Part 9:


Please Don't Hate Me

“Aim to the left.”

“No dummy, not that far left.”

“Okay stop, stop it’s perfect”

“Yeah, right there.”


“Oh my hell Nick this isn’t NASA. Let him drop it when he wants to.”

“Do you want me to count for you?”

“I think he can count.”

“Was I talking to you A.J.?”


“Was I talking to you A.J.?”

“Quit mocking me Bone!”


“Quit mocking me Bone!”

“I’m a dork.”

“I’m a…….hey I’m not falling for that Nick!”

“Three.” Kevin let the large whip cream filled balloon drop from the ten-story balcony of the hotel. It’s bright shiny red exterior aimed right for the bald tattooed head of a guy who looked like he once must have been a card carrying member of The Hell’s Angel motorcycle gang.


It was official.

In eight short weeks Kevin had given in to the dark side.

Kevin had gone back to being one of the "Boys”……..and it felt so good.

“Run you guys run!” Kevin yelled as he turned and ran away from the balconies edge where Nick and A.J. still stood aruging.

“What did Kev say?” Nick asked leaning out over the balcony a big goofy smile on his face.

“I dunno I think he said run or something?” A.J. replied as he too leaned over the balcony.

“Why would he tell us to run?” Nick asked just as his eyes set on the fluffy white cloud of whip cream sitting on the head of the man below.

“Oh shit he threw the thing.” Locking eyes with the pissed off Hells Angel Nick backed away from the balcony, running in his own tracks just like a cartoon before throwing back the French doors and disappearing inside A.J. right on his heels.

“You bastard.” Nick yelled doubled over with laughter on the floor of the sitting room. “I can’t believe you didn’t tell us you threw it!”

“Hey I tried.” Kevin lay back on the couch pulling a couch cushion over his face to smother his laughter.

“Yeah well you didn’t try hard enough.” Stumbling across the room a huge smile on his face A.J. dropped into a chair trying to catch his breath. “Oh my God he was so pissed!”

“Now tell me that wasn’t fun Kev?” Nick kicked his feet on the floor letting out another hoot as Brian and Howie came walking into the room

“What wasn’t fun?” Howie stepped over Nick while Brian stopped pretending he was going to stand on Nick’s chest.

“These two lunatics talked me into playing the ol’ Whip Cream Balloon Drop.” Tossing the couch cushion at A.J. Kevin smiled.

“No way?” Brian started to move away from Nick but was stopped when Nick grabbed his ankle pulling him to the floor.

“You guys suck. You said that you would call me when you played.” Brian whined as Nick grabbed him in a headlock delivering a powerful noogie to Brian’s head.

The ringing of the phone couldn’t even quiet the room down as the guys laughed back and forth trading “war stories” about the good old days of European Whip Cream Balloon Drop.

Reaching for the phone Howie had to plug a finger in one ear to hear the voice of the person on the other end of the line.

“Oh yeah hey how are you doing……of course nothing but utter madness…….yeah sure let me get him hang on……Hey Kev it’s for you its’ Leslie.”

Locked in a bitter war of thumb wrestling with A.J. Kevin quickly wrapped up the round with a nasty hard pin that made A.J. wince before pushing him to the side as Howie handed him the phone.

“Leslie and Kevin sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G…..” Nick and Brian sing songed as Kevin flipped them the bird on his way to the bedroom where he was hoping for some privacy.

“Hey Sweet Girl how are things going on the home front.” Shutting the bedroom door behind him Kevin turned the lock.

“Hey there Boss Man, it’s good to hear your voice.” Leslie’s voice was soft and sad. “I really need to talk to someone.”

* * *

Lily sat curled up on her bed in her main floor bedroom of the Richardson home a glass of wine on her nightstand, Kevin’s picture in a small sterling silver frame placed tenderly in the center of the pillow beside her.

In the eight weeks since her arrival as the ‘perfect nanny’, Lily had not only charmed the tiny infant whose care became her reason for living, but she had also become fast friends and bosom buddies with Kristin as well as managing to form a tight bond with Kevin when he would call to check in from various stops along the tour.

After the misunderstanding the first day Kevin was away he had written up and faxed Kristin a calling schedule, listing the days and times he would be checking in with the family.

Lily and Kristin had shared a good laugh over the schedule all color-coded and complete with bar graphs and pie charts.

“You should hang it on the fridge.” Lily snatched the paper from Kristin grabbing a big fat frog magnet.

“Right here.” Smacking it down in the center of the fridge Kristin grabbed a red marker placing an A+ in the upper right hand corner of the schedule.

“An A+ for my husband on his schoolwork.” Both women giggled as they headed outside to the pool.

Over the next few days Lily had quickly memorized Kevin’s calling schedule to his wife so she knew just when to position herself by the phone to take his calls.

At first their conversations were filled with pleasantries but were quick and to the point as Kevin anxiously asked to talk to Kris.

Then slowly, as the weeks went on he warmed more and more to Lily. Asking her about her likes and dislikes, why she'd moved to Florida, and how come some lucky guy hadn't scooped her up yet.

Lily loved the cheer in Kevin's voice when she answered the phone. "Hey Leslie I'm glad it's you!" He would begin with a smile in his voice. Listening with rapt attention as she told him stories of his son’s progress, knowing that each time she spoke about some random goo, giggle or chubby cheeked smile she was reeling Kevin in even more.

One night they had even talked about Lily herself.

It was late, Kevin and the guy’s had finished an awesome concert in Michigan followed up by a rare night of dancing and drinking at a local bar. Kevin was still on a high when he stumbled into his hotel room. Lonely for some female company he had decided to call his wife.

Lily had been lying in bed awake listening to the sound of the waves crashing on the shore below when the phone pierced the night with its’ shrill ring.

She snatched it up on the first ring.


“Lovely Leslie.” Kevin slurred his voice deep and sexy.

“Kevin?” Sitting up in bed Lily smiled.

“Leslie is such a beautiful name. Do you know what it means….it means cheese”

Giggling Lily pushed her bangs from her face.

“Kevin you’re drunk.”

“And you’re beautiful.”

“You don’t even know what I look like.” Tossing back the sheets Lily dropped her bare feet to the floor and walked to the glass doors that lead out onto her patio.

“Yes I do.”

“Oh you do do you?” Pushing her long blonde hair over her shoulder she padded to the edge of the balcony.

“You look like an angel.”

“Kevin, seriously you’re drunk.” Resting a hand on the rail of the balcony Lily smiled. “You should take some aspirin and go to bed.”

“………….an angel letting the stars overwhelm her.”

Lily froze.

“What, what did you say?”

“Lily I miss you.” Kevin rolled over on his stomach, smashing his face into the fluffy white hotel pillow, the phone still pressed to his ear.

“Kevin-“ Lily found herself weak at the sound of her name on Kevin’s lips. It had been so long since she had heard him say her name with such tenderness in his voice.

She wanted to tell him the truth, tell him that she still loved him and that they could take Nate and run away…..they could be a family.

And then she heard the snoring.

He had fallen asleep.

Walking back into her bedroom Lily dropped the phone in its’ cradle without even saying goodnight.

They never spoke of the conversation, each word and memory had been lost in a drunken haze.

He never called her Lily again.

“Leslie what’s wrong?” Shaking her back to the present Lily reached for her glass of wine.

“Kevin, please don’t hate me for telling you this.”






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