Chapter 23


“You’re never going to get away with this,” one of the cops said angrily.


“Probably not. But I’m bringing as many people down with me as I can.” As he spoke, the cashier, still by the other wall, couldn’t take it anymore. With a terrified shriek, she bolted to her feet and made a run for the exit. One of the remaining cops leaped for her, but it was in vain.


Thief number two choked Brian tighter with his arm as he aimed the gun and fired. A.J. moaned as the back of her head appeared to cave in as the bullet impacted. Her scream was short lived, and she was dead before she hit the floor.


Brian gagged for breath, the grip his captor had on him had closed off his windpipe. He began to struggle for a breath.


At the same instant, one of the officers fired back at him. He had moved just enough to be able to get around Brian to shoot that he offered a target, and the opportunity was not lost.


For the third time in just a few hours, someone else’s blood poured over Brian. With a frantic yelp he pushed the wounded man away from him, and reached for Lila.


“Get out of here!” A.J. hollered. “Get out of here!”


His assailant began cursing and swearing, but did not let go of his hostage. It was all he had. He was losing, and he knew it.


Brian stumbled to his feet holding Lila in his arms. He did not know if she was still breathing, nor did he have time to find out. He headed blindly for the door.


Furious that it was going to end like this, thief number one stretched for his gun that lay close to his head. A.J. felt him move, and immediately realized what he was trying to do.


“Bastard!” A.J. yelled. He shoved his own body harder against him, hoping to prevent him from acquiring his goal. To his dismay, instead of deterring him, his movement actually allowed him to grab on to the weapon he sought. He did little to aim it, he just trusted to luck.


The scream was already loosed from A.J. when the first bullet left the gun. Almost in slow motion, he witnessed Brian look back over his shoulder, a look of doom permeating his eyes. Like a moment out of a nightmare, Brian fell forward as one of the bullets found its target in his upper arm. It spun him halfway around, and he went down hard.


“No!” A.J. screeched. “No!”


Brian scooted backwards frantically, tightening his hold on Lila with his good arm, dragging her with him, as his injured one dangled by his side. His blue eyes were wide with terror, but he kept his mind on his goal: getting to the door. He had to get to the door.


A.J. fought like a mad thing, having managed to knock the knife away from his throat. He would not let him get another shot of. He would not. The next bullet would have to go through him. Deep down he knew that it very well might.



Kevin and the others were brought to what was deemed a safe distance from the backdoors of the building. Cops stood all around it, guns ready, but had been told to back off a safe distance thanks to the fiasco that had taken place inside. One of the men inside had his radio on, and sounds from inside filtered over the speaker.


Kevin listened in pure horror as he heard the sounds of a struggle. It simply couldn’t be true. It couldn’t be happening. He reached out for something to support him, and found Nick at his side, steadying him. Nick was staring straight ahead, his jaw set. His face was void of emotion, he just focused on the double doors. It was almost as if he concentrated hard enough, he could make them open, and make Brian and A.J. walk out of them.


Howie choked out a sob as the sound of A.J. yelling to Brian cut through the static of the speaker.


“We have to do something, for the love of God,” he whimpered.


“There’s nothing we can do,” Kevin said grimly.


“Marie?” Ellie said, her voice rising anxiously. “Marie?”


Marie was breathing in and out, rapid and shallow.


“Put your head between your knees,” Julie ordered, shoving her head down. A cop came up and tried to lead her away.


“No!” she gasped out. “I’m all right. I’m all right!” 


“Get them out of there, oh please get them out of there,” Becca said desperately.


“Look!” Howie shouted.


Before anyone could stop him, Kevin broke into a run.





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