Chapter 9:


A Different Point of View

I came home from the studio steaming mad. It's been awhile since I've blown up at anybody like that and I've never ever done that with Nick before. I felt bad as soon as the words left my mouth but I knew it was too late to take them back. They needed to be said, so I said it. Simple as that. I shouldn't have been so harsh but sometimes that's the only way to get through to that kid. He has been so selfish lately and someone had to lay it all out for him. Brian paused from his thoughts to read the note Leigh had left for him by the phone. He was a little relieved to see that she took his advice and left for Georgia. He didn't want her around here while all the crap with A.J. was going on. He felt a twinge of guilt for even telling her about it but it was a little to hard to deal with on his own. The thought of J in danger was too much to think about and besides, J did confide in Howie, so Brian thought it was safe to tell Leigh about the phone calls. Who knows how I even got involved in this. The psycho calls me up one day on my cell nonetheless and the next thing you know, I am the only link between a madman and my best friend. It was weird to think of J as my best friend now but it
was the truth. After Alex went into rehab and stopped the partying, we started to hang out with one another and because of that we had grown extremely close. He has matured so much and now that he is engaged, we have so much in common. I helped him pick out his engagement ring and have helped him celebrate his sobriety every chance I got. Nick however, since J's stay in rehab has gone in the opposite direction. I was concerned at first wondering if it was depression or something but after crying about not wanting us to ever break up he goes and takes the initiative to leave us to make a solo album. that was a shock to me but then he all but disappeared. He wouldn't show up for meetings, never returned phone calls and the icing on the cake for me was when he blew off J's 1st year sober gathering for a stupid awards show. I still care about Nick but I guess I'm just hurt.


Brian jumped when the phone rang. He noticed it wasn't his house phone and sweat started to form on his brow. After this thing was over he vowed to get rid of his cellphone completely. he picked it up dreading what was waiting for him on the other end.


"Hey Brian, what's up man?" He breathed in a sigh of relief when he recognized Kevin's voice on the line.

"Nothing what about you?" He knew what was coming next.

"Have you talked to Nick yet?" Brian rolled his eyes, heaven forbid Kevin stay out of other peoples business. One day I'm going to get up the nerve to tell him so.

"No Kev, I thought I'd just sleep on it and maybe talk to him tomorrow."

"Good because you were a little out of line and we don't need the tension in the studio. We have enough to worry about."


After getting off the phone with Kevin I was happy that J and I had decided to leave him in the dark about the whole crazy guy thing. He tends to overreact and I didn't want to deal with that. A.J also thought it would be best not to tell Nick because he figured the kid had to much on his mind. I think we should say something to him if nothing else to make him feel guilty. He probably wouldn't care. He never takes threats seriously. I normally blow them off too but there was something about this guy that made me nervous. Not to mention that he managed to get my cell phone number. It started off as pranks. Him just breathing heavy into the phone then that grew into "I'm gonna get your little brother" to "I always get what I want and I want your little brother. I see you together all the time so I'm jealous of you Brian." That last threat got my attention completely and I felt the need to let J know he was in danger. It seems like everytime he calls he says a little more like he's playing some kind of game with me. Howie and I have made it our mission to keep an eye on that boy especially now since suddenly Howie has been getting prank calls on his cellphone. Just breathing no talking. Sounds too familiar to me. The guy always ends the conversation in French. at least I think that's the origin of the word Mizpah. I've heard it before but am not exactly sure where. I think it's French for my. Who knows.






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