Death #38:


Tunnel of Death

By Steph


“Now this shouldn’t take too long Mr Carter” the radiologist advised once Nick had removed his clothes and put on the ugly hospital gown and walked into the examination room. “As we’ve already discussed, the scan will take about 30 to 40 minutes and you’ll be required to lie nice and still whilst in the machine. Any further questions?“


“No, I think you’ve covered everything”


“Ready?” he asked


“Sure” Nick replied


He was having a routine scan after leg surgery to correct an injury he‘d picked up during the tour, just to make sure everything looked as it should. He wasn’t too worried as he didn’t suffer from claustrophobia or anything like that. It just looked like a little tunnel. He didn’t get why people were so freaked out by it, it’s not like you couldn’t see the other end. Besides, what’s the worst that could happen?


“OK then, if you could just lie down for me and I’ll pop this over your leg so we can get a better image of the area” the radiologist informed him as he wrapped something around Nick‘s leg which was supposed to help detect things clearer whilst in the scanner. Nick did as he was asked and the radiologist left the room to start the scanner.


Music began playing whilst Nick laid there motionless waiting for the machine to begin. He closed his eyes and imagined he was on a nice sunny beach somewhere, with the waves crashing up onto the sand, the sun warming his skin and a hottie by his side. He smiled at the image his mind had conjured up as the machine whirred into action and he began to move into the tunnel.


But something wasn’t right.


The stupid incompetent radiologist had mistakenly left a canister of oxygen in the examination room and once the MRI equipment had started up, the canister became magnetised. It flew through the air at super high speed and shattered Nick’s skull in multiple places, brain matter and blood oozed out of his head and decorated the inside of the tunnel, turning it from clinical white to a messy speckled red. Particles of skull were scattered all over the place too. It was a completely gruesome sight.


Needless to say, his death was instantaneous.







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