Chapter 20


One day later


Taylor squinted down at her map, making sure she was supposed to turn at the next exit to get to Coopersville.   She was, and so she did.


After her conversation with Brent the day before, Taylor had made a decision.   She was going to Coopersville to see her brother.   She had left a note for her parents, who were gone at the time, telling them she had to go somewhere, but couldn’t tell them where, and that she would call them later.   She knew they would be angry, but she didn’t care.   If this was really Brian, they would be too happy to care.   And if it wasn’t, she would take her punishment, but at least she wouldn’t have gotten their hopes up by telling them her plan.   Somehow, though, she knew they were going to be happy.   Brent was Brian, he had to be.


Minutes later, Taylor was entering the city of Coopersville.   It was not a large city, but certainly was bigger than Redridge.   Still, it was small enough that finding the hospital didn’t take long.  


She parked in the parking deck of Coopersville General and hurried inside.   Stopping at the receptionist’s desk, she asked,  “Could you tell me what room Bri, I mean, Brent Cooper is in?”


The receptionist smiled at her, looked it up, and gave her his room number.  314. 


Taylor hurried to the nearest elevator and took it to the third floor.   She hurried down the hall, looking at the room numbers, and finally came to room 314.   The door was closed partway.  


Taylor knocked lightly, and heard a “Come in”.   Taking a deep breath, she pushed the door open and entered the room.   It was a private room, with just one bed, and in it lay Brent. 


He looked much sicklier than when she had first seen him, and the sight of him alarmed her.   But she hid that and stepped forward so he could see her.


“Taylor!” he gasped.   “What-“


“I had to come,” she answered.   “I had to come see you.”


He looked shocked, speechless.  And she didn’t blame him.  


“Where are your parents?” Taylor asked.   “I think we should talk to them.”


Brent shook his head, his eyes widening.   “No, you can’t do that,” he said.  


“Why not?” she asked.


“They’ll get angry.   They… they’re not the most mild-tempered people,” he admitted.  


Taylor’s eyes narrowed.   He seemed almost frightened by his parents.   “What have they done to you?” she asked.


He looked up sharply at her.   “What do you mean?”


“Have they, you know, abused you or anything?” Taylor wondered aloud.


A look of panic crossed his face.   “I… well…”   She knew the truth already.   And more.


“They do, don’t they?  And your brothers and sisters too?”


He nodded slowly, refusing to look at her.  


“You know, they don’t put orphans into abusive homes,” Taylor said slowly.  “So, maybe they didn’t adopt you legally after all.”


“What are you trying to say?” Brent asked.


“I think there’s something I need to tell you,” Taylor said.   “I never knew my brother, Brian.    He disappeared the night I was born…”   And she began to tell him the story she had heard from Harry about what had happened that night.


“So, you’re saying that I could be your brother, Brian, who was kidnapped when I was five by the people I’ve considered my parents all these years?” Brent asked incredulously.


“It makes sense, Brent,” she said.   “You know how you don’t remember anything from the time before you were five, before you were living with the Coopers?   Well, maybe that “accident” you had wasn’t an accident.   Could it be that they made you hit your head hard enough to cause amnesia?   To cause you to forget your real identity, your real family, your real life?”


Tears had risen in his eyes now, as he considered that.   “I guess they could have,” he said slowly.   Taylor’s eyes widened.   She hadn’t really expected him to agree with her that easily.  


“Brent, I know that’s hard thing to think, and maybe it isn’t really true.   Maybe you were kidnapped by someone else.   But I know there is one thing that’s true.   You are my brother.”


He nodded.   “I believe you, Taylor,” he said, his voice husky with tears.  


Taylor began to cry then and climbed onto the bed, throwing her arms around him.   “Brian,” she sobbed.


His arms came around her, and they held onto each other for a few minutes.   Suddenly, the door of the room burst open wide and heavy footsteps entered.   


“What the hell is goin’ on here?”


Taylor looked up in alarm to see a man standing there, a tall man, dressed in an old, stained white T-shirt and ratty old blue jeans with big black boots.   Beside him stood a huge woman, who was nearly as wide as she was tall.   She was dressed in a big turquoise muumuu.   Both of them looked angry.


Taylor could feel Brent stiffen.   “Momma, Dad, this is Taylor,” he said, his voice small.


“Where did you come from?” Mr. Cooper asked, glaring at Taylor.   Taylor looked at Brent, not sure what to say. 


“There’s something I have to ask you,” Brent said to his parents.   “Where did you get me?  I know you’re not my real birth parents.   But how did you get me?   Was I adopted… or was I kidnapped?”


The Coopers exchanged glances and turned their eyes on their “son”, rage crossing their faces.   “You have no right to ask us that!” Mrs. Cooper yelled, her chubby face turning bright red with anger.


Mr. Cooper said nothing.   He stared at them for a moment, his eyes cold and hard.   A low growl escaped his lips, and suddenly, he lunged for Brent.  


Taylor screamed, leaping out of the way, as the burly man grabbed Brent by the collar of the hospital gown he was wearing, jerking him up.   Taylor backed up, and suddenly noticed the controller that had slipped off the bed with her.   It had buttons on it to control the TV… and the nurse call button, which was a big red one.   Taylor quickly punched the red one.   No one noticed her move.


Brent cried out in pain, as the IV coming out of his arm was stretched taut and then ripped out.   His arm began to bleed, but Mr. Cooper did not back off.   He shook Brent.   “You son of a bitch!” he yelled, raising his hand as if to strike his son.


“Stop!” came a voice.


They all whirled around to see a muscular male nurse standing in the door way.   Gently shoving Mrs. Cooper aside, he strode into the room and grabbed Mr. Cooper by the arm.   “Get away from him,” he said lowly, pulling Mr. Cooper away from Brent.   “Get out of here.”


Mr. Cooper shook the nurse’s hand off of him, grabbing his wife instead.   “Come on, Sue,” he said through gritted teeth, leading her out of the room.


While the nurse eased Brent down into bed and put the IV back into his arm, Taylor said soothingly,  “It’s over, Brent.   You don’t have to stay with them anymore.   You’re twenty three, an adult.”


Brent nodded.   “But what about the other kids?” he asked.   “I can’t abandon them.”


The nurse eyed them.   “Don’t worry kid, I’ll call the authorities.   They’ll make sure your brothers and sisters get taken out of your home.   They’ll be put in nice foster homes until they’re of age.”


Brent nodded, and the nurse left the room to go call the police.   Taylor smiled slightly at him and said, “I have a call of my own to make.”   Then she picked up his phone and dialed home.







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