Death #41:



By Jen


“I HATE YOU AND I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOUR FACE AGAIN YOU CHEATING MOTHERFUCKER!!” Lilith screamed at Nick before slamming the door in his face.  

Nick turned, checked his nose for possible damage of the door slamage, then walked away.  

“It’s for the best anyways.  I knew that relationship was going nowhere a long time ago.  She was a bit gothy and creepy for my taste. Hell, she even had a doll that looks like me!” he mentally pep talked himself.  He had noticed the doll, a minime of him, one time when he was at her place.  She just shook it off and started kissing him and he’d forgotten about it till then.  He walked out onto the street and got into his car and drove home.  

The next morning, he had an early studio date with the rest of the fellas.  He got up, took his shower, threw on some jeans, sniffed a shirt then threw it over his head and headed for the studio.  

He was sitting at a stoplight when he felt a sharp pain in his left leg.  “OUCH!!” he yelped.  Rubbing the spot, the light turned green and he continued on.  Again the pain hit, only this time, the pain was in his right arm.  “OUCH! GODAMMIT!” he screeched. “What in the HELL is going on with me?” He pressed on the gas and sped the rest of the way to the studio.

He pulled into the parking lot and found a spot right next to the door to the studio.  He pulled into the spot and shut off the engine.  He flipped down the sun visor and gazed at his reflection in the mirror.  The spots where he’d had the pain still stung.  “I guess I’d better make a doctor’s appointment to see...”

He never finished his sentence.  He was talking to himself in the mirror then all of a sudden, with a sickening crunching sound, his head was snapped to the left and he was looking at his seat headrest.  That lasted a brief moment before Nick Carter’s last breath left his body.  AJ was the one to discover Nick, still in his car.  He went to yell at the younger man and found Nick with his head in a very unnatural position.  Letting out a scream, he ran back into the building.  

At the same time, across town, Lilith was sitting on her bed, with an sinister, evil smile on her black lips. In her hands was a VooDoo doll that resembled Nick.  It had a long pin sticking from the left leg and right arm....and its head was twisted around backwards.   

“He will never cheat on another woman again” she said out loud as she wrapped the doll in a white cloth, sprinkled it with sea salt and went to perform the cleansing ritual.   







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