Chapter 16


Three weeks later


Nick, Howie, Kevin, and AJ were released. Brian was still at the hospital recovering. They hadn’t received any more threatening phone calls, to their relief. They had to stay in the surrounding area. Howie received therapy for his leg and shoulder, and AJ for the shot in his arm, and it required therapy as well. Kevin and Nick were given strict orders to take it easy. They weren’t allowed to do much but rest. They stayed in apartments. Nick and AJ shared one, and Kevin and Howie shared one.


“Dude, I so beat you!” Nick bragged, sticking his tongue out at AJ.


“Whatever man.”


“I hate video games,” AJ muttered.


Nick laughed. “AJ, don’t be a sore loser!”


“What do you wanna do?”


“Howie’s out with his Pollyanna and John, and Kev’s out with Kristen,” Nick informed.


“We haven’t seen Brian since like Wednesday night. Let’s go visit him.”


“We can’t. Visiting hours are over in like twenty minutes. We can go see him tomorrow,” Nick replied.


“Well then I’m going to sleep Nick, see ya tomorrow.”




AJ took a shower and then crept into his bed. He shut his eyes and drifted off to sleep…


AJ awoke screaming and sweating. His hands were sweating and hi heart beating rapidly. “No…Brian!”


“AJ…what is it?” Nick asked sitting down on the bed.


“Nick… I had this dream. That—when Brian and Rob…when—um Rob shot Brian. That Brian I saw him. Nick I remember everything. I remember Brian blacking out…he went like limp. His face, it went really pale, he wasn’t breathing well. I grabbed him…so that he wouldn’t get hurt. And that’s all I remember. I was…so scared. Nick—I’ve…I’ve never had a nightmare about this before.”


Nick’s face paled just listening. He thanked God that he hadn’t remembered that. “Whoa, it’s okay. It’s just a dream man. Want me to get you some water?”


“No, I’m gonna go see Brian.”


“What? It’s three in the morning!”


“So, you go with me. I have to see him.”




They jumped into their car and headed to the hospital. The parking lot was pretty abandoned. They walked to the door. There was a janitor inside cleaning the windows. She looked to be in her mid forties. She looked at them dumbfounded. She didn’t hesitate to unlock the door.


“You’re…the Backstreet Boys. My daughter, Emily has pictures of you all over her walls!”


They smiled. “Uh do you think that you could let is upstairs. Our friend, Brian, you might know him is here.”


“Oh boys, I’m sorry. But you’ll have to take that up with the nurses. They are swarming the place, you’ll never get away with just sneaking in.”


“Alright. Thanks.”


“Do you think that you could sign an autograph for my daughter?”


“We’d be glad to.”


They quickly did so and headed up to Brian’s floor.


“Excuse me, but what do you two think your doing!”


AJ and Nick immediately recognized the voice as a nurse they had, during their stay. “Hey Laura.”


“C’mon, you can see Brian tomorrow, when visiting hours start.”


“But…you don’t understand! I had this nightmare. It was so bad. Brian he was hurt and I am just scared. I need to see him.”


The nurse softened. “Oh…I’m sorry dear. I had no idea. Well, I suppose you can see Mr. Littrell, but not too long.”


“Thank you Laura.”


Brian’s guard recognized them and allowed them to go in. Brian lay sound asleep curled up on his side.


“See. AJ he’s fine.”




“Don’t wake him man, he’s probably tired. Let him rest.”


AJ didn’t listen. He took Brian’s hand and gently shook his arm. Brian moaned and his eyes fluttered open.




“Hey! How are ya Brian,” Nick asked taking a seat on the opposite side.


“Okay…I don’t feel to hot though. My stomach has been hurting.”


“Oh yeah. What’d the doc say?”


“That it was normal now that I’m more active. I have to walk around with a cane or walker. It sucks.”


“Oh…well we won’t stay long.”


“No…I’m glad you came. I haven’t seen you two in a few days. Why did you come here at three-thirty in the morning anyway? Is something wrong? Howie? Kevin?”


“They’re fine. Everyone’s fine. I had a bad dream about you Rok, and I thought that I’d come visit you.”


“Oh…” he said with a yawn. “What about?”


“No big deal. Just about like when Rob was like…”


“Yeah, it’s okay, I know what you mean. I’m fine though AJ. Don’t have anymore nightmares.”




The phone rang and Brian reached for it. Who would call so late?


Brian answered, and his face paled.







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