Chapter 13


A.J. gasped at the impact of his captor’s foot in his stomach. He instantly released his grip on the phone as the air fled his lungs, leaving him struggling to draw in a breath. He dropped to one knee and doubled over, placing one hand on the floor to brace himself and clutching his midsection with the other.


Brian had been standing a few feet away over by Lila anxiously waiting to hear what Howie had had to say when the incident happened. He raced over to A.J., but was stopped by Thief Number 2, who stepped directly in his path, gun pointed. Brian skidded to a stop before him, but not before the barrel of the gun was jammed into his belly. He froze and held his breath, eyes flicking back and forth between the man and the gun. He wasn’t sure at that point which one was more dangerous.


“You mind your own business. I believe you already have a job, and it is not to watch him.”


Brian said nothing, and dared not express his outrage. A.J. had done plenty of that already, and it hadn’t gotten him much.


“I said go.”


Brian backed away slowly, never turning his attention away from him. He reached his hand back behind him, searching for the wall that Lila was propped up against. Only when he felt his fingers brush against the cool smooth texture of it did he risk tearing his gaze away. Lila was staring up at him, petrified. He lowered himself to the floor, checking her bandage. He said nothing, afraid whatever words he might try and speak would erupt in an angry torrent, and he didn’t want that.


Control yourself, Littrell. Look after the girl. A.J. can take care of himself.


“How are you doing?” he finally asked Lila, forcing himself to take his thoughts off of A.J. and his other band mates who were undoubtedly waiting outside.


“I’m ready to tango. How about you?” Her remark made him smile.


“You’re just full of sarcasm, aren’t you?”


“Comes from the people I spend my time with.”


He sobered. “Do you think they know what’s going on?”


“Not likely. Marie and Bec can sleep like the dead.”


“Are those the friends you’re here with?”


“Two of them. Roommate and best friend.” She inhaled sharply as a spasm of pain shook her. Brian jumped at the sound.


“Damn it, I wish I had some pain meds other than ibuprofen or Tylenol.”


“Can’t dwell on what we don’t have,” she said through clenched teeth. “Shit, I’m so cold.”


“Hun, you’re sweating.” The concern that touched his voice rose several notches. She did not look good at all.


“I’m so cold,” she repeated, and he saw that her body was quivering. Her breathing seemed shallower as well.


Brian swore under his breath. Just then, A.J. stumbled over to them, and sat down painfully.


“Bone, give me your jacket.”


“I’m ok, Brian, thank you for asking.”


“Give me the damn jacket.”


A.J. took one look at Lila and shrugged out of the jacket, handing it to Brian. He gathered it up and wrapped Lila in it, drawing her into his arms to try and warm her up. She didn’t even seem to notice.


“Lila?” A.J. said, kneeling in front of her. “Lila?” A glassy look had appeared in her eyes, filling him with alarm.


“Lila! Stay with us. You are not allowed to leave, you got that? What I say goes, and I say you don’t go.”


“Awww, that… that makes me feel all… warm… and mushy… inside,” she stuttered. She seemed to snap out of it a little, but she was still shivering.


“Well, you know how big of a flirt I can be,” A.J. said. The light tone he tried to use did not go at all well with the expression on his face.


“I’m going to die,” she said dully. “I’m really going to die.”


“Stop that!” Brian said angrily. “Don’t give up on us now, do you hear? It would look really bad if I failed to save the damsel in distress.”


“It’s ok. Really. I have plenty of people up above who will look after me.” Her voice sounded strong and sure of itself, and Brian was sure she was convinced that she believed her words, but he could see in her eyes that dying was absolutely the last thing in the world that she wanted.


“Well, I hope you’ll reconsider, because without you here to tell people otherwise, A.J. here will take all the credit for trying to be the hero.”


She tried to laugh, but it came out more like a harsh grating noise. “Can’t let that happen, can I?”


A.J. relaxed a little, and leaned back against the wall. She wasn’t exactly ready to go out dancing, but she was still with them.


“Definitely not.”


“Who… who did they call out there?”


“They called Howie’s cell phone,” A.J. replied, tracing patterns in the floor with his finger.


“And you got to talk to him?”


“Yeah. Not as long as I wanted to, though.”


“What did he say?” Brian asked quietly.


“Wanted to know if we were ok, and all that stuff.” He glanced at Lila. “I told him about you, so if you have friends or anything out there, I’m sure he’ll tell them that you are alive.”


“Did he sound ok?”  Brian asked.


“This is D we’re talking about.”


“He was freaked, then, wasn’t he,” he said with a frustrated sigh.


“Yeah, he was a little worried.”


“Did he say anything about Nick and Kev?”


“No. We didn’t get the chance.” To Brian’s amazement, A.J. seemed to be fighting back tears. He reached out and put his hand on his friend’s shoulder, shaking it ever so slightly. A.J. turned in surprise, but upon seeing Brian’s knowing look, he smiled gratefully.


“Thanks, Rok.”


They were unaware that their captors were conversing with each other about the situation. It wasn’t until they heard one of them speaking into the phone again that they paid attention. They did not like what they heard.





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