Chapter 31

One year later...

Mariah approached the grave with an armful of flowers. She adjusted her sunglasses and her hat so it fit comfortably. She knelt down and laid down the flowers.

"I miss you," she whispered. "Of course, you know that. A lot's happened since you've been gone, but I promise I'll keep updating on what happens. I'm sorry I haven't come in a month, but things have been quite busy. Mom's doing great. She's got a promotion. She's so happy right now. I know she misses you too." Mariah became silent. Some time passed before she moved from her position. "I love you. I've got someone who takes real good care of me, so you don't have to worry anymore." She smiled. "Talk to you later. I love you." Mariah looked to the sky and blew a kiss. Then she turned and walked away smiling.

Once she got home, she opened the door and called, "I'm home!" She closed the door and locked it.

"Are you okay?"

Mariah turned around and smiled. "I'm okay." She walked to him and kissed him. She was happy that in the last two months he had finally been able to go places without his wheelchair. He was strong enough now, but still somewhat weak. "How about you? Are you alright? What did the doctor say?"

Brian smiled at her reassuringly. "The doctor says I'm doing really well, so don't worry! You're such a worry wart!"

"I can't help it!" she said. The two smiled at each other and walked into the kitchen. "So did anyone call for me?"

"Yup, your mom called again. She wants to make sure that you're alright and that I haven't slipped into a coma yet."

Mariah laughed. "I'll call her back later."

"The guys called too. They said they wanted to get together tomorrow at Nick's place for a barbecue."

"Great!" said Mariah. "That sounds like fun."

Brian walked up behind her and put his arms around her waist. He kissed her on the cheek. "Let's go somewhere. The sun's beginning to set." Mariah turned around and saw Brian smile. Without a word, the couple got their jackets and headed out the door. They knew exactly where they were headed, no questions asked. It was their place now. A place where they went when they wanted to run away from the world. Not even the other guys knew about it.

Brian liked it so much because it was a secret, a secret between him and Mariah. No one knew about it, and no one could ever find them there. Brian's fame grew tremendously in the last year. They weren't able to tour because he was recovering slowly, but he and the guys made appearances on TV shows. Because he and the guys were becoming very famous, so was Mariah. That was why she had to wear sunglasses and a hat wherever she went now, but she didn't mind. Just as long as she was with him, nothing mattered.

The distance to their destination was quite far, but once they got there, both were very happy. Mariah got out of the driver's seat and walked around to the other side to help Brian.

"I'm alright," Brian said and smiled. He took Mariah's hand they slowly walked to the edge. They had returned to the spot where they first came together as a couple and had fallen asleep in the car talking. Then, they enjoyed the sunrise, and now, they enjoyed the sunset.

Mariah spread out a blanket and they both sat down on it when she heard Brian cry out in pain.


"I'm alright, it's okay!"

"What's wrong?" asked Mariah, her face full of fear.

"Nothing's wrong except for my foot. You stepped on it with your five inch heels!"

Mariah laughed, relieved. Brian smiled, and wrapped his arms around her. They sat silently together, then Mariah said, "They are not five inches."

Brian looked at her and laughed. Mariah joined in. When they stopped laughing, Brian tilted Mariah's head gently so she was facing him.

"Did I scare you just now?" he asked.

"Yeah, I thought it was happening again. I never want that to happen again. I don't want you to leave me."

Brian gazed into her eyes and smiled. "Don't worry. I'll never leave you. Never. I'll love you, all my life."

The two sat together and admired the beautiful sunset, knowing they had the rest of their lives together.

The End





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