

I was driving down the street quickly, like every other normal person when they're late for a meeting.  I knew I was going to get yelled at by Kevin but I really didn't give a care, I'm used to it by now. Was that a stop sign back there? Oh well. I saw a car swerve in front of me. I stopped the car quickly but it didn't stop like I wanted it to. My car hit the car that swerved in front of me. I heard a loud bang and felt blood dripping down the side of my face. Everything started to spin. In a matter of seconds my  whole world went black.


When I woke up I was looking down at a body, many doctors were working to save that person's life. I walked out of the room where I was and into the hall. I walked past a waiting room and saw my family and the guys. What were they doing here? I walked into the room and sat down next to Brian. " Hey Bri what you doing here?" I asked, but he didn't answer me, he didn't even look at me. I looked at everyone in the room, they all had tears running down their faces. I saw a doctor walk into the room.


"Are you all friends and family of Mr. Carter?" He asked.


"Yes" Everyone said in barley a whisper.


"I'm sorry to say this but Mr. Carter died on impact, we couldn't get his heart to beat again." The doctor said. I looked up at the doctor. Was that my body the doctors were working on in that room? I looked at everyone else; they had tears cascading down their faces. I saw my dad hug my mom and hold her. I looked at Aaron, Angel, Leslie and BJ. Who would give them advice when they needed it now that I was gone? This just couldn't be true. If I were dead I would be up in heaven right? I looked at the guys, they all were crying, even AJ even though he tried to hide it behind his sunglasses. At that moment I felt a cold feeling go over my body, the tips of my fingers were blue, I looked down at my clothes and everything I was wearing was black. I saw Kevin get up and walk into the hall. I got up and followed him. I saw him walk into the room where my body was. I walked in and stood next to him. He looked at my lifeless body and took my cold hand in his, tears still flowing down his cheeks.


"Nick, I know that your gone now and I know you probably cant hear me, but I'm gonna say it anyways" He stopped as he wiped his eyes and cleared his throat. " I'm sorry for being such a jerk and yelling at you cause you were always late, If I didn't you would still be here and we wouldn't have to go through this. You made this group whole and if it seemed like I hated you I really didn't you were the little brother I never had and I'm sorry". I felt a presence coming and I looked at the door. Brian appeared in the doorway.


"Kev" I heard him say.


"Yeah?" Kevin asked as he let go of my hand and wiped his eyes again quickly before turning towards Brian.


"You ready to go?" Brian asked. I could tell Brian was tired and been crying for hours.


"Yeah I'm ready" Kevin said as he looked at my body one last time and headed towards Brian. I saw my family, AJ, and Howie waiting at the door for them. I followed them out of the hospital. I saw them all get into their cars and drive out of the hospital parking lot.







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