just as AJ swung his attention towards the kitchen's clock.

"Better be soon. This food isn't going to last forever, ya know!"

Howie glanced at a piece skewered on his fork. It will be, the way you made it! He managed to toss several offending pieces to the floor when AJ stood up and went to search for something in the refrigerator.

"Good God, what is that smell?"

AJ poked his head out of the frig, seeing Nick and Kevin walking awkwardly into the kitchen, their movements stiff.

He opened his mouth to reply when he realized that he hadn't heard the sound of the garage door opening. Suddenly suspicious, he walked over to where the two were gingerly lowering themselves into chairs. He eyed them warily.

"Niicckkk," he sing-songed in a warning tone. "Where's the Benz?"

Nick rubbed the back of his head and winced at the touch, finally getting the nerve to look AJ straight in the face. "Um,…what color would you like?"

AJ opened his mouth to scream but stopped, carefully giving Nick and Kevin a closer look. Their faces were creased with fatigue and distress, their clothing rumpled and dirty, the side of Nick's face reddened as if he had been sunburned.

"What happened?" asked Howie, a step ahead of AJ. He abandoned his food, giving AJ a worried look as he went over to inspect them both.

"A little surprise from Xavier," snapped Kevin grimly, informing them of what had happened.

Nick watched AJ as Kevin explained, grimacing slightly as Kevin demonstrated with his hands how the Mercedes took a nose-dive. AJ looked at Nick in shock and Nick feebly smiled up at him, waiting for the ranting and raving to begin. Instead, he got pulled into a fierce hug, AJ clinging to him tightly.

"Oh, God," he choked, his voice blurred.

"I'm sorry about your car," Nick began but stopped when AJ pulled away from him in amazement.

"Nick! I don't give a shit about the Benz! It's just a car. I can replace a stupid car. I can't replace you and Kevin." His voice shook with emotion and Nick placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder, giving AJ a warm smile as he turned to look at Howie and Kevin. For a moment they were silent, each realizing how close Xavier had come to destroying their lives. Nick coughed, breaking the silence.

"Does this mean you'll let me drive your new one?" he asked, giving AJ a smirk.

The emotional tension shattered and everyone laughed, AJ shoving Nick playfully away from him. "No way. I love you man, but not that much!"

Nick nodded, a fake look of hurt crossing his face. "AJ really doesn't love me," he pouted to Kevin as he sat down again, noticing that AJ had placed a plate of food before him. "What is this?" he pointed, his tone changing to shocked disgust.

Howie smiled maliciously. "AJ's gourmet delight," he informed him. "Go on, try it."

* * * * * * * *

AJ glared at Nick's dramatic groans of pain as he clutched his stomach. "Oh shut up, you big baby, it wasn't that bad!" he said crossly, tossing Nick a couple of antacids. They were still in the kitchen, finishing up the rest of a Chinese take out after Kevin emphatically refused to touch AJ's cooking.

Howie popped four beers, handing one to each guy before sitting down. "Okay, as much as I'd like to spend the day debating AJ's cooking skills, we need to seriously decide on what to do next."

Nick nodded, chewing the tablets quickly and washing them down with his beer. "D's right. Now that we know Xavier has tried once, do you think he'll try again?"

Kevin frowned as he studied his beer bottle. "Possibly. I'm sure he knows by now that we're not dead. What he doesn't know is that we know he was behind it."

Vegas jumped into AJ's lap and he rubbed the little dog's head absentmindedly, troubled by what he was thinking. "Guys, listen to this. X was trying to hurt us, kill one of us. So, if he had been successful, what would have happened? The tour would have stopped, been canceled, right?"

"Yeah…" said Howie, curious.

"Which means that Xavier never intended on coming back for the second half of the tour to be a bodyguard!" reasoned AJ.

"So why did X take Brian with him, if he planned on there not being a tour? Why not just leave and go on to the next victim, like Aggie said?"

"Because he's not through with Bri," explained Nick, closing his eyes tightly, sickened by the realization. "He needs him, …for whatever reason."

Kevin could hear the panic in Nick's voice, the alarm. "Nick, hang in there," he said quietly, praying that Nick wasn't going to lose it again.

Nick opened his eyes and bit his lip hard, trying to gain control of his emotions. " Guys, we need to find Brian. Quick."

AJ placed his dog on the floor, rising to his feet. "I think I know how. We need Sam."

Nick looked at him quizzically. "Sam, our manager? I thought we were gonna keep this to ourselves."

"Yeah, well plans change."

"So what's your idea?" asked Kevin.

"Well, I'm thinking Sam might know how to get a hold of Xavier. If Sam can reach Xavier he could tell him that there's been an emergency, oh, have him say that a few of the dancers and musicians quit suddenly and that we need to meet immediately in Tucson to rehearse with the new group before our next show. And, in order to do that, we need Brian there." AJ looked at all three. "See where I'm going? Xavier has no reason not to believe Sam. I'm figuring Xavier will bring Brian to us, especially if Xavier is still playing his "game."

Nick nodded, trying not to get too worked up. "That's if Sam even knows how to reach Xavier."

AJ looked at Nick. "You've got any better ideas?"

Shaking his head, Nick grabbed the portable phone. "No. Call him."

