Chapter 8


“… Happy birthday, dear Taylor… Happy birthday to you,” the family sang.


Taylor’s face was radiant behind her large chocolate birthday cake, topped with thirteen glowing candles.    Pushing her long auburn hair behind her ears, she took a deep breath and blew fiercely at her candles, extinguishing them all.


She smiled, as her parents and brother clapped. 


“Let’s eat,” Harry said immediately.   Jackie pulled out the smoky candles and began to cut the cake.  She passed pieces around the table, and Taylor eagerly the first bite.


“Mmm, this is great, Mom,” she said, savoring the rich chocolate of the cake. 


“Thanks, honey,” Jackie smiled. 


The family ate their cake, Taylor, Harry, and Harold all chatting happily.   But Jackie sat in silence, just picking at her dessert.   Her mind had drifted to Brian.   It happened every year on Taylor’s birthday, and Jackie had no control over it.   She knew it wasn’t fair, for it was her daughter’s birthday, and Taylor should have the attention focused on her.   But Jackie couldn’t stop herself from thinking about her lost son, who would have been nineteen that year.   But in her mind, he would forever be the five year old that he was when he had disappeared. 


“Mom?” Taylor asked suddenly.   Jackie looked up at her daughter, whose blue eyes stared deeply at her mother.   Jackie felt a lump rise in her throat.   She could see Brian in her daughter’s eyes.


Jackie shoved the thought of Brian out of her mind, focusing herself to focus on Taylor.


“What, Tay?” she asked.


“You okay?” Taylor asked her, concerned.  “You look sad.”


Jackie smiled tightly.  “I’m fine, honey,” she said.  “Just thinking.”


Taylor nodded, shoving her last bite of cake into her mouth. 


Glad to get away from the table, Jackie stood and scooped up Taylor’s empty plate, carrying it to the sink.   She stood at the sink for a moment, looking out the kitchen window, her thoughts once again going back to Brian.   It’s been thirteen years, she told herself.  When will I ever be able to let go?




Late that night, Taylor awoke suddenly.   Groggily, she rolled over in bed to glance at the digital clock on her nightstand.   It was one thirty in the morning. 


Her throat felt dry, and she decided to get a drink of water.   She rolled out of bed and padded out of her room and down the stairs quietly, as to not wake up the rest of her family. 


But when she made it to the foot of the stairs, she stopped suddenly.   She heard a noise coming from the living room, just around the corner.   Straining her ears, she listened.   It sounded like someone softly crying. 


Silently, Taylor peeked around the wall into the living room.   Startled, she caught sight of her mother sitting on the couch, a big black binder-like book in her arms.   And she was crying. 


Taylor’s heart broke for her mother as she watched her.   But she didn’t know what to do.  Why was Jackie crying?   Taylor didn’t know, and she didn’t think she should let her mother know that she had seen her.


Instead, she crept back upstairs as silently as possible, stopping in the bathroom to get a quick drink from the faucet.   Then she went back to bed.




The next day was a Thursday, but Taylor’s school was having parent-teacher conferences, and so there was no school. 


Still, Taylor got up early, when no one else was awake yet.   She went downstairs and into the living room to find the black book Jackie had been looking at the night before still lying on the couch, closed.


Curiously, she sat down and opened the cover.   On the first page, was her parents’ wedding picture.   A wedding album?  she wondered.   But when she flipped to the next page, she saw a picture of a newborn baby.   Probably Harry, she assumed.   She figured she was looking at a family photo album.   She wondered why she had never seen it before.


She flipped through pages of Harry as a baby, with her then young parents.   And then she came to a picture of another newborn.   Must be me, she thought.   She flipped to the next page to find a shot of Harry sitting in a chair, holding the baby from the first picture.    He looked young, just preschool age.   Taylor stared at the picture, confused.   I thought Harry was nine when I was born, she thought.  He only looks about three or four in the picture.  That baby can’t be me.   She stared at it some more.  But then, who can it be?


Taylor flipped to the next page, hoping to find some answers.   She found more shots of the unknown baby.   As she flipped further, she saw pictures of the baby getting older and turning into a toddler.   It was a little boy, a cute little boy with blonde hair and blue eyes.   Who is this kid? she wondered again.   She stopped on a picture of her whole family.   Except, she wasn’t in it.   In her place was the blonde little boy.   He looked about four or five, and Harry looked about eight.   This is before I was born, she realized.   But who is this boy, and what happened to him?   The thoughts both confused and disturbed her.   And she didn’t have any answers.







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