Chapter 6

Nick's eyes slowly and painfully opened as he regained consciousness and took in the site of his surroundings. He discovered in shock that he was tied down to a bed located in a cold windowless room. He tried to move but let out a groan of pain as pain shot through his stomach and ribs. Nick let out a scream of pain as someone smacked him on his injured head. He looked at the person with tears of pain apparant in his innocent blue eyes. The man laughed when he seen Nick's reaction to the pain he inflicted but stopped laughing as the booming voice of another man in the room said, "Charlie leave the punk alone. We want him to die a slow painful death not have you kill him right now. Got it??" Charlie nodded his head and started slowly walking away from the bed Nick was tied to but not before punching Nick in the stomach and watching in pleasure as the young boy fought to not cry out in pain. Charlie grinned at Nick and said in a low voice, "Yeah you got it right punk. Not a peep out of you or you will get worse than that, understand it kid?" Nick nodded his head painfully and settled back against the bed as Charlie walked away chuckling. When Nick was sure Charlie and the rest of the guys who were in the room had left, tears slowly filled his blue eyes as he let out all of his worries through his tears. He hoped and prayed with all his might that these psychos wouldn't go find the rest of the guys and harm them. He decided right then and there he would rather die than have harm come to his friends who to him were his big brothers and the people he cared for with all his being. He cried himself to sleep as he hoped this nightmare would end soon and he would be able to see his friends again.






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