Chapter 17

"How long is the surgery going to take?" Katie worried as she walked toward the lounge Brian close at her side.

"Just calm down, Katie," he soothed resting his hand on her back. "Apparently, from the information I gathered in the OR Annie had a high fever when he took her back, it made her case very high risk. She already has an elevated temperature and acute infection in her body. Kevin has to take his time and be thorough."

The burnette released a frustated sigh. "Then, he should have treated her first for the fever and infection and then took her into surgery." She shook her head. "And I didn't even get to see her. I know she had to be scared, what if Kevin wasn't nice to her?"

"Honey," he whispered, "Kevin took Annie upstairs to give her a little privacy and take care of her. He started her on antibotics through an IV, a heart monitor just as a precaution and put her on an oxygen mask so she wouldn't have to take as many deep breaths because it was causing her more pain in her abdomen. He was trying his best to help her without rushing into an open operation. Obviously, something went very wrong upstairs and he decided she needed emergency surgery. Maybe she lost consciousness for a few minutes, maybe he was worried if he didn't take her into surgery her gallbladder would rupture, possibly both."

Katie paled facing him. "But...the gallbladder doesn't normally have a high tendency of possible rupture."

Brian stared at the ground. "Katie, with all of the symptoms she was showcasing is it possible."

The nurse suddenly wrapped her arms around him hugging him tightly. "Brian, she has to be okay. Tell me she's going to be okay."

The doctor rubbed her back softly. "I can't--" he paused realizing how distraught the woman was. He took a deep breath rephrasing his words.. "I can't tell you how long or how sick she might be after surgery, but she'll be okay." He gently kissed her forehead. "Come on, let's go take a break. Things are slow now anyway."

Katie looked up at him. "I don't doubt Kevin's amazing talent as a surgeon, but if he wasn't compassionate and caring with her..."

Brian cut her off. "If he wasn't, then I give you full permission to punch his face in."

The petite nurse smiled at the idea. "Great! But um...could you get me a stool, so, I can make sure I can reach him?"

The doctor smiled. "I'll have it arranged and sell tickets. It would be quite an entertaining sight."

The couple entered the lounge to see Howie, Nick and AJ waiting anxiously in the quiet room. Nick stood quickly. "Any news?"

Katie shook her head. "No."

"Oh," he sighed sitting back down.

Brian sat down making room for Katie in his lap as all the seats were taken. "We just have to hope for the best."

AJ scratched his head. "I just don't get it. Why wouldn't she say something? Annie had to have been in agony the passed few days."

Katie crossed her arms. "She was afraid to tell Kevin. Annie thought he would get upset or that no one would take her seriously as a surgeon. She thought it was a late onset of that gross virus that was going around and that she didn't have time to get over it, because she never really had a long time to rest."

"Like Richardson had any room to talk," Howie grumbled. "He pulled out of work an entire day for a stomach virus."

The nurse gritted her teeth. "I'd like to get my hands on that walking ass and..."

"Katie," Brian lectured patting her waist. "Behave. I'm beginning to see the effect Annie's friendship has had on you with this new temper of yours'."

Nick tilted his head. "Ya' know, there was something very different between them today. Kevin and Annie, I mean."

Howie nodded. "Well, that's a given Nick. Today they went from being co-workers to surgeon and patient."

"No, Nick's right," AJ defended. "When Kevin got in there, he dropped the entire ego-trip. When he saw her lying there, hee looked like he was...I don't know."

"Scared?" Nick suggested. "He was honestly worried for her. And he was holding her, it was almost like he..."

"Had the hots for her," AJ finished. "Dude, that's weird. I always expected Katie and Brian to hook up...But Annie and Kevin?"

Katie's jaw dropped. "You have got to be kidding me! Annie and Kevin? Together? They'd kill each other."

"Nah, they're great doctors they could quickly cure battle wounds," Brian chuckled.

Katie rolled her eyes at his lame humor. "I'll believe it when I see it."

"I just hope Kevin's emotions won't get the better of him. He didn't want to be operating at all. Let alone operating on someone he knows personally," Howie commented.

Dr.Littrell shrugged. "He didn't have much of a choice."

Katie rested her head on Brian's shoulder. "Oh, God, please let her be all right."

