Chapter 18


By Cortney

Later That Day

Andrea's View

I woke up and looked around and found that I was below deck.  I also found a blanket draped over me and then remembered that I had fallen asleep most likely.  I stood up and walked back up on deck.  The sun had gone behind some clouds and it looked like off in the distance there was a storm coming.  I found everyone over on the opposite side wish fish poles.  It looked like we dropped anchor and was doing the deep sea fishing like Nick said we would.

"Hey Guys!  Whatcha doing?"  I asked sneaking up behind on AJ and made him jump a mile high.

"ANDREA!  MAN DON'T EVER DO THAT!"  AJ said turning around and giving me the look.  Man some one is in a peachy mood.

"AJ you are such a bad loser sometimes."  Nick said throwing something at him.  I just laughed and sat down and watched them fish.  I wasn't really that type of person and didn't feel all that hot either.

Nick's View

Andrea had woken up and joined us up on deck.  She looked a little pale, but I was thinking it was from the rocking of the boat.  I sat down my pole and went over to join her.  She didn't even see me walk over and I surprised her a little.

"Whats the matter?"  I asked making her jump.

"Nick!  Don't do that!  Nothing is wrong.....I just don't feel like fishing thats all."  She said smacking me on the arm.

"HEY!  What was that for?"  I asked smacking her back.

"You don't sneek up on a girl like that Carter."  She said hitting me back.  And we hit each other back and forth until Kevin intervened with us.

"CHILDREN!  Do I have to put you two in separate corner?"  He asked looking at us.  We both laughed and went back to hitting each other and Kevin just rolled his eyes at us.

Melissa's View

"Andrea!  Nick!  Either grow up the both of you or I am going throw you both overboard."  I said turing around and seeing that they were still slapping each other every now and then.

"Since when are you our mother?"  Nick said throwing something at me.  I turned around and was about to smack him, when Andrea stepped in front of me.

"Melissa just let it go for once!" She said and I pushed her out of the way and watched her stumble back into AJ and fell on her butt.

AJ's View

"Melissa!  Was that neccessary?"  I asked helping Andrea up.

"She got in my way.  Thats what she gets."  Melissa said walking over and trying to see if Andrea was alright.  She just ran off to the other side of the boat.

"Good going there Melissa!  You upset her as usual."  Brian said standing there as Andrea ran off.  I started to feel sick to my stomach and bent over the railing and threw up.  I felt dizzy as soon as I did that and needed to sit down.

Kevin's View

"Yo AJ!  Man!  You look a little greeen.  I thought you said you never got seasick."  I said watching AJ stumble back onto the seating deck.

"Looks like AJ isn't all that perfect!"  Howie said as we all began laughing.  Melissa had wondered off somewhere else and we were teasing AJ about getting sick.  He claimed that he would never get seasick like he does motion sickness.  I laughed at the thought again that his face basically turned a shade short of green.

Melissa's View

I walked over to the other side of the boat looking for Andrea.  I was a little harsh and I found her and she started running away from me.  I gave up as soon as she went below deck and sat down on the opposite side as the guys.  Shes just mad thats all and she will get over it eventually.  She would have
to seeing that our visit was soon coming to an end.

Later That Night


Back On Shore

Nick's View

We got back on shore and everything was back to normal except that Andrea was avoiding Melissa at every waking second.  She would try to talk to her and she would just push her off or ignore her.  I have to admit what Melissa did was a little rude and if anything she deserves this treatment.

"Andrea?  Are you feeling alright?"  I asked looking her over when we walked into the house and seeing she was a little pale.

"Yeah.....I just have a headache.  I will be fine after a goodnight's sleep." She said heading to her room and shutting the door.  I guess she didn't want to talk to either of us.

"Why did you have to be so mean to her on the boat?"  I asked sternly walking downstairs to talk to Melissa.

"I was joking around Nick.  She took it all so seriously."  She said grabbing a pop out of the fridge and sitting down on the couch.

"Shes only 12 years old Melissa.  Shes going through a rough time.  Just like you she has an incurable diease and its not looking up for her."  I said sitting down on the chest in front of the couch.

"WHAT DO YOU THINK I HAVE?  MINE IS INCURABLE!  I DON'T  HAVE MUCH TIME TO LIVE NICK!"  She said slamming the the can down and running to her room.  I sighed and just let her cool off.  She was right but she didn't have to be so mean to Andrea and she needs to apologize to her.  But they are both in the same boat and really its it in God's hands with whats going to happen to them.  I hope its for the better for the both of them and their families.







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