Part 23:


Leslie What?

“Mr. Richardson, there is always the possibility that your nanny and son were out of the house when the murders occurred. They could return to at any moment safe and sound unaware that we are even looking for them.”

Nodding Kevin wiped at the tears that would not stop, well aware of the commotion of the Tampa police force turning his house upside down as well as the two stretchers bearing the body of his wife and neighbor that were being brought down the staircase to his right.

Unable to stop himself from looking Kevin wondered which one of the covered bodies was Kristin? He wondered if she was warm enough, she always wore a sweater or jacket of some kind even in eighty-degree weather.

Looking back to the detectives sitting across from him Kevin found himself drifting in and out of a state of utter confusion. Confusion as to why these men were here in his home? Confusion as to what time he needed to be on stage for that night’s concert? Confusion as to whether or not he needed to pick of his dry cleaning?

“Mr. Richardson?” One of the men leaned forward patting Kevin on the knee. “We know this is difficult but in order to locate your nanny and son we’ll need some sort of a description? Now we have pictures of your son-“

Kevin nodded looking down at the photographs littering the tabletop before him…… pictures of his beautiful son.

“Can you tell us your nanny’s name?”

“Um-“ Wiping at his eyes Kevin shook his head. “Her name is Leslie.”

“Leslie what?” The detective jotted the name down on his pad of paper.

“Leslie-“ Pausing Kevin stopped. Leslie what? Leslie what? He realized that he didn’t even know?

“I don’t know.” He whispered. “My wife took care of the hiring of our help.”

“Okay well perhaps we can help you look for documentation, I’m sure your wife had her fill out employment papers of some kind?”

“Maybe? I wasn’t here, I was…..I was getting ready to go on tour. I wasn’t home a lot.”

“Well I’m sure we can help you look for that information Mr. Richardson. In the meantime can you give us a description of the woman? Hair color, eye color, height, weight?”

Again Kevin shook his head.

“I never saw her.”

Both detectives looked at each other.

“You never saw the woman who was taking care of your son?”

“No……we spoke on the phone….I was gone on tour when she started working….Kristin-“ Standing up Kevin shook his head “Will you excuse me?”

Making his way quickly into the kitchen he braced his hands on either side of the sink pausing a beat before throwing up. 

* * *

Smiling at the woman sitting beside her Lily softly patted Nate’s back.

“She’s a gorgeous baby.” The woman said, pulling back a corner of the pale pink blanket surrounding Nate’s body.

“Thank you.” Lily beamed.

“What’s her name?”

“Her name is Emma.” Kissing the top of Nate’s head Lily fiddled with the pink and white bow secured in his silky black hair.

“She’s so sweet. She’s hardly made a peep the whole flight.” The woman tickled Nate’s cheek making him smile.

“Oh she loves to fly. Her father was a pilot.”


“He passed away last year. A heart attack.”

The woman’s face fell as she patted Lily on the knee. “Oh you sweet girl. That must have been so hard for you.”

“It was.” Lily shook her head. “I miss him everyday. I just thank god that we had Emma so that I will always have a piece of him with me.”

The woman nodded settling back in her seat as a flight attendant passed by offering out packages of extra peanuts to the passengers.

“Ms. Lopez?” Stopping at Lily’s seat the flight attendant bent down with a bright smile.

“I just wanted to let you know that the pilot said it would be fine for you and your baby to stay on the plane for the layover.”

“Thank you so much for asking him.” Lily looked down at Nate. “I just felt like it would be so much easier on my baby girl.”

“Of course I don’t blame you a bit. We’ll be landing in about an hour. It will only be about a forty five-minute layover and then we’ll be taking off for London. Is there anything I can get you or-“


“Emma.” The flight attendant smiled again as Nate turned to look at her with a giggle.

“We’re fine right now. I appreciate you asking.” 

* * *

A little over an hour later as the rest of the passengers walked off of the plane Lily sat back in her seat her son fast asleep in her arms, his snoring a comforting sound in the silence of the deserted cabin.

“I wish things could have been different Kevin.” She said aloud. “But you left me no choice…… choice at all.”

Shortly after Kevin’s last call to Lily she began to set plan two into motion.

As Nate slept soundly in the nursery upstairs Lily retrieved the duffel bag from the back of her closet. The bag that had been packed and ready to go since the day she first moved into the Richardson home.

Inside were some clothes, toiletries and a wad of cash. There was also a fake I.D. and two passports in the names of Carolyn and Emma Lopez.

In addition to those items there were newly purchased baby outfits in various shades of pink, yellow and lavender as well as baby blankets, hair bows, diapers, crackers, and bottles with packs of powdered formula. Everything a mother would need for a long trip.

Lily was sitting on the sofa in the living room when Kristin finally arrived home looking disheveled and out for blood.

“I want to talk to you.” She shouted slamming the front door behind her as she pointed a finger in Lily’s direction.

“Kristin, I’ve been waiting for you.” Lily spoke calmly a pleasant smile on her face.

“The hell you have. You’ve been waiting for my husband not me.” Looking down Kristin tapped the toe of her shoe on the duffel bag by the door.

“What the hell is this?”

“Some of my belongings.”

“Yes well it had better be all of your belongings because I want you out of my house….NOW!” Continuing on into the living room Kristin looked around, her eyes blazing.

“Where is my son?”

“Asleep upstairs.” Lily remained seated on the couch, legs crossed.

“I’m going upstairs to see my son and when I return I want you and your duffel bag out of my house.”

“No problem Kris.” Lily’s eyes narrowed the corner of her mouth twitching with the faint signs of a smile.

“You think that this is funny Leslie?” Hands on hips Kristin moved forward, standing over Lily, her body visibly shaking.

“It’s a little bit funny.” Lily laughed.

“I thought you were my friend Leslie. I trusted you with my family.”

“That was your first mistake.”

“And my last you backstabbing bitch.” Swinging her arms back Kristin’s hand connected hard with Lily’s cheek the crack of flesh on flesh startling both women.

Turning on her heel Kristin didn’t look back as she made her way through the living room and up the winding staircase to the second floor.







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