Chapter 91:


Storm Warning

With a soft click the door opened and Xavier walked calmly into the room, his eyes adjusting rapidly to the semi-darkness. The room was a mess; clothes strewn everywhere, damp towels thrown carelessly on the floor, half-empty cans of soda perched precariously on top of the TV. Xavier ignored it all, his eyes searching carefully for what he knew would be here. He paused for a moment, pondering, then knelt down under the bed, reaching with a long arm to drag out what he had been seeking. His eyes glittered in satisfaction and he stared long and hard at what lay before him, impressed. It took only a minute to complete his task and then he gone, leaving as quickly as he had come.

* * * * * * * * * *

Nick hurried down the corridors of the McKale center, in a panic. Shit! Shit! Shit! It was all he could do to keep from screaming as he frantically searched the arena, not stopping for a second as he questioned anyone and everyone about Brian's whereabouts. He was met with blank stares or indifferent shrugs and frustrated, he continued on, picking up the pace, hoping the guys were having better luck than him.

It had taken only a moment, a bare split second, and Brian was gone, vanished. Nick had been laughing, joking with him as they dressed for the show and then bam! he had turned around to find that Brian had disappeared.

Alarmed, Nick had rushed to locate AJ, Kevin and Howie. He found them deep in conversation with Sam but upon seeing Nick's flushed and anxious face they had immediately stopped. Even though Sam swore Xavier was with Eric at that very moment, Nick would not calm down and they had all split up, taking a different section of the arena to search for Brian.

Some twenty minutes later Nick had still not located him. Panting from exertion and fear, he leaned against a wall, closing his eyes to try and regain some control. He prayed that it wouldn't be much longer until….Pray! Nick's eyes shot open and he pushed away from the wall. Pray. He knew that every arena had some sort of chapel room, a small place for team players or visiting guests. Now all he had to do was find it. Grabbing the nearest maintenance help he urgently asked for directions. The young helper looked at Nick with disbelief, then pointed sarcastically to a room a mere twenty feet away.

Nick stood before the door, hesitant. Cautiously, almost timidly he slipped in, scanning the small room. There in the dim light, faintly illuminated by an arched stained glass overhead, sat Brian, his body slightly bent over. Nick heard the faint whoosh of the air conditioner kick in but it didn't muffle the bitter, anguished words as Brian pleaded, begged God for help.

"Why didn't you rescue me?" Nick heard Brian demand, his voice in torment. "Where were you? If you loved me, where were you?"

Nick leaned his head dejectedly against the wall, knowing Brian's words were meant for God, but felt the meaning hit home to him personally. Why hadn't he been able to rescue his friend? And was he truly a friend? If so, why didn't he see the agony, the suffering Brian had endured?


Nick jumped noticeably, seeing Brian twisted in his seat, a concerned look on his face. Nick shifted uncomfortably.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes." Nick shook his head. "No." He sighed. "I don't know."

"Yeah, me neither." Giving him a tired smile, Brian indicated for him to sit down.

"Jeez, Bri, you scared the shi…" Nick glanced at the cross…"uh, daylights outta me. I've been looking all over for you! Next time, just tell me where you're going, okay?"

Brian smiled apologetically and leaned back against the chair. "Sorry."

Nick eyed him closely and glanced at his luminous watch. "It's almost time. We need to go. You, uh, finished here?"

Brian gave a small grin, seeing Nick's discomfort. "Yeah. I was just having a little one on one argument with God."

"Who won?"

Brian burst out laughing, shaking his head and Nick grinned back, happy to see Brian relaxing a bit. He began to rise when he felt Brian's tight grip around his wrist. Startled, he gave Brian a puzzled look.

"Nick? Would you mind if I prayed? With you? You don't have to say anything," he added quickly, sensing Nick's hesitation.

Slowly sitting back in his chair, Nick nodded, seeing the pleading look in his friend's eyes. "Sure, Frick."

He watched as Brian leaned forward, his hands intertwined, his head bowed. For a moment Brian said nothing and Nick began to fidget awkwardly but stopped when he heard Brian's earnest plea, the soft drawl of his accent heavy with sincerity.

"Heavenly Father, help me to let go of my fear, my doubt and confusion. Help me go forward in peace and confidence. Today I am willing to face my discomfort, knowing that healing and release are on the other side. I will do my part, including letting go of fear and trusting you to do the rest. God, help me remember that what seems hopeless today can often be solved tomorrow, even if I can't see the solution. Help me go on with my life, in spite of my circumstances, trusting that things will work out. Amen."

Brian kept his head bowed for a moment longer then sighed and glanced at Nick with a small smile. "Thanks."

"No problem."

Noticing the stiffness in Brian's movements as he tried to stand, Nick reached out to lend a supporting hand. Brian gave him a grateful look and Nick nodded, holding the door open for him. "Everything is going to be fine," he promised as he followed Brian outside. Nick's eyes narrowed in determination "Trust me. I'm gonna make sure of it."

* * * * * * * * * * *

Another dead end. Howie sighed in frustration as he scanned the deserted hallway. Where the hell was Brian? If we don't find him soon…he took a quick glance at his watch. Shit! It was almost time to go on. He turned and hurried back the way he came, seeing AJ and Kevin standing at the end of the hall.

"Any luck?" he panted as he jogged up to them.

"Nope." Kevin rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "Let's go get Nick. Maybe he's found Brian." All three rounded another corner and simultaneously stopped, the large form of Xavier blocking their way.




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