The group became silent as the doorknob turned. Kevin entered slowly keeping his head down.

Katie stood. "Is she okay? Why are you so upset?" She paused watching his sad figure. "Oh, God, no!" she practically screamed. "No, tell me she didn't-"

"She didn't die, Katie," Kevin assured her lifting his head. "She made it through just fine. I'm only upset because of the damage I found."

"How much damage?" Brian asked as he stood at Katie's side.

The surgeon sighed. "She had gallstones as well as the infection. It's miracle she didn't pass out in performing surgery a few days ago from dehydration or that it didn't rupture."

"Then, what's the whole problem?" Nick asked studying the doctor. "There's more to it, I can tell."

"She's still running a fever and I'm worried about her frail condition right now. I'm going to keep her alone in an isolated area during the beginning steps of her recovery to try to keep her from picking up any possible diseases. Right now a cold could be a major thing for her. I'm going to continue a run of antibiotics and treatment to keep her at a high stabilized status and make her immune system and body stronger."

"How long will a recovery take?" AJ pondered.

"I want to keep her in the hospital for seven to nine days, maybe more. Then, if she's strong enough she could go home as long as someone was there to help her. It'll take about six weeks before she's fully able to get back into a normal routine." He turned to the nurse. "Katie, I was hoping maybe you'd stay with her awhile? Being medically trained you could make sure she is doing well and as her friend she might listen to you when her temper gets the best of her and she wants to disobey my instructions," he said softly a smile surfacing on his lips. "And I could stop by to check up on her from time to time."

Katie nodded. "Yeah, I'll stay with her as long as I need to."

He sighed running a hand over his tired face. "Okay, Brian, please call into Community General and tell them they have to speed up sending a surgeon out here. And, Howie, continue transferring all traumas. I've rescheduled all of Annie's surgeries for tomorrow that I could and the rest have been transferred." He paused. "Um, I'd like to stay with her and be there when she wakes up. Could you all handle the hospital? I'd really like to be left alone unless it were an emergency."

Brian nodded. "We understand. Go take a break upstairs and stay with her. She might need you when she wakes up."

Katie fidgeted from side to side. "When can I see her?"

Dr.Richardson rubbed his neck. "I'll check her over once she's wakes up, then, if everything's clear I'll send you in. I'm sure she'll feel better knowing you're near her."

"Even if she falls back asleep just let me go sit with her. I just want to see her," Katie explained.

"I will." He paused a slight red tint coloring his cheeks. "Um, Katie, would you happen to know um....What Annie's favorite flower is?"

"Yeah, she likes roses."

"What color?"

"Any color but yellow, she hates yellow."


"Kevin!" she softly called after him.


She gave him a genuine smile. "Thank you for saving my best friend's life."

He gave a curt nod and disappeared into the hallway.

Brian tapped her shoulder. "You said you'd believe it when you see it. What do you think now?"

The nurse grinned. "I think Annie has turned the frog into a prince."


Kevin sat alone in the quiet room listening to the steady sounds of the heart monitor and the patient's deep breathing. He pulled his chair closer to the bed as he watched Annie gently shift her head from side to side slowly waking up.

"Hey," he whispered gently placing his fingertips to her lips. "It's okay to talk but you need to whisper, I intubated during surgery and your throat is going to be very sore from the tube helping you breathe."

"Hi," she whispered in a raspy weak breath. "Is it all over?"

He nodded. "Yeah, sweetheart, it's all over. You did great."

"I did great? I just laid there, you're the one that did great."

He carefully adjusted her oxygen. "How do you feel?"

She shut her eyes still feeling the heavy effects of the operation. "You just opened my skin and removed a part of my body. I've had better days. I feel....really sick and very weird."

"That's just from the drugs, it'll go away in a little while. But, unfortunately, you're probably going to feel really sick and very sore for quite some time." He frowned feeling her forehead. "Even though, your temperature went down a little you're still running quite a fever and you had a lot of damage to your gallbladder that I found while I was in surgery. I'm worried about the infection you're dealing with. I'm going to be keeping you isolated for a little while due to your weakness, I don't want to chance anything. I want your body and immune system to build up their strength again. And you need to gain some weight, you lost too much for the dehydration."

"How long do I have to stay here?"

