


Show me the meaning of being lonely

Is this the feeling I need to walk with
Tell me why I can’t be there where you are

There’s something missing in my heart



The cemetery was nearly empty.   Most of the guests had long since gone home, but I was still there, kneeling in grief in front of the shiny new marble tombstone.    Through my teary eyes, I read the inscription once again.


Leighanne Reena Littrell


Beloved wife and daughter


July 20, 1969 – October 15, 2001



I shook my head, more tears falling from my eyes, splattering onto the hard, cold-looking stone.   I couldn’t believe she was gone, just over a month after our first anniversary. 


I looked towards the heavens.  I wanted to ask the Lord why, why He had taken my beautiful Leighanne from me.   We had just barely begun our life together.   We had planned to start a family, to have many children and grow old together.   But these plans were no more, for Leighanne now lay in a rose-covered casket, which was soon to go into the ground.  


I could recall vividly the horrible events of the past three days.   I remembered getting the call from the local paramedic squad.  


“Your wife Leighanne has been involved in a traffic accident,” they had told me over the phone.  


“Is she okay?” I had demanded.


“She’s alive,” was all they would tell me and suggested I come to the hospital as soon as possible.   I had left as soon as I hung up the phone, but by the time I made it there, the paramedic’s words were no longer true.   Leighanne had arrested in the ambulance just moments after I got the phone call and was declared dead shortly after, in a trauma room at the hospital.  


I never got to tell her goodbye, I thought, sniffling back tears.  I never got to say “I love you” one last time.   I looked towards the sky again, knowing I didn’t have to.   Leighanne was up in Heaven now, watching down on me, and she already knew.  


Still, I had to say it, more to comfort myself than to let her spirit know of my love for her.   “I love you, Leigh,” I whispered, slowly standing up.   I glanced one last time at her grave and turned away.


As I looked up, I came face to face with a young woman, who had been standing just a few feet behind me.  


“Hi, Brian,” she said softly.


I stared at her intently, at her curly black hair, her dark eyes.   And recognition came over me.  






Lyrics taken from Backstreet Boys’ “Show Me the Meaning of Being Lonely”





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