Death #57:


Well THAT’S Embarrassing…

By Karin


“Be careful, Nick. I don’t want you over exerting yourself,” the doctor said to the young man. He was reviewing a file folder and looked up at Nick, “The drugs you took really did a number on you, and I would recommend taking another year or two off from the band and touring…”


 “That’s not possible, Doc,” Nick said, standing up and pulling his shirt back on. “But, I’ll take it easy, rest between shows, plenty of water, all the usual… promise,” he said, looking at the other man.


The doctor sighed, knowing this was a losing battle and nodded, “I really hope you take my advice, but I’ll take what I can get…”




Six months later, Nick was on stage, staring out at the audience. They had just finished Everybody and AJ was keeping the crowd hyped up, about to slip into “The Call,” and Nick couldn’t get enough. He was jumping around the stage, knowing this was exactly what he had dreamed of his entire life. They were selling out crowds again, thankfully, on their way back up to the top. It had been a long road, but damn, it was worth it.


Today had not been a usual day. They all started with an interview that almost seemed like a mini episode of “Fear Factor” with the interviewer pushing them to eat gross shit and do dangerous things. He felt his heart pumping as he was harnessed for a bungee jump, and was thankful when his manager said he couldn’t do it, that they didn’t have enough insurance for it.


Thank God.


But now his heart was pounding for an entirely different reason. The thrill of performing ALWAYS got him, and he lived for it, truly.


He smirked and smacked AJ on the ass as he passed, starting his line when he felt someone tugging on his pants.


He looked behind him, trying to remember the words at the same time trying to figure out if his pants had caught on something. He stumbled over the lyrics when he spotted AJ trying to take his pants off…


And succeeding.


Before he knew it, EVERYTHING was on display for the audience to see, because when AJ had pulled on his pants, his boxers had followed as well.


Nick tried to cover up but felt sweat on his brow, and his heart felt like it was going to explode in his chest. He blinked several times as flashbulbs exploded in his vision. He slowly swooned before collapsing to the stage.


AJ didn’t think it was really possible to die from embarrassment, but Nick was living- well, erm- proof that yes, in fact, you CAN die from embarrassment.







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