

Two Years Later

AJ smiled and looked over at his gorgeous wife. Everytime he saw or thought of her his heart raced faster then the speed of lightning. She was gorgeous in every way he could imagine and then some. Being eight months pregnant made her ven more radient.

"What are you thinking about, Mr. mcLean?" Jennifer asked, lowering herself into the lounge chair next to him.

"Nothin'. I'm just admiring how beautiful you are, Mrs. McLean," he responded with a grin.

"You're full of yourself today, aren't you?" she asked, laughter filling her voice.

"And you love every second of it!"

"Never said I didn't." Laughing, Jennifer looked at her husband full of amusment only to see a dark shadow flitter across his eyes for a split-second.

"Missing Sarah again," Jennifer asked worried.

"No, actually I was thinking of how blessed were are and..."

"How unfortunate Kevin and Lizz are? Baby, they'll have their chance when Gods willing for them to. It's just not their time right now."

"I know. It's just so hard to sit back and do nothing. She'd make a perfect mother, it's just not far she can't..."

"You never know what'll happen. Maybe one day Kevin and her will find someone who's actually willing to caring their baby for them. Until then all we can do is wait."

 AJ smiled and squeezed her hand. "You're right. Oh! By the way, I got a letter from Nicks doctor."

"Really? How is Nick?" Jennifer asked excited.

"They're releasing him in a week! Nick's done anything and everything they've asked him to do. His doctor feels it's safe for Nicky to come back and join us here in the real world. From what his doctor said, Nick's bouncing off the walls he's so excited."

"You sound like you're in euphoria too!"

"I miss my little brother. Having him in rehab for a year a half has been hard. I can't wait to see him again. I'm sure his Godkids can't wait to see him either."

"James and Danielle are going to be happy their uncle Nick can see them at home. They were asking me yesterday if he was going to come visit soon."

"For being a year in a half those two are loud-mouths!"

"Just like their faither," Jennifer said, leaning over and kissing AJ.

Grinning, AJ pulled her down in his lap. "And their just as beautiful as their mother."


The End





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