Chapter 25

By Cortney

Back At The Hospital

Nick's View

"She's responding well.  Have you been able to get ahold of her family?"  The nurse said checking Mel's vital signs.  Everything was going well, she was responding and was awake.

"Yeah her mom, brother and sister are coming in  as we speak,"  I said turning to Mel.  She had all the tubes out from her face and just a mask over her nose and mouth.

"She would be waking up here soon.  We gave her some pain medication cause of the side affects that might result.  She's doing fine Mr Carter,"  The nurse said patting me on the back and leaving the room.

"Nick!  What's going on?  Is she alright?"  Hannah burst into the room asking.  I looked up and smiled.

"The drug is working, they took the tubes out of her mouth and nose," I said standing up and moving, allowing her to sit down next to Mel.

"Wow already, its only been two days or more,"  She said looking around the room for a calendar.  Dawn giggled at how her mom reacted and we all had a small laugh.

"Mom you must have lost track of time there or something,"  Josh said walking over and  embracing her with a hug.

"Joshua its been a long week and last night was my first real sleep,"  She said turning around and facing him.

Later On That Day

Melissa's View

I slowly pried my eyes opened and looked around the room.  I had a bad feeling that I was waking up in heaven, cause the last thing I remember was being in the hospital and some weird sound going off like a siren.  I looked around the small room and found Nick and my mom sitting at the side of my bed. 

"Mom,"  I croaked out as loudly as I could. She didn't stir, I turned to the other side and found Nick sound asleep also.  I groaned and took my hand with all my might and slapped Nick upside the head.

"Josh you are going to pay bro," He said shooting his head up expecting to find Josh behind him and instead found me trying to sit up.

"MELISSA!"  He screeched banding over the bed and hugging me so tightly that I could barely breath.

"Nick get a grip would ya and let go before you kill me,"  I said with a scratchy voice.  My mom woke up soon after hearing Nick scream like a girl.  I looked at them confused like what was going on.  And then it struck me, about having Aids and getting ready to die.  I wondered if this was the end and that I was about to go any second.  I woke up one last time to say goodbye, or was there a God and they found a cure?






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