Chapter 8


Nick rested his head against the wall, listening to the peaceful breathing of his sleeping friends.  Pulling his sheet tighter, he ran his hand through his blonde hair. The basement was cold. It was getting further into September and the temperatures were dropping quickly.


Howie then woke up, stretching and yawning. The Latino then looked over at his younger friend, who was wide-awake. “Hey Nick how are ya doin’?”


Nick just sighed, and nodded his head slowly. “We’re gonna die in here aren’t we?”


Howie was startled by Nick’s question. “Nick…of course we aren’t we’ll get out of this don’t think like that.”


“Sorry I’ve just got this awkward feeling in the pit of my stomach that we aren’t.”


Before Howie could answer A.J. stirred and his eyes fluttered open. Letting out a disappointed sigh, he greeted the others.



“Rob, Rob! Man you gotta check this out man! They found a lead the police found a lead,” Craig yelled throwing a newspaper in front of his boss. The newspaper headline was: “New Lead on Missing Backstreet Boys Case.” Rob quickly skimmed the article, once he realized that the police knew what state they were in he barked orders at Craig, not willing to take any chances. “Put the curtains over the windows of the van, get the other fellas and tell ‘em to pack anything we will need. Tell at least two of ‘em to meet me downstairs where the boys are! I want the duck tape, and the ropes, quick!”


“Got it Rob,” he then ran out of the room in search of the rest of the guys. Once he delivered the orders, everyone snapped into action, quickly scurrying for the items they would need.


Rob sat at his chair with his cell at his ear. He was making a deal with a friend. His friend, Jeff helping him find some place completely abandoned they could stay at. Rob was relieved when Jeff was able to give directions to an abandoned house, far from any town. No one barely ever drove on the roads. It was completely secluded from all civilization.


Brian and Kevin didn’t have any time to comprehend what was going on. Their arms were being tied back tightly, and duck tape was placed over their mouths. The five men were then roughly and painfully pulled up into a standing position. The Backstreet Boys had no idea where they were going. It was still dark out. Kevin guessed it was about 5 a.m. Fear took place of curiosity as they took sight of the van. It was large and ugly. The blue paint was chipped and curtains were covering the windows. Craig and Jack opened the back up, revealing a trunk-like area. It was dirty and gross. A spare tire and ropes were the only items there. Jack pulled them out and threw them on the ground. All five of them were pushed in. Shoved against the back frame of the back seat were Kevin and Nick. Howie and A.J. sat on the left, next to Kevin. Brian was put next to Nick on the far right. They sat cramped in the small area they were given. Jack then warned them, that if they made a single noise they would be gagged with chloroform. The bags were shoved into the seat in front of the Backstreet Boys. Jack Craig and Charlie sat in the seats in front of that, with Rob and Chris in the two front seats.


Nick, Howie, A.J., Kevin, and Brian found it hard to sleep. Too nervous and scared. Even though they were extremely tired and exhausted, they just couldn’t sleep.


Brian rested his head against the wall-like-seat and closed his eyes. Praying for sleep. Wanting to escape every horrible thought of what might happen to them. Nick then rested his head on the dirty floor, hoping just the same for sleep.


Hour after hour dragged by and finally they were all sleeping soundly.


That night the captors, whom had driven hours, finally reached their destination. The five young men were awoken suddenly at the loud sound of the door being pulled opened. Rob smiled as he took sight of the house they were staying in. It was run down, badly. In fact, it looked as if it could fall apart at any given moment. The main thing was that it was secluded from the world and was big. It was larger then the old one they’d been staying at. Opening the door they found the house completely empty. It was gross and dusty, and very old. The only furniture was a dusty broken down table and an even worse looking chair. Using only flashlights they roamed through every room of the house. Brian, Nick, Kevin, Howie, and A.J. were each guided to the basement. The steps were steep and filled with cobwebs. The tape was removed from each of their mouths and the ropes were undone. Jack, Craig, Rob, Chris, and Charlie then left the basement. Shutting and locking the door behind them. Rob then placed a chair in front of the door.


 Nick was the first to speak. “Oh God, what are we gonna do?”


“Nick, don’t panic, okay,” Kevin gently spoke.


“We’ll figure it out tomorrow. Now lets get some rest.”


Nick awoke early the next morning. Surprised that his friends were already awake. “So, have you figured anything out yet,” Nick asked eagerly, looking up at his four band mates hopefully.


“No, sorry Nick, but don’t worry we’ll figure something out,” Brian spoke softly.


Nick frowned and rested his head against the wall. “Why don’t we just break the door down?”


“We already thought of that. I am pretty sure that they are sitting out there. They would hear us. We'd get caught. Then punished. It’s not a risk we should take.”


“What other option do we have then Kev? I mean it’s either take that risk and be punished or die down here.”


“Not necessarily Nick,” Kevin began. “Who’s to say we won’t be found soon. I don’t want to be put in that kind of pain. You know very well that they aren’t just going to kill us right away. That would take all of the fun out of their sick little game. They’ll torture us Nick. I don’t want to see you guys suffer through that. Please understand that.”


Nick slumped in defeat. Realizing that Kevin made sense.


They then heard the door forcefully open. They were ordered outside. It was cooler then it was the last time they had to work. Early September was miserable. It was burning hot wherever they were, but it was now further into September, and cooler.


Since there was barely any food they were forced to fish at a nearby pond. Chris had only brought along two fishing poles so only two at a time were allowed on the old canoe that was found in the shed. It was cobweb and spider infested, but they had no choice. The canoe was actually large enough to fit three in it. But a bucket was put in the middle and A.J. and Brian were at the two ends. Howie, Kevin, and Nick sat in the mud searching for bait. They were pushed out to the deepest section, which was about fifteen feet deep. They were supposed to get at least two fish every twenty minutes, or they would be severely punished. Brian and A.J. wasted no time. A.J. felt a tug on his pole only minutes after he threw it in. He pulled, but the fish was large so he stood up. Brian glanced over watching A.J. A.J. then lost his balance on the canoe and fell in. The whole canoe flipped sending Brian in as well. Brian and A.J. sunk to the bottom, not yet even realizing what happened, to shocked. Brian was in search of A.J. as he struggled to pull himself up. Nick, Howie, and Kevin were ready to jump in after then but were held back by Craig, Jack and Chris.


“Those stupid idiots,” Rob spat angrily. “I’ll make them pay for bein’ freaking morons and tippin’ the freakin’ boat!”


“Charlie, lets go teach those fools a lesson!”


 Charlie immediately understood Rob’s plan and followed him out.


 Nick, Howie, and Kevin, were quick to realize what they were planning too. Letting out screams of no, struggling to pull out of the firm grasps that held their arms back.


 Brian gasped and spat out water as he reached the surface. He then glanced over at A.J. thanking God that he was okay. Brian didn’t even hear Rob coming towards him. It all happened fast as his head was pushed back under the cold water. He struggled to free himself, but it was no use. Rob was so much larger then him. Brian slowly lost control of everything and his world went black. Rob yet still continued holding Brian down.


A.J. was in the same situation as Brian. He was being held under. As much as he fought it was nearly impossible to break free of Charlie. The water wasn’t clear and he strained, searching for his friend. His lungs ached for oxygen, A.J. then gave up falling into oblivion.







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