Chapter 11


By Cortney


Two Months Later

Melissa's View


I had a blast while I spent the rest of the time on tour with the guys.  They are all so sweet and I am so happy that my dream and wish came true. But two days after I got home, I had an attack and wound up back in the hospital for two weeks.  They are lessing up the time they expect me to live for now.   They don't expect me to live past October now.  I pray to God every night that he can let me hold on for a little longer each time, but I really don't know what is going to happen and its so depressing anymore for me.

Josh's View

Melissa isn't having much fun with all thats going on with her.  They told her and us next time she has another bad spell, she will have a permanent room in the hospital and will never leave again.  She took that news hard and it was hard on all of us knowing that she might die sooner than they expected her to.

"Hey Josh!  Where is my "Black and Blue"  CD?"  Melissa said walking into my room.  How the heck am I suppose to know, I thought.

"Up your butt and around a corner."  I said trying to get her out of my room quickly.

"Gee I don't think so because I am very comfortable right now and theres nothing stuck up in there."  She said smiling and laughing.

"Where do you get your sick mindedness from?"  

"Well gee theres two siblings of mine that say that all the time and so GEE I wonder where I get it from."  She said looking around my room and then leaving.  I say she gets it from Dawn not me, what do you think?

Dawn's View

"Dawn have you seen my "Black and Blue" CD?"  I heard Melissa ask from the door way.  I was actually going to put that CD in to listen to in a second,but she caught me.

"I asked you if I could borrow it from you last night.  I haven't had the chance to listen to it." I said looking up from a letter I was writing.

"Sorry!  I was just making sure it was around here somewhere.  I have been looking for it all day and didn't know what happened to it."  Melissa said turning to leave.  I feel for her what shes going through.  She had so many dreams and so many plans and now her life was turned upside down when she found out what she had.  Its hard on all of us but our dad,but we will survive through this some how.


Two Weeks Later

Melissa's View

Here I am back in the hospital again, but they didn't give me my own room this time and it was a mild attack.  I should get to go home in a few days or so.  Which will be nice because I hate being in the hospital for any sort of reason.  But the girl who is in my room has cancer and shes in for treatments and I feel for her as much as I feel for myself.  Makes me think that I am better off then some people, but then of course I am going to die soon and theres nothing I can do about it.







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