Chapter 84:


Meeting’s Over

"And so, with the repeated security breeches, I've found it necessary to change a few things," Sam droned on, pointing to a screen. "Look at page 3…" he continued, and several flips of the pages could be heard as Nick, AJ, Howie, and Kevin did their best to look interested. During the meeting they had noticed Brian shifting in his seat, a flash of pain crossing his features as he tried to settle into a more comfortable position. When Xavier wasn't looking AJ and Nick had exchanged concerned glances, noticing the more the meeting dragged on, the more tense and withdrawn Brian had become.

"…now because of the near fatal accident involving Nick and Kevin, I feel we need to tighten up on guarding the guys, making sure that…" explained Sam, and Nick felt the intense stare of Xavier bearing down upon him. Nick frowned inwardly, unsure what to do. He looked back at Xavier with a quiet aloofness, wondering what the bodyguard was thinking, wondering if Xavier wished he was dead. Nick snorted quietly in disgust. Of course he does! He finally broke contact with Xavier, questioning how much longer he could sit still, acting detached, when he knew Brian was suffering both mentally and physically. Knowing the guys felt exactly the same way, Nick became antsy, unsure on what he could do to keep from going crazy. Rubbing his sweaty palms on his knees, he stopped and stared at his hands. You idiot! Draw! It always soothed him and he grabbed a pencil, beginning to sketch little nonsensical pictures. He tore off one page, dissatisfied, and started in on another when suddenly an idea took shape, one so inspired that he froze for a moment in astonishment. He remembered a trick that Brian and he had played several years ago when they both were being tutored on the road. He thought furiously for a moment, wondering if he dared. He looked at Brian's heartbreaking appearance. He dared. Scribbling a few words onto a small piece of paper, Nick drew a small picture to disguise the meaning. Wadding it up into a small piece, he stuck it in his mouth for a moment, gathering up the wetness needed for its flight over towards Brian. With any luck, Xavier would see it as a contemptuous act and give it little thought, not suspicious of the gooey mess. He sailed the spit wad directly at Brian and it hit him squarely in the chest, bouncing into his lap. Come on, Bri, remember! Nick noticed several Backstreet security glancing his way, shaking their heads at his childish antics. Nick knew better and by the looks on Howie, AJ's, and Kevin's face, knew that they did too. He sailed another over, this time landing directly on the edge of the table, in front of Brian. Nick saw a smirk come from Xavier as the bodyguard watched him, elated that Xavier thought he was trying to antagonize Brian.

Brian reached over slowly to brush the offending damp ball off the table and then looked up at Nick, a small frown creasing his brow.

Dammit, Brian, think! The messages we use to send to each other! That's how we swapped answers to test questions! Open the damn paper! Nick gave Brian a malicious smile, one he knew Xavier caught, but the smile was not one of malicious intent. Nick's heart skipped a beat as he saw the slightest flash of understanding in Brian's eyes. Once more, he soared another wad, successfully landing it next to Brian's hand. Brian reached over and casually picked it up, his face showing agitation at Nick's prank.

* * * * * * * *

His heart pounding, Brian tried to act casual as he nonchalantly placed the wad in his lap, his fingers closing around the damp ball. He hunted for any signal in Nick's eyes, any hint of revelation, but Nick stared back impassively, his blue eyes cool and calm. Brian remembered their old trick from tutoring and for a minute he eagerly thought Nick might be trying to communicate with him, to say something that couldn't be said out loud. But, by the look of Nick's chilly expression he realized he was wrong, and that there would probably be some sort of sneering comment written instead. With an inaudible sigh, he secretly peeled the paper open with his fingers, not looking down, taking his time to make sure Xavier wasn't watching him. Feeling the last of the paper smooth out, he sneaked a quick glance down.

We know.

Two little words, carefully drawn as dragon's smoke to hide its meaning. Almost impossible for anyone to find, but Brian did, just as he was able to many years ago.

We know.

Beginning to tremble, Brian didn't need to look down at the crumpled piece of paper again to understand its meaning, but did so once more out of complete shock. He bunched the paper back into its balled-up shape, tossing it underneath the table. He glanced up, noticing all four staring directly at him, Nick's eyes piercing right through to his soul.

This time Brian saw the compassion in their eyes, the silent understanding. Feeling slightly light-headed, Brian closed his eyes, praying he wouldn't pass out. The shock of them knowing, the agonizing pain he was enduring sent him into a panicked fright.

We know.

How? How could they possibly know? What could have happened that they were able to put two and two together? Brian's eyes flew wide open. Xavier! Brian glanced over to see the bodyguard calmly listening to Sam, occasionally jotting down a few notes. Xavier doesn't know! Brian felt his heart lurch into his throat. Oh God! If Xavier discovers their secret …!

He could hardly believe that a few short words could change everything and he felt a bitter flash of resentment beginning to grow. He had been close, so close, just a few more days and Xavier would have been gone, forever, completely out of his life. But now this had to happen and he knew it would be almost impossible to keep Xavier from finding out. Brian shuddered as he remembered Xavier's promise to stick around for a long time if he didn't behave, if he didn't play the game. Now everything was at risk, his life, theirs, all in danger because somehow they knew. Damn them! An irrational anger took hold of Brian, fueled by his constant pain. He knew he should be thinking more clearly, more logically, but the nagging, infuriating pain would not release him from its tight grip. He shot a look of pure acid at Nick, then at the others, feeling the bitterness eating him up inside. Scarcely listening as Sam wrapped up the meeting, Brian ignored everyone as they rose from their seats.

"Okay folks, time to take a tour of the facility; I need your input on how to improve safety measures." Sam frowned a little at Brian, seeing that he was the only one still sitting down. That's the guys' problem, not mine. My job is to get Xavier away from Brian. With a quick motion of his hand, he pointed to Xavier. "Delgado. You and Anderson, with me. This may take a while. I need your help." With a no-nonsense attitude, Sam headed for the door. Xavier paused for a second as everyone began to file out, noticing Brian and the other four not moving.

Taken aback by Brian's resentful look, it took a moment before Howie saw the danger. With a dramatic sigh, he stretched and groaned. "I'm leaving," he announced loudly. "See you later." As much as he wanted to stay, to find out what was causing Brian's fury, he realized the risk in remaining. With a quick nod to all, he left.

Kevin picked up on the problem and turned to Sam, slapping a hand onto his manager's shoulder. "Hey Sam, hold up. I'm coming with you. I'd like to see where the problems are." Kevin coolly raised an eyebrow at Xavier.


He knew AJ and Nick desperately needed time alone with Brian right now. He had pretty much figured out what Nick had said in his message and was surprised, then alarmed by Brian's bitter reaction. To have Xavier come back unexpectedly and discover them talking would be disastrous and Kevin was determined to keep a close watch on him so that wouldn't happen.

Following them out the door, he spared one quick glance back at Nick and AJ, then at Brian. He didn't like what he saw and his stomach churned in fear as he hurried to catch up with Sam and Xavier.




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