Chapter 14


“So, how come you were in Florida?” the checker asked as he rang up their food.   “Visitin’ family or just takin’ a vacation?”


“Both, actually,” Taylor replied.  “We went to celebrate our high school graduation, and we stayed with my cousin Kevin.”


“That’s cool,” he said.   “I don’t got any relatives besides my parents and little brothers and sisters.”


“How many brothers and sisters do you have?” Jaime asked.


“Six,” he said.   “Three sisters and three brothers.”


“Wow,” Taylor and Jaime said in unison.  


He chuckled.   “Yeah, my parents always wanted a big family,” he said.   “You two got big families?”


“Not me.  I’m an only child,” Jaime answered.


“I’ve just got an older brother,” said Taylor.  


The guy nodded. 


“So, what’s your name?” Jaime asked.


“Brent,” said the guy.   “Brent Cooper.”


“I’m Jaime Hubert, and this is Taylor Littrell,” Jaime introduced.


“Well, it’s a pleasure meetin’ y’all,” Brent said, smiling.   He had a very nice smile, the kind that lit up his whole face.


“You too,” Taylor said, returning his kind smile. 


Suddenly, a loud clap of thunder sounded, startling them all.  


“Sounds like it’s gettin’ closer,” Brent said.  


They nodded, looking around.   They could hear the wind howling outside, and the walls of the small building seemed to shake with it. 


“Pretty bad storm out there, huh?”


Taylor and Jaime turned around to see the old man who had been mopping the floor standing behind them, wet mop in hand.


“Yeah, it is,” Jaime said. 


“Barry, meet Taylor and Jaime.   They’re travelin’ home to Kentucky from Florida,” Brent introduced.   “And ladies, this is Barry.   He’s owned this place for near forty years.”


They nodded, giving the old man polite smiles.   Barry smiled back and said, “It’s a shame this storm had to hit while y’all were travelin’.   At least you ain’t drivin’ out in it now.”


“Yeah, I’m glad we found this town.   Our car got stuck in the mud about a mile away, so we had to walk here,” Jaime said.


“Well, you must be chilled to the bone then,” Barry said, noticing suddenly their damp hair and clothes.   “How about some hot coffee?”




“On me,” Barry added, smiling. 


“Okay,” Jaime said.


“Thank you,” Taylor added, smiling gratefully at the kind old man.


“You’re very welcome, young lady,” Barry said.  “I’ll get a pot boiling in the back room.  Be back in a jiffy.”  He shuffled behind the counter and through a door, disappearing into a small room. 


“So, you’ve lived here all your life?” Jaime asked Brent, making conversation.


Brent nodded.   “As long as I can remember anyways,” he replied.   “We got a house at the other end of town.”


“Cool,” Taylor said.   “Jaime and I have lived in Lexington all our lives too.   We grew up together.”


“That’s nice,” Brent said.   “Are y’all goin’ to college next year?”


“Yup,” they both said.  


“We’re both going to the University of Kentucky,” Taylor added.


Brent nodded.


“Are you in school?” Jaime asked.


“Nope, I dropped outta school when I was sixteen.  I’ve been workin’ ever since.”


“Oh,” Taylor said.  “How old are you now?”


“Twenty three,” he replied.  “You girls are about eighteen or so, ain’t that right?”


“Yup,” Jaime said.  “We’re both eighteen.”


He nodded.   “I woulda liked to go to college, but I couldn’t afford it.”


“Yeah, I guess not, with seven kids in the family,” Jaime said.  


He nodded, a downcast expression crossing his face.  But it was gone as soon as it had appeared.   


Suddenly, Barry came out of the back room, carrying two steaming styrofoam cups of coffee.   He handed one to each girl.


“Thank you,” they both said, taking sips of the hot black liquid.   It tasted bitter, but it felt good going down after being out in the cold rain. 


“Is it good?” Barry asked.


“Yeah, it’s great,” Taylor said.   It wasn’t really, but he had gone to the trouble of making it for them, so she could not tell him the truth.


“Thank you,” Barry beamed.   Then he headed down the aisle where the woman was till stocking shelves.   “You need any help, Ruby?” they heard him ask.


Suddenly, their attention was drawn back to Brent, who had begun to cough loudly.   When he stopped, his face looked pale, and he was breathing hard.  His hand involuntarily moved to his chest.


“You okay, Brent?” Jaime asked, looking at him with concern.


“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine,” he said between breaths.  “Just a little cough.”


Taylor and Jaime exchanged worried glances.   He didn’t look well in the first place, and now they were concerned for him.


Brent saw this and held up his hand.   “Really, I’m fine,” he insisted.  “I’ve just got a little chest pain, that’s all.   It ain’t anything serious though.”


Taylor raised an eyebrow.   “Have you been to a doctor?” she asked.


“Naw, my dad and mama say doctors are too expensive,” Brent said.


“Well, if you’re sick…”


“No,” Brent said sharply, surprising them both.   “I’m fine,” he said again, his tone softening.


“Okay…” Jaime said uncertainly.   Taylor just pretended to be interested in her coffee.







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