Chapter 2


“Hey Nicky!  Wake up dude, we have to go to rehearsal!” I heard Brian’s voice, but I was almost in refusal to get up until…  what the hell??? I sat up in horror, I was soaked with water, A.J. was laughing, and Brian was clearly trying to keep himself from joining A.J. .  The anger sparked in me like a match on paper, and I stood up and through a complete tantrum, then stormed off into the bathroom slamming the door behind me, it was only 8:00 in the morning for Gods sake!


“Guys I swear to God, must you always keep the group being late?, Fatima’s going crazy waiting on ya’ll to get here.”


  A.J. backed away, his hands held up in defense, I didn’t do anything, Nicky here refused to get up, we had to throw w-


“We had to go back to the house to get my baseball cap, it’s no biggie Kev, chill, it wont happen again,” Brian claimed, stepping up to defended me.  Kev rolled his eyes and walked away muttering something under his breath, and I through my arms around Brian he always stood up for me, even when I was in the complete wrong.  Then I backed away,


“Thank you so much B-rok” - “Don’t thank me,” Brian cut me short, “Because your right, it wont happen again, next time I’ll just let ya sleep, and Kevin can come get you out of bed.”  Howie walked up at that time.


“Can you guys PLEASE try to be on time,” Howie, always the rational one, pleaded.


“We’ll try D,” A.J. spoke up, and then we all headed  to go start our rehearsal.


Get down! Get down!- we danced for what seemed like hours and all of us were trenched in sweat, and luckily only had to dance to one more song before we were allowed to go home and shower.


I felt an arm being slung around me, and looked up to find Brian standing there…and then-



I sat up, it all felt so real, and my hand flew up to my shoulder instinctively, but Brian’s arm did not linger there like in my dream.  God, I could have sworn that all of that was real… but the truth was, it wasn’t.  That happened six years ago, and I still had it etched in my mind, and it could never be erased.  I knew I would not be able to sleep any longer, and I sat up, stretching, and walked into the kitchen and sat down at the table, it was only six in the morning. 


I stood up when I realized I had sat there for an hour, it was already seven in the morning, That’s when I heard the phone ring, mid-stretch.


“Hey Nicky!” I flinched some, recalling the dream I had had. 




“Well now, don’t you sound chipper.”


“Shut up A.J.!- what?”


“Jeez, sorry!  Were meeting at Kevin’s to discuss the song were gonna sing for Brian, so meet us there at ten, k?”


“Fine, see ya soon.”  And with that I hung up the phone, and climbed the stairs to my room, so that I could throw some clothes on.







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