Chapter 24


Year 2015 – ONE YEAR LATER


Brian’s point of view


“So, Mr. Littrell,” the interviewer continued on, “we hear that you ‘re back to full health now.”

“That’s right.” I nodded with indifference.

“There have been many rumours floating about concerning this but what exactly was wrong with you?” the interviewer, a young woman, in her early twenties, asked.

“Well, for a long while after my cousin’s death, I was paranoid, delusional and depressed.” I explained solemnly. “It was the stress and denial, the doctor said.”

“People have claimed that you had been hearing voices. Are these claim true?”

I held my tongue, and my temper, giving my unhappy reply: “I refuse to comment on that.”

“OK, last question: are they any more details about Nick’s wedding that you can tell the world about?”

I grinned for the first time during the interview, remembering how happy Nick was when I last saw him on my last visit to Florida. He had proposed to his girlfriend who met 5 years ago, called Clare, about 6 months ago.

“Sorry but he’d strangle me if I told you anything!” I replied with a smile.

She laughed light-heartedly and ended the interview. I said goodbye and left to get back home.

Nick wasn’t the only one who was lucky over the last few years. AJ had finally married Sarah a few years after Kevin was murdered – Sarah also knew Kevin well, and they both felt it would be improper to get married so soon after such a tragedy, so they postponed it for about two years.

That just left Howie. The poor guy didn’t have a girlfriend at the moment, as he had recently broken up with his last girlfriend. It was something about Howie not spending enough time with her, but Howie was reluctant to talk about it. I knew myself that Howie and the others had been very concerned about me and had paid more than enough heed to my problems: all too often I was haunted by Kevin’s death, and hearing his eerie voice all those years back. But it was over now – I had seen specialists and doctors, and had overcome it finally. I sometimes guiltily felt that I was responsible for Howie and his girlfriend’s break up.

I drove back to my house silently.

14 years was a long time, and I still missed him………

I pulled up on my driveway, and was mercilessly ‘attacked’ by a short figure as I got out of the car.


I grinned as my four-year-old daughter, Julie, flung herself at me for a hug.

“Hey, how’s my little girl today?” I smiled happily, picking her up and carrying her to the door.

“We painted today in playgroup!” she announced proudly.

I kissed her on the forehead. “Really?”

“I painted a big garden with blue and red flowers.”

“Sounds beautiful. Where’s your mom right now, Jules?”

“Mommy’s in the kitchen. She’s talking to Uncle Nicky.”

I put her down once inside and she disappeared off into the living room, after I patted her head, which had curly blonde hair, like her mother. I grinned: Julie was the only one who Nick let get away with calling him ‘Nicky’.

I entered the kitchen, and saw both Leighanne and Nick sitting talking. I greeted and embraced my wife lovingly, then turned to Nick. I noted with gladness his joyful and happy expression. We paused for a moment before hugging each other like brothers.

“Good to see you, Frick!” he laughed happily.

“You too, bro. How’s Clare?” I asked.

“She’s fine. Keeps saying she’s nervous though.”

“I don’t blame her.” Leigh added. “Most of us women do when we get married. Tell her that she can talk to me anytime about it: I know exactly how she feels.”

As if to emphasise her claim, she stood up and kissed me gently.

Clare was, in Nick’s words, ‘a great person in all the right ways’ – she was quite attractive, but also very intelligent and musical. Clare was the lead singer in a British rock band, inspired by Nickelback, which formed in about 2004, and had come over touring in America with the two other band members she affectionately called J and Kaz. The band was called ‘Disaster Area’, and Nick had met them all during one of their concerts in 2010, and took an immediate shine to Clare.

Clare had been an avid fan of the Backstreet Boys, yet after Kevin’s death and the band’s break-up, there was little prospect of any further BSB material being released. Though she remained a fan to the music, she turned her attention to forming ‘Disaster Area’ with her two best friends. To this end, she never got to meet Kevin, and I realised in time how much he meant to her even though they had never met – he was a member of the Backstreet Boys, and we were a great inspiration and comfort to her through teenage troubles.

“Speaking of the wedding, have you seen Kristin lately?” I quizzed curiously.

Nick’s expression dropped: “Yeah, I spoke to her about it. I convinced her to come, but I worried it might bring back too many memories.”

“She was beyond devoted to Kevin.” Leigh pointed out sadly. “To think in 14 years she never remarried, it speaks volumes.”

“I agree there.” Nick concluded. “Have you talked to Howie or AJ and Sarah recently? I’ve been a bit busy since Clare insisted that she was gonna get this video filmed by the end of the month, and the wedding.”

“They’ve been around, but Howie’s been a bit reclusive since Kate left him. I’ll tell them to call you next time I see them.” I insisted. “So why’d you come all the way to Atlanta?”

“Scotland or Tokyo?” Nick blurted out quickly.


“Clare said she’d like to go to either Scotland or Tokyo for our honeymoon, and that I could pick which one. But I can’t!”

“Uhhh……. Scotland.”


“More remote,” I stated levelly.

Nick nodded in understanding. He opened his mouth to ask something, but was interrupted by the sound of a motorbike pulling up outside.

“That’s Kaz. She’s giving me a ride back to the studio to see Clare, J and her shoot some of the video. Yo Bri, do you want to shoot some hoops later?”

“Sure, Frack.” I hugged him again, and he hugged Leigh too.

He promptly exited and waved as he was tossed a helmet by Kaz, who waited impatiently for him to get the helmet on his head after much fumbling about.

“I’ll be back at about 6, bro!” Nick yelled.

Kaz waved too: “I’ll see you at the wedding, Mr. and Mrs. Littrell!”

I grinned. “How many times do I have to say this? Just Brian and Leigh is fine!”

“No probs! See you in a few weeks.”

We waved as Kaz drove away.


Nick’s point of view


I lightly held onto Kaz’s waist as she sped across the highway at moderate speed. I loved getting a lift on Kaz’s Harley Davidson. It was such a thrill at high speeds. I remember when I initially had to get a lift from her, I was terrified going around every corner. Also, I felt uncomfortable holding her waist since I was dating her best friend, but felt more at ease when she admitted she felt the same about it. Yet, I knew Kaz would never betray Clare – they were lifelong friends. Kaz was also the most down-to-earth of the three, with J in close second (she was more hyper), and Clare was an optimist so tended to be a bit of a dreamer.

Kaz did have her moments –apparently the band was called Disaster Area because Kaz claimed it was a great description of her twisted imagination….. and Clare and J agreed! Also, she could act a bit crazy on stage too.

We soon approached the studio, and I was greeted by Clare’s smiling face.


Life suddenly seemed a whole lot better……







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