Chapter 53


Kevin’s point of view


“I’m here. I always have been…”


“You don’t have to be afraid. Just remember who I am…”


“You’re confused, aren’t you? Simply put, you asked where I am, and that was my answer.”

“W…where you are?”

“Remember my words, son: all you have to do is ask.”



“D…dad?” I whispered hoarsely, opening my eyes. Painful light burned at them – the sun had not yet set.

I was still at Leon’s apartment. My vague recollection ended when I had fainted from pain and weakness on the roof. How had I returned here? Lifting my head, I beheld the sight of Solin sleeping peacefully, curled up on the edge of the bed. Her chin rested lightly on my chest and a paw loosely grasped my gecko hand.

She’d heard me. She’d helped me.

Tenderness towards her washed over me. There was no doubt: she really did care for me, and judging from my emotions upon that moment, I cared for her too. Conflict crept back into my heart; I knew I couldn’t choose between her and my wife. Yet, the decision should have been easy. I belonged with Kristin, right? No, it wasn’t that simple anymore…

I was in trouble.

Solin looked too peaceful to disturb, but resting against me as she was, that proved impossible. Her feline eyes blinked open the moment I moved slightly. She stared blankly for a moment.

“K… Kevin?”

I grinned casually, “Evenin’!”

“You’re … OK!”

“Yup!” I declared. “Can I get up?”

“Can you…” she began to repeat, before I gestured towards her posture of lying on my chest. “Oh, sorry, I-”

“It’s OK…” I calmed her softly.


Solin’s point of view


Kevin sat up, rubbing life back into his hands. I brushed down my dark fur, noticing his quiet, subdued mood. I didn’t understand him anymore – after spending 16 years searching for his love, his wife, why was he turning his back on it now? What was so confusing: he loved Kristin. I looked away as I remembered his deliriousness before he fainted. He had mistaken me for Kristin, but his gentle touch when he stroked my face was enough proof for me. He was still in love with her.

I had no place with him…

“Feeling better?”

“Hmm…” he muttered his reply.

“You were very weak, nearly drained. How much have you recovered?”

“Most of it…but…”

“But?” I echoed, climbing over to sit by him.

“I’ve lost the Blue Flame… I can’t feel it anymore…”

“The attack…” I realised.

Kevin’s face contorted in rage. “Anubis!”

“Anubis? Why would he come all the way here to just take that back?”

“He probably thinks I’m less of a threat to him.”

I sighed. The Aversion led upwards, suggesting he didn’t have plans to come back.

But wait… there was a second Aversion!

“If that was Anubis, who helped him?”

Kevin shook his head, his rage replaced by wonder.

“I don’t know. I’ve never known anyone to be allied with him. Hopefully they won’t be back.”

I stood up, grabbing his arm.

“Then let’s go. You’re recovered enough to travel, right?”

Kevin looked at me oddly, nervousness creeping into his voice, “Go where?”

“To your family, of course.”

The colour drained from his face, as if I had just admitted some evil transgression.

“Solin… I can’t go back… not yet!” he exclaimed. “I haven’t figured things out yet!”

Stunned, I let go of his arm. Figured things out? What was there to figure out? He had to go home! Frowning at his frightened and bewildered expression, I inclined my head and questioned him.

“You’re staying here?”


My jaw dropped: “Why?”

“I can’t choose, Solin. I can’t…”

“Choose what?” I persisted. “What is there to choose?”

“I can’t choose between the two of you!”

At that moment, something snapped. My pain and sacrifice took over…

Snarling in protest, I grabbed his collar, hauling him upright. I swung him around, smashing him into the wall, pinning him ferociously.

“You think it’s funny to play games with me? Your heart belongs to Kristin – I’ve always known that… but you! You bury yourself is this little game to toy with my feelings after I’ve just been so open with you?! And to think I trusted you to understand!”

“Solin, I-”

Enraged suddenly, I slapped him with the back of my paw violently. Continuing, I grabbed his collar again.

“I go through all that pain and suffering from rejection, and you expect me to just sit back and watch the same happen to you? You want to throw away your last chance to go back to your family after knowing I never could? You disgust me!”

Acting now from pure instinct and emotion, I caught him off guard and planted a rough kiss on his lips.

“I care about you, Kevin. I love you enough to not want to get in the way of your happiness. That’s why you have to go back.”

I released him once more, stepping back to let him reply.

Slowly, as if trapped in a time warp, he held his cheek with his palm, then ran his fingers over his still moist lips. Never once did his eyes leave mine – full of shock and disbelief. I realised that he really didn’t know what to say.

My paw seemed to move of its own will as I slapped him again.

“I’m going back myself!” I declared angrily. “I’ll be back in one day. If you haven’t worked out the truth by that point… then don’t expect to ever see me again afterwards!”


Horus’ point of view


The little human girl blinked and sat up, innocently gazing at me. The window was slightly open, and the cool night air blew at the curtains. They billowed calmly as pale moonlight shafted through the glass into the navy blue of the darkened room. It was all probably very dream-like to her.

“Hello, Mr. Birdman!” the small child greeted cheerfully.

Indeed, young humans were naïve, and uneducated in fear and deception. I held my beak aloft, maintaining my air of dignity.

“I am not a ‘birdman’!” I stated, sniffing proudly. “I am a falcon.”

“What do you want, Mr. Falcun?” she asked, almost casually. “Are you like the tooth fairy?”

“Tooth fairy?”

“’Cause none of mine have fallen out, Mr. Falcun. Did you come here by mistake?”

I found myself chuckling. This trusting, innocent nature of human children was becoming amusing. I was surprised Anubis had not come to witness this himself.

“No, my dear. I am not like this ‘tooth fairy’ of which you speak.” I explained, grinning slyly. “I am an Ancient – one of a race of proud spirits.”

The girl looked at me oddly: “What is an Ainshun, Mr. Falcun?”

“Oh, never mind, little one… you’re probably too young to understand.”

I strolled over towards her, snug in her covers. She pulled her quilt closer around her.

“What is your name, my dear?”

“Daddy told me to not tell strangers,” she stubbornly replied.

“Hmm… your father is wiser than I thought,” I commented. “It’s Julie, isn’t it?”

“Did Daddy tell you?” she asked meekly.

“That is not important, child.”

I crouched down next to her bed, so my head was level with hers.

“Would you like to go on a little trip with me…?”







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