Chapter 33


Brian’s point of view


Nick’s wedding came finally. It had been scheduled for a year before now (in 2015), but sadly one of Kaz’s relatives, her grandfather, became seriously ill, and she had to go home in case of the worst. Being as close as sisters, both Clare and J went back to the UK with her. Clare’s sense of duty to her in particular was astounding – I soon learned from them that Kaz had known her older friend literally all her life. Nick knew all three of them well, and both he and Clare postponed the wedding so when the time came for tying the knot, Kaz could be there too.

Nick had spent much of this time in the UK with Clare, Kaz and J for emotional support. Unfortunately, the worst occurred, and Kaz’s grandfather died. The four of our friends didn’t return for quite some time, but it was only natural for Kaz to want some time to mourn before she returned to the US.

(Authors note: this never happened! My grandfather is still very much alive at the moment. It’s just for the plot.)

I made extra sure I gave Kaz a big, comforting hug when she got back. I told her I knew what it was like to lose relatives all too well, grimly remembering Kevin. She thanked me but clearly didn’t want to talk about it.


Anyway, now here I was, sitting in the Church after the weeks of running around like headless chickens with the arrangements. Leighanne sat on my left, with Julie sitting on her lap. Howie was sitting on my left with an expression of gladness for Nick. Yet, I was sure I saw a hint of disappointment there too. He must have been remembering his failed relationship with his last girlfriend, Kate.

Howie was at the end of the pew we were sitting on, but opposite on the next pew along sat Kristin. I felt a sense of guilt as I glanced over to her. I had never told her about my problem with hearing the voice in my head so many years back. Even if it were real, it would have been sick and cruel to confront Kristin with it. She was at the end of her pew, strategically choosing that spot in case she had to leave from overwhelming memories of her husband.

The service proceeded smoothly, and I grinned at Nick proudly, expressing my happiness for him. Yet, it wasn’t long before it became too much for Kristin, and she discreetly stood up and began to head for the Church doors.

Both Howie and me turned our heads curiously. Howie elbowed my ribs gently, looking at me questioningly. I understood, and tapped his arm, urging him to follow her.

Howie tried to be discreet as possible, but managed to distract a few faces from the wedding for a brief moment. He jogged away after Kristin and disappeared outside. I turned back to the service, knowing there was little I could do from here.


Howie’s point of view


“Kristin?” I called softly.

I didn’t expect an answer, so started search around the direct area. I found her leaning against a wall, her shoulders shaking as she wept quietly.

“Kristin…” I began hesitantly. “I understand.”

She just nodded without a word, too choked by tears to reply. I was truthful: I did understand why she got up and left the Church.

“Here, take this,” I handed her a handkerchief from my pocket. I had been saving it for myself in case I got a bit emotional and let a few happy tears for Nick escape. Kristin needed it more now, though. She took it and managed a timid ‘Thank You’.

After she wiped her eyes, she looked up at me, filled with inner pain of her memories of her own wedding, always realising that her beloved had been cruelly taken away long ago.

“I want him back…” she stated through tears. “I want him back so badly.”

She fell into my arms, and I hugged her tightly.

“I know…”

I wished I had brought a spare handkerchief. Tears began to course down my cheeks now, and I remembered watching Kevin die in that dark alley, in front of all of us.

“So do I….”


Brian’s point of view


The service was nearing its end now. They were getting to the vows. Yet, a distracting felling emerged within me. I couldn’t explain why, but an intense feeling of sadness and loss overwhelmed me. It was as if someone had torn part of me away. I closed my eyes and frowned painfully. It was like ….losing someone.

I felt my wife’s hand on mine, and my eyes snapped open. I looked at her curiously.

What’s wrong?” she whispered worriedly.

Nothing…. Nothings wrong.” I replied, squeezing her hand for reassurance.

The service had now ended, and Nick and Clare were walking back down the aisle. Everyone was clapping now, and I joined in.


But why had I felt a sudden sense of loss …….at a wedding, of all places?







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