Chapter 3

Howie was waken up by the sound of someone kneeling in his bed. He moaned crossly.

"AJ, knock it off!" He barked.

"AJ's not doing much of anything right now."The deep masculine voice growled.

Howie's eyes snapped open. He saw three masked men standing over him. He tried to jump and run for his life, but one of the men grabbed him. Him slammed him back down on to the bed.

Howie managed a quick glance at AJ. His seventeen year old body was lying there almost lifeless.

"AJ!" Howie screamed.

One of the men was enraged by Howie's yelling and smashed his head on the headboard. Howie yelled out in pain.

"Will you shut up!"One man hissed.

"No!"Howie screamed back."HELP! KEVIN! BRIAN! HELP!"

"Damn it."The man growled. He slapped a piece of duct tape over Howie's mouth.

Despite the tape Howie was able to make enough noise to enrage the men. The last thing he saw was the phone reciver coming towards his head. There was a brief flash of pain and then total darkness.


The first man jumped up and glared at his friend who held the phone reciver in his hand.

"Why did you hit him!"He shouted."How are we going to get him out?"

"We could carry him."One of the other men suggested."You know, say he's drunk or something. You'd of course have to take the tape off his mouth."

The first man grinned."If that wasn't such a good idea I'd have to smack you for the last remark.Now, since you hit him, you can carry him."

The man groaned and threw the phone angrily aside.If he hadn't have been happy about what they were doing he would have quit right then. Ripping the tape off the young man's face he roughly picked him up.

"Alright."The first man had taken position of the leader.He always had."Masks off and stay cool."

They walked into the empty hallway and peered around nervously. No one. Letting out an sigh, they almost ran for the elevator. Pushing the button they crowded into the small space.

'What's wrong with him?"The young woman's voice startled all of them.

"Uh..he's had a little too many to drink."The leader said with a smile."He followed a woman here and we just saved him from wasting his money."

He grinned when he saw the lady blush. He knew she wouldn't ask any questions now. The rest of the elevator ride passed in complete silence.

After they got off, they made it to their van without any more problems. The man threw Howie into the back off the van and jumped in after him.The leader choose himself to drive as they sped off into the night.






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