Death #35:


The Frog

By Bella


Nick had decided that since his Canadian promo stuff was done for now and he had a bit of time, that he’d go to South America and go on a nature hike, that was specifically about frogs.


Ever since he had since that video of a monkey forcing a frog to suck him off, he had become obsessed with them! He had begun to research everything he could about them. He was hooked!


As they walked along the trail, the guide was saying something but per usual, Nick had other things on his mind and not really listening.


As much as he wanted to know about frogs, his mind begun to wander and his eyes wondered, you can only listen to a person talk as you walk through a forest for so long.


The guide was warning them about how most colour frogs were poison and that through their skin as a defensive mechanism, they will release a poison.


Now it’s not normally an issue with humans, they can get sick but they won’t die. However, if you have an open cut on your skin or you pick up a poisonous frog then sick your hand in mouth, you will end up getting so sick you’ll die for sure.


Nick was walking when he noticed a Phyllobates vittatus (Golfodulcean Poison Frog), he didn’t know it was poison. It was a black frog with an orange stripe on its back with green legs.


Nick bent down and picked it up, “Awww, aren’t you the cutest little frog ever?”


“Rippit” The frog said.


Nick grinned, “You are a cute frog! Let’s take a picture together for the twitter peeps, shall we?” He said pulling out his phone.

Nick took a picture of him with the frog, and then told the frog, “You’re so cute I could kiss you! But I won’t because you’re honestly not my type!”


“Rippppt.” The frog replied.


“I thought so!!!” Nick said putting the frog down.


He then realized he had lost the group. He ran forward to catch up hitting a tree branch on the way, he sat up and felt his head where now a freshly cut was. He touched it and looked at his hand, “Cool! Blood!” He stood up and then tripped over a tree branch that was sticking out of the ground and fell again but he fell forward getting a mouthful of dirt.


He again sat up, he noticed his knees were bloody and messed up, he quickly wiped them off with both hands as he spit out dirt. He stuck his tongue out and wiped off his tongue with both hands.


“Gross…dirt…not cool.” He said to himself.


Later that day, Nick took sick and headed back to his hotel room earlier than he wanted to.


On his way there, he kept pulling over and throwing up violently. He ran a fever but never noticed it.


Nick got back in his car and started to drive back to the hotel.


However, Nick never made it back he was slowly dying. Once he lost control of his car, he landed into a nearby ditch the car crashed and tumbled a few times leaving him with internal bleeding and broken bones.


It was an old back road and as Nick lay there unconscious, bleeding out, he prayed someone would come save him.


But the roads were never used. It was too late anyway, as soon as he touched his open cuts he was dead. There was no cure to the poison that was now spreading through his veins.







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