Chapter 13

AJ fidgeted in the back of the police car. He knew he hadn’t done anything wrong, but it was still nerve-wracking. He felt Kevin’s hand on his shoulder. He looked up and saw Kevin give him a nervous smile.

“They’ll be alright.” He tried to sound reassuring, but AJ could tell he was scared.

He tried to smile back, but found his body couldn’t cooperate. Instead he nodded. A flash of blond from the front seat told him that Nick was awake. His blue eyes peeked over the seat.

“The officer says we’re here.” He whispered.

AJ looked out his window and saw they had pulled into the driveway of what looked like an abandoned apartment. It was two floors and looked ready to collapse.

“Brian and Howie are in there?” Kevin asked skeptically.

As if on cue the front door was thrown open and five men stumbled out. When they saw the police cars they stopped short. One man held up a pistol and fired at the cars. AJ gasped as his window was shattered by a bullet.

Finally a click signaled the officers that the man’s gun was empty. Every officers’ gun was now trained on the five men. Five wary officers approached them and easily led them away.

AJ watched numbly as they were stuffed in cops cars and taken away. Suddenly he snapped into action and bolted for the front door. He heard the startled shouts behind him. Kevin called his name in a tone that told him he would pay for this later.

But at that moment the only thing that mattered to AJ was finding his friends. He had no idea where he was headed, his feet just carried him. The inside of the house flashed by him as he continued to run.

He stopped short when he came to a door that had a huge dead-bolt on it. Turning the dead-bolt, he threw the door open. AJ ran inside and stopped with a gasp.

Inside he saw Howie slumped against the wall. Blood drenched the front of his shirt. Brian was sprawled on the ground beside him. Just like Howie, blood stained the front of his shirt. His face was pale and a line of blood trailed from the corner of his mouth to his ear.

“Oh damn.” A husky voiced officer spoke from behind him. He picked up his CB radio and spoke harshly. “Get the damned paramedics down here now! We need two stretchers!” The officer’s loud demand woke Howie. He stirred quietly. AJ was by his side before his eyes fluttered open.

“D?” He whispered, almost questioning if it was really him. “You okay man?”

Howie broke into a grin when he saw AJ. It was weak but AJ knew it was there. He smiled back.

“AJ.” He rasped. “Oh God, is it over?”

AJ nodded and looked up. He saw the paramedics flooding the room. Two pushed a stretcher over to Howie. Without saying a word, they pushed AJ away. He sat against the wall and watched the scene before him.

The paramedics gently cut the fabric away from Howie’s shoulder. He uttered a quiet groan of pain. The paramedics muttered something to each other and gently lifted Howie on to the stretcher.

AJ looked around and noticed Brian was gone. Feeling the panic rise up in his stomach, he ran out of the small room and came face to face with a pale Kevin.

“W-we have to go to the hospital.” He stuttered. “They aren’t doing that good.”

AJ nodded and followed Kevin back out to the police car. Settling into the backseat, the nervousness didn’t come back. There was only fear. Fear for his older brothers. Staring out the window, AJ allowed one tear to escape.






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