
He noticed that her long tapered fingers shook just ever so slightly as she handed over the check. The amount was correct, possibly even a little extra, so he didn’t give it a second glance as he stuffed it into his pocket. He calmly eyed his former client, his expression so neutral as to make one believe he was waiting for instruction as what to do next. A cough, followed by another one, forced his attention to the gentleman standing beside her. A hand reached out for a shake; a word of goodbye was spoken to him. Was that fear he saw in the gentleman’s eyes? A catch of desperation in his voice? He hoped so. His large, massive hand with untold strength enclosed the smaller one and gave it a quick shake. A desire to crush it, contort it into an unrecognizable shape overwhelmed him. Almost. He quickly let go of the hand, giving a short nod with his head and turned to walk out of the plush office. A small smile of satisfaction briefly materialized on his lips as he heard the woman behind him break into uncontrollable sobs.




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