"Right now I'd assume seven to nine days, it just depends on how well you do. Now, I know it would hurt to much to even try this right now, but after you're a little stronger you need to force yourself to cough to keep your lungs clear and prevent pneumonia."

"Okay." She looked at him wearily. "You won't make me eat hospital food or anything that had a face when I can handle food, will you?"

"I promise." He glanced at her shivering form. "You want another blanket?"

She gave a slight nod fighting to stay awake. "This is embarrassing."

"What?" he asked as he laid the thick blanket over her.

"Being one of top surgeons and now laying in a hospital bed like I'm worthless."

He took her cold hand in his. "Annie, you're not worthless, you're sick. You covered for me when I had that damn virus and when I was afraid to practice, the least I can do is cover for you while you recover from surgery." Kevin hung his head. "You should have come to me. I can't believe how much torture you put yourself through."

She sighed. "Would you have really listened to me?"

"Good point." He pushed her long red strands away from her brown eyes. "For now on don't be afraid to tell me anything. I don't care what it is...A cold, the flu, a virus...a papercut, where ever it is I'll be there for you."

"A papercut?"

He grinned. "Sure."

Annie gripped his hand weakly. "Thank you for taking care of me like you promised, and getting me through this, Kevin. I was terrified once you said I had to go into emergency surgery. Hell, once you had me in the elevator I couldn't be that strong anymore."

The doctor gently stroked her cheek. "I know you were afraid, so was I, you really scared me in there. But we made it."

She turned away from him her smile fading.

"What? What is it?" he worried.

She looked down. "I know this is a pathetic trivial thing, but how bad was the scar? Will it be bad?"

Kevin bit his lip. "It will be very visible, but it's not a big deal. You'll still be beautiful just as you were the first day you walked in here. Besides, now we have his&hers abdomen scars. How many couples have that?"

"Not many."

"See? We've always been complex people down to the skin."

She nodded looking passed him at the red roses sitting beside her bed. "Are those for me?"

"They'd have to be. No one likes me enough to send me anything. You want to see the card?"

Annie nodded watching him retrieve the piece of paper. She glanced at the card.


We'll get through this together and I'll take care of you, I promise.



"Thank you," she whispered glancing up at him. "They're beautiful."

He kissed her cheek. "A beautiful person deserves beautiful flowers."

She shook her head. "I still don't know what to think of this. Being near you and kissing you or hugging you instead of biting your head off and yelling at you."

He sighed. "Well, I give you full permission to yell at me whenever you feel it's necessary."

"Good, because I don't know what I'd do if I had to be nice to you all the time."

"Well, you are very good at putting me in my place," he admitted. "And Katie's following in your footsteps. She learned from the best." He paused looking at her pale complexion knowing that even though she was acting humorous, she was still very ill. "Is there anything I can get you? Anything you need or want?"

"No." The redhead locked eyes with him. "I've been thinking," she whispered.

"About what?"

"Just things I'd like to do when I'm better. I'd like to get a doggie. I love dogs so much, I adore animals." She lowered her voice. "That's why I tried to save that cocker spaniel, and I'm really sorry."

He shook his head. "Don't be sorry, you were only trying to help the poor thing. I was wrong to snap at you."

"Did you just say you were wrong?"


Annie raised her brow. "Maybe you're the one with a fever."

"Doubtful," he replied. "What else have you been thinking about?"

"The ocean. I've never seen it. I want to see the ocean."

"I'm positive you'll see it one day," he assured her. "Maybe we'll see it together."

"Do you think we'll run into Puff the Magic Dragon?"

Kevin wrinkled his nose. "Who?"

"Puff the Magic Dragon. You know, Puff the Magic Dragon lived by the sea, and frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called Honalee?" she yawned.

Kevin smirked. "Annie?"

"Hmm?" she asked struggling to keep her eyes open.

"Go back to sleep, honey. The medicine is still having quite an effect on you."

"No, no, I'm okay," she argued attempting to regain a small amount of strength.

"Annie," he said gently, "you're one of the smartest people I know and you're having an in-depth conversation about Puff the Magic Dragon."

The redhead nestled her head against her pillow. "Maybe just a little more sleep."

Kevin lifted the blankets to her chin, feeling her forehead one last time, then keeping a strong hold of her hand he fell asleep himself.






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