* * * * * *

Brian barely felt Xavier shove him back into their grimy hotel room, still too shocked to notice much of anything. He stood numbly where he was, sickened by the fact that he had not been able to stop Xavier; that no matter what he had tried, it had all been a pathetic, worthless effort. It would have been laughable if not for the fact that his failure would now cause untold suffering; that his lack of courage and insight would forever haunt him at his inability to save his friends.

Brian glanced bitterly at Xavier, remembering the look of pure revenge Xavier had thrown him when he ordered the "surprise." A raw wave of anger coursed through him, a burning of such intensity that it snapped him out of his trauma. Brian heard the small beep of a cell phone and watched as Xavier calmly opened it, as if he was expecting the call.

"Is it done?"

Brian saw the transformation in the bodyguard's face as it went from relaxed to furious, Xavier's hand gripping the cell phone tightly.

"Are you sure?"

Brian heard the stunned disbelief and watched with interest as Xavier swore mightily at the unknown caller.

"I paid you three grand and they didn't even get a scratch? I shoulda known better than to hire you, " he hissed savagely.

Brian felt a heated rush of relief, realizing Xavier's surprise had somehow gone sour. They're okay! They're not hurt! Xavier wasn't able to carry out his plan! A wild thrill of satisfaction ran through him as he observed Xavier closely, the bodyguard's face twisted in fury. The idea that Xavier's carefully laid plans had so spectacularly backfired on him made Brian laugh outright, a exhilarating feeling of satisfaction flooding his senses. He laughed again, the time more forcefully and Xavier stared at him hard, his eyes narrowing as he snapped his phone shut.

Right then Brian realized Xavier was not invincible, that he could be thwarted at his own game; that no matter how careful and exacting plans were, fate could come in and screw everything up. Feeling a fierce desire to ridicule the livid bodyguard standing before him, Brian threw Xavier a wicked smile of contempt, suddenly unafraid, not caring anymore what happened to him or anything else for that matter.

"Ah, poor Xavier. Too bad. Life sucks, doesn't it? No money, no Backstreet Boy, no nothing."

Xavier eyed him darkly. "Says who?"

"Says me. Game's over. You lost."

Xavier cocked an eyebrow. "And why is that?"

Brian ignored the agitated clenching and unclenching of Xavier's fists. "Because I'm not playing anymore. Because you can't make me."

"Oh really?" Xavier purred, a tone of sexual intimation heavy in his voice. "I'm pretty sure I could convince you," he challenged, grabbing Brian's arm into a tight grip, his warm breath barely grazing the young singer's ear.

"Could you?" Brian sneered, seeing the intense desire in Xavier's brown eyes. "I don't think so, faggot." Giving a sharp tug, he yanked himself out of Xavier's grasp. "Face it, Xavier, you're a fucking loser."

Brian knew the first punch was coming and prepared himself for it, the blow coming down low, across the small of his back. I can take this, Brian thought, it's not too bad…Oh my God! Brian's mouth hung open in a silent cry, as the force of the second punch paralyzed him, sending him quickly to the floor. Without a pause, Xavier slammed into him again and Brian refused to scream, to let Xavier know the extent of the agony he was inflicting. He could hear his own erratic wheezing of his lungs, the pounding of his heart as he struggled to stand upright, to ward off another blow, but he was too late as another punch landed on his right shoulder, a sharp stab of pain piercing right through him. He screamed or maybe he didn't, he couldn't be sure. It didn't matter anymore as he looked up into Xavier's expressionless face. The bastard knew exactly what he was doing and he was taking careful, well-timed blows, trying to extract the most amount of pain with the least amount of effort.

Brian didn't think it was possible to endure any more, but he did, feeling each hit become surprisingly less painful, replaced by a kind of numbness that he welcomed gladly. He swayed a moment, but managed to regain his balance, staring coolly into Xavier's eyes, daring him with a silent hit me, go ahead, I've come this far.

A small twist of Xavier's lips let Brian know that Xavier understood his unspoken boast. He took the next hit and cried out, but the cries were of triumph, not pain, as he grinned savagely to let Xavier know that he could stand it, would stand it, not matter what damage he inflicted.

Xavier nodded when it was finally over, rubbing his knuckles tenderly as he stared impassively at the unconscious form sprawled out on the floor. He regretted his actions only for the sole purpose that he now didn't know what to do. With a conscious, awake Backstreet Boy he could still continue, still have an opportunity to play the game, to get more money. But now that was gone, due to his lack of control. He sat down on the edge of the bed contemplating his rash action, irritated that Brian could make him lose his self- control, something he prided himself on maintaining. He stared at the unconscious singer, slowly regaining his composure as he brooded over what to do next. Obviously the young Backstreet Boy needed medical attention but there was no way he was going to seek medical help. Something told him he should quit, take his losses and run, but his perplexing attraction to this clever and determined young man ruled out any idea of leaving.

The small vibrating hum of his pager jerked his attention away from the fallen singer and Xavier tugged the pager out of his pocket, eyeing in quiet surprise. It was displaying AJ's home number. Only AJ should have no way of knowing his pager number. The pager was used for one thing and one thing only: that Sam, the stage manager needed to get in touch with him right away. Curious, Xavier picked up the phone and dialed the number.




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