Chapter 15:


So Close But Yet So Far


"AJ what are you doing?" Brian asked me as I picked up the phone.

"I'm gonna call Joe"


"Because, maybe Trish has a point. Maybe he knows something" I was getting frustrated just waiting around for something to happen.

"Do you even know what his number is?"

"No, but how hard can it be to find out?" Brian shrugged.

"Good point"

I called the head of security asking him if I could have Joe's number. He was hesitant at first but when I reminded him that I was one of the men that signed his paychecks, he offered up the number. I wrote it down. Brian watching over my shoulder the entire time.

"So you are going to call then? Are you sure you just don't want somebody else to deal with it? I mean we just had the guy fired for goodness sake!" He had a good point but I felt like it was something I needed to do. So I dialed the number.


"Joe, hey I hope I'm not bothering you, it's AJ. How are you doing?" There was an awkward pause. I instantly felt bad for calling.

" Hi how are you doing? You kind of caught me at a bad time" I was afraid I had caught him in the throes of passion or something. He sounded all flustered and out of breath.

"I was wondering if Nick had mentioned anything about threats to you?"

"No..I mean not that I know of why do you ask?" Damn!

"Well, It's just that..we found some threats in his hotel room and we figured he would have told someone about them. Probably you."

"Threats? Oh goodness no AJ I think he would have told me that" I let out a sigh of defeat and Brian slumped back down in his chair.

"Oh, okay well, I thought or was actually hoping that you know, maybe he would have.."

"Excuse me J could you hold on for a minute? thanks" Before I could say yes he was gone. He was talking to somebody. I could hear his hand over the receiver so I wouldn't be able to detect who he was talking to. I turned to Brian

"I think he has a lady there or something" Brian nodded.

I waited for a few minutes and could swear I heard cries. I was straining trying to hear what was going on but unfortunately couldn't make it out. I was hoping to hear a juicy fight. That would cheer me up.

"Okay I'm back man. Sorry"

"That's okay. Is everything all right there?"

"Uh yeah why do you ask?" He suddenly sounded defensive.

"No reason, just sounded like someone was crying or something. Having girl problems?" He laughed very loudly and shrill. Forced.

"You didn't have to laugh if it wasn't funny man. I can't be on all the time" I heard more faint cries.

"elp J" I strained to listen. Did I just hear my name?

"Joe?" I called to him but no response. I looked over at Brian and my expression caused him to sit straight in his chair with a questioning look on his face.

"What is it?" Brian asked me now standing right by my side.

"No clue? I could swear I just heard my name." Brian look confused. Confused and curious.

"Joe? Man are you there is everything all right?" I was beginning to get worried about him.

"Woah, sorry about that AJ!"

"Is everything okay there man? I was just about to get off the phone with you and dial 911" He laughed again. Sounded nervous and on edge. How strange.

" need just had a bad fight with my ex"

"Oh sorry to hear that. Did I know her? I could swear to God I heard my name" More muffled cries and a crash. Then it stopped.

"God I'm sorry AJ look I have to go."

"Okay, look Joe is everything all right? Do you need help or anything?"

"No everything is fine. Gotta go" He then hung up on me.

"That wasn't right" I said hanging up the phone. I looked over at Brian and took a minute and explained the conversation to him.

"Wow that is weird. Maybe he was fighting with someone and needed to go" Brian said after hearing the details of my phone conversation.

"Maybe" I shrugged.

"What time is it Rok?" Brian looked at his watch.

"Very close to meeting time. Everyone will be here soon."

"Good. I am eager to let everyone know what we found. Including the police." I still felt uneasy with Joe's abrupt exit.

"What's wrong J?"

"I don't know, I feel like I should call back"

"No AJ, leave the guy alone. Let him fight in peace"

"Yeah you're probably right. But I don't know Bri that voice sounded familiar"


"Yeah" I didn't want to tell him but then decided to anyway.

"It sounded like..I don't know it was weird that's all"

I decided to forget about it for now and concentrate on this emergency meeting we had called.

"I wonder what happened at the end of the call?" Brian said. I was wondering that myself. The loud crash and then the silence. I hope everything was all right